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*warning - las vegas shooting*

liza's pov

"yeah, so we're going to new york to perform on trl, then we're going to europe," zach told me. we were facetiming while he was on his way to a concert in las vegas.

"cool. my dad said we could go to new york but i can't miss that many days of rehearsal for europe," i told him, sending him a sad look.

"i didn't think you could. but it's okay, we'll go to europe another time." i smiled and nodded.

"so who are you going to see?"

"the blue man group." he started telling me about their music and everything. "there's a concert going on next door too so there's gonna be a ton of people but yeah we'll be in a hotel."

"cool. well i have some homework to do but call me when it's over if you want to."

"okay i will. i love you."

"i love you too. bye." i hung up and turned by music on before starting on my homework.

about an hour or so later, i decided to take a break so i went on my phone. i went on to twitter and immediately saw a hashtag trending for a shooting in las vegas. my heart started speeding up a so looked through the tweets trying to see what had happened.

videos started popping up of people running around like crazy, people falling to the ground while gunshots were being fired.

i found out that it was the concert next door to the hotel the boys were in. i immediately called jonah. there was a knock on my door and my dad came inside, sitting on my bed.

"is that jonah?" he asked. i nodded, waiting for him to pick up.

"he's not answering."

"i'll call him, you call josh or myta and zach." i nodded and called myta, hoping she'd answer.

"liza," she said.

"have you heard from zach?"

"i've been trying to reach him i was hoping you'd heard from him."

"no, jonah isn't answering either. i'm gonna try him again, have zach call me once you talk to him."

"i will. god this is horrible," she said.

"i know. i really hope they're alright."

i hung up and looked at my dad, hoping jonah would answer.

"jonah!...are you okay?...what's going on?..." suddenly my phone rang, zach's picture popping up.

"zach!" i exclaimed, answering the facetime. my dad got up and left the room, still on the phone with jonah.

"liza! liza i'm so scared right now i don't know what to do." he was crying and his voice was shaky.

"oh my god, baby are you okay? what's going on?"

"i don't know, the show was about to start and a bunch of gunshots went off and everyone was running around like crazy. david got us into a room on the opposite side of the hotel but we still don't know anything. do you?"

"the shooter is at the concert you were talking about next door. i saw horrible videos of it, but they're not at the hotel."

"they might come here though."

"no, you'll be okay. david will keep you safe."

"liza-" he started crying more. jonah came into view and wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

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