🍋BakuBabe KatSexy - Bakugou

Start bij het begin

"No fair! I wasn't distracted by Ba-"

You quickly shut her mouth with your hand. "Mina Jesus! You're the only one that knows I like him!"

She took your hand off from over her mouth, but lowered her voice to a whisper. "The only one you told! You act so lovestruck around him I'm pretty sure everyone knows you like him!" She giggled.

"I do not!" You say as you get up and wipe your ass off before extending your hand to Mina and offering her help in getting up.

"You do so!" She said after you helped her up.

When you looked over to Bakugou and Kirishima, it looked like Bakugou had won, making you silently cheer for him.

In the second round of fights, Mina had gone off to pair up with Kirishima, which was who you were going to pair up with. You resorted to asking Bakugou to pair up with you after working up the courage and pushing your blush aside, but you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw him pair up with Uraraka of all people.

Uraraka isn't a bad person, as she's actually really sweet, but something about her just rubbed you the wrong way.

The tiny smile that was forming on your face quickly transformed into a scowl.

"H-Hey... (Y/n)-chan... Want to pair up?" The quiet voice of Midoriya could be heard from behind you.

You silently huffed out once more before forming a big grin and turning to hug Midoriya. "Sure! I'd love to pair up with you!" You said almost a little too loudly.

You were going to show your frustration at Bakugou. You were pissed at him, and you wanted him to know that, even if he didn't know why.

You kept your back turned to Bakugou and Uraraka as you smirked at Midoriya and raised your fists.

The second round of fights actually didn't last that long. You had beaten Midoriya after about 20 seconds, and when you turned around you were happy to see that Uraraka had gotten defeated.

Remembering you were supposed to be mad at Bakugou, you wiped the smile off of your face and turned around to find someone for round three. There were plenty of great people you could pair up with, as you were friends with the majority of the class. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Jirou... Plenty of people!

Standing and crossing your arms, you tried to decide and narrow down your potential opponents.

"Oi, (y/n), pair up with me." Bakugou's gruff voice can be heard from behind you.

You could see Mina and Kirishima wickedly smile out of the corner of your eye. Mina knows that you like Bakugou, but you didn't know that Bakugou likes you, as Kirishima may or may not have coaxed it out of the ash blonde male before. Both Mina and Kirishima know that you two like each other, but Bakugou doesn't know Mina knows, and you don't know Kirishima knows.

You scoffed before putting on the best smile you could muster and turned around to face him. "I don't have a choice do I?" You slyly smirked.

"Nope. Now come on SassyMouth." He told you as he got into a fighting position.

Your smirk only widened as you gladly got into a fighting stance of your own.

You had decided to swing first. Your fist flew towards his face, but he easily dodged it and pulled your arm so that you were behind him. You immediately turn around and go for another punch, but he grabs your arm and turns you so that your back is to his chest, with his other arm over your shoulder, putting you in a chokehold almost.

"Don't underestimate me." He snarled.

"I'm on the same boat." You tell him before your grab his arm that's around your neck and you spin around, locking his left arm over his right arm and pushing them to his chest. He growled at you before lifting his foot and kicking you in your stomach. You instantly let go and your hands fly to hold your stomach. You look up just in time to see him running at you with one of his fists raised. You quickly raise one of your legs up to kick at his stomach, which is currently wide open, but he catches your leg. His left hand brings you towards him and your leg off to his side as he raises his right fist to go for another punch, but you grab his fist with both of your hands, your crotches being dangerously close to each other.

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