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You know when your first day of High school as a freshman comes near ( two days in my case), you get a lot of certain thoughts/ questions/ and feelings going through you.

Will I make new friends?

Will I get asked out?

Are my classes hard and how bad are the teachers?

Am I gonna throw up from being nervous and humiliate myself.

Will I be popular or a loser?

These are the normal things a freshman thinks about. 

But not me........ at the moment.

My name is Riley Davis. Soon to be freshman of Norrisville High.

 Soon to be freshman of Norrisville High

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And what I'm wondering is.......


Approaching the aged box while sneaking glances at the creep out of the corner of my eye before he ducked out of sight. Shrugging, I looked closer at the box noticing it was a faded blue color with a gold symbol on the top.

  Cautiously I opened the box making the glowing stop, and looked inside to see a black book with blue symbols and what looked like a yellow ninja mask in the center.

'The Kunoichi Nomicon'

"Kunoichi?" I mumbled out in question as I picked up the book and looked it over.

I felt something graze my bare foot and looked down to see a piece of scrap paper. Picking it up I read the words written on it in disbelief.

'You are the Kunoichi'

Gaping, I looked back into the box to see a black ninja mask with blue markings. Two lines came down from the top to where eyes would be and connected to blue markings around the eyes that fanned out a bit looking like eyelashes giving it a feminine look. The markings at the bottom were curved triangles that looked similar to fangs.

Wordlessly I dropped the piece of paper to grab the mask, feeling its smooth material on my skin.

 Looking at the book and mask in my hands back and forth, only one phrase came to mind at that moment.


"Riley honey, is everything alright up there?!" My mom called from down stairs.

Heart racing I looked around my room to make some sort of answer when my eyes caught sight of another piece of paper still in the box.

'You cant tell anyone'

'Well no duh!'  Feeling my brow twitch in annoyance. 


"Ye-ah, Everything is fine mom! Rachel just texted me something surprising about school!" I called back trying to sound convincing.

"Oh, ok honey."

I sagged onto my bed in relief before looking at the book and mask again.

'What a great way to start the year.' 

(Randy x OC) Red and Blue! The Ninja Duo!Where stories live. Discover now