i'll be with you forever

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beca's pov.

I've been together with chloe for about three months now. We were secretly dating until about a week ago when the bellas found out. We thought that we were alone in the house because the others went to a party, but they got back early because it got boring and there wasn't even alcohol. Me and chlo were making out on the couch and didn't hear them entering. They took it really well and were happy for us. They told us that they weren't going to tell it to someone else but i have a feeling that amy isn't going to be silent about this. She can't keep a secret to save her life. That's why i decided to tell my dad today. I'd rather tell him then that he hears it from some student in his class. We decided to meet at his house. The cab stops and i get out. Take deep breaths. Everything is going to be okay. He is going to accept you. He is my dad. He doesn't have a choice. He has to accept me. I knock on the door and i don't have to wait long until the door opens. my dad smiles at me and gives me a quick hug.

"Come in beca. I'm glad that you wanted to meet up. I didn't expect this tho. Is there any reason why you wanted to meet with me or did you just want to hang with your old man?" my dad says.

I smile a little and shrug.

"Well, i wanted to tell you something. Something about me." I say.

He sits down on the couch. I sit down next to him and smile awkwardly at him. This is going to be one off the most awkward conversations that i ever had with my dad. I take a deep breath and look at him.

"Dad, please let me finish before you say something. Okay?"

He looks confused for a second and then nods.

"Alright. This is really hard for me to say but I'm in a relationship-"

I get cut off by my dad when he says how awesome it is that i finaly have a boyfriend. Are you kidding me?

"Dad, i said don't interrupt me."

i sigh and shake my head.

"Dad, i don't have a boyfriend." I say.

My dad looks confused but i don't give him a chance to talk.

"I have a girlfriend." i quickly say.

My dad looks at me in shock. He opens and closes his mouth a few times. He looks like my old pet fish i used to have.

"Can you please say something?" I ask him.

Chloe's pov.

I open the front door of the bella house and sigh. That last class was so boring! Beca is lucky that she only had one class today.

"chloe, you need to go upstairs." stacie says when i walk into the kitchen.

I look at her confused.

"Why do i need to go upstairs?" i ask her.

"Beca got back about ten miutes ago and she looked upset so i decided to follow her and she was sobbing in her pillow. She doesn't want to tell me what's going on. I thought that you could go and talk to her." stacie says.

i thank her and walk upstairs towards beca's room. I walk in and frown a little in concern when i can see her shoulders shaking with sobs. I sit down next to her and carefully pull her in my lap. She throws her arms around my neck and continues to sob in my arms. I rub circles on her back to help her calm down. I can't talk to her when she is this upset. I really am concerned about her tho. I have never seen beca cry this hard. I have seen her cry a little when we watched a sad movie but never like this. I hold her until she is calm enough to talk. She leans back and wipes her eyes with her sleeves.

"I'm sorry for making your shirt wet with my tears." beca says in a weak voice.

This is not the voice that i'm used to. Her voice normally is always really strong. I smile a little and shrug.

"It's okay. I'm not worried about my shirt. I am worried about you tho. What's going on? What happend? Does it have to do with your dad?" i ask her.

I remember that she was supposed to meet her dad today to tell him about our relationship. I wanted to be there but i had class. Beca sniffles a little.

"I told my dad but he didn't react well." beca says.

I hold her closer and rub her back again.

"Can you tell me what happend?" I ask her.

Twenty minutes ago

my dad suddenly stands up and shakes his head.

"Don't mess with me beca. Don't make jokes like that." he says.

He looks really angry. I stand up and look at him.

"I'm not messing with you. I'm serious. I have a girlfriend. We have been together for about three months." I tell him.

My dad shakes his head and looks at me.

"You need to break up with her." he says.

I look at him in shock.

"W-what are you talking about?" I ask him.

He glares at me.

"You need to stop this sin! No daughter off mine is a lesbian!" He screams at me.

I flinch and take a step back. I have never seen him this angry.

"Either you break up with her or you can't call me your father anymore. I will officialy disown you!" He screams.

I look at him with a cold expression.

"I will never leave the love off my life. I would rather not have a father then lose her." I say. I turn around and run out off his house towards the bella house. 

"I can't beleive that your own dad said that to you" I say with an angry expression.

I can't beleive that that asshole is beca her father.

"Well, i'm not really that suprised to be honest but it still hurts to hear that from him. I know that we have a rocky father-daughter relationship but we were both working on it. I thought that he loved me."Beca says.

I kiss the top off her head.

"He doesn't know what he is missing. You are the most amazing woman that i have ever met. It's his loss." I say.

Beca looks me in the eyes.

"Please, never leave me." She says.

i softly kiss her cheeck and smile a little.

" I'll be with you forever."

Hey guys!

please tell me what to write next!

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