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zach's pov

liza had come with me and the guys to the studio so we could spend our last day together. today we were working on extra details and finding things that we could make better.

we would all sit in the lounge area part of our studio and listen to the song, making notes and discussing different things.

liza was sitting next to me in the couch, leaning against me. my arm was wrapped around her, resting on her shoulder.

throughout the day liza and i would go from cuddling on the couch to me recording and her listening, back to cuddling, then back to recording again.

at around one, we were both laying on the couch together. she turned on her side so i was spooning her. i put my arm over her waist, holding her against me. i started kissing the back of her neck and i felt her shiver.

"that tickles," she said. i chuckled and kissed her again. she grabbed my hand and held it up to her chest, kissing my knuckles.

we both eventually fell asleep without meaning to. i woke up to jack shaking my shoulders saying it was my turn to sing.

"what?" liza asked.

"nothing baby, it's alright," i said. i carefully climbed over her and went into the recording room.

once i finished i went back to the lounge area and saw liza still sleeping on the couch. she had grabbed a pillow and was holding it against her chest. i smiled, my heart melting at the sight of her. she looked adorable.

i squatted down in front of her and leaned forward to kiss her nose. her eyelashes started fluttering and soon her eyes opened.

"hello my love," i said softly. she smiled and reached forward, putting her hand on my neck.

"david said i could be done for the day. you wanna head back home? or we could go get lunch or something," i suggested.

"i just wanna cuddle with you," she said, pouting her lips.

"okay. then let's go baby." she nodded and slowly sat up, stretching her arms.

"are y'all gonna come back to the house before i leave?" she asked the guys.

"i'm not sure," jonah said.

"i'll just say goodbye anyway." she shrugged her shoulders. she went around and said goodbye to all of the guys, then came back to me.

she slid her arm around my waist and i put my arm around her shoulders. we waved to the guys and left the studio, going out to the car.

"let me drive, you're too tired," i said looking down at her slumped against me. she nodded and handed me the keys.

once we got home liza went upstairs and went into the bathroom. i sat on the bed and turned my phone on, looking through social media.

"zach," liza said, coming out of the bathroom.


"i started my period," she said, sighing.

"aw, i'm sorry baby. do you need anything?"

"i have medicine and all that stuff. i just want cuddles."

"i got all the cuddles so come here." she chuckled and climbed into bed, falling on top of me.

she wrapped her arms around my torso and lay her head on my chest, draping one leg over me. i kissed her forehead softly, then kissed down the bridge of her nose. she scrunched her face when i got to the top of her nose and i chuckled.

"you're adorable," i whispered.

"thanks, you're pretty cute yourself." i chuckled and kissed her lips.

about an hour later we were still cuddling, but we had turned on netflix. liza took in a sharp breath and her hand went to her stomach.

"are you okay?"

"yeah, the cramps are just really bad."

"i thought you took medicine."

"i did, but sometimes the cramps are stronger. do you have like a heating pad or something?" she asked.

"aspen might." i grabbed my phone and quickly texted her. she responds pretty quickly so i got up and went to get the heating pad. i also grabbed a glass of water for liza.

"yes, you're a lifesaver," she said when i came back into the room. i plugged in the heating pad and gave it to liza. she turned it on and put it on her stomach.

"is there anything else i can do?" i asked.

"no." she shook her head. i nodded and cuddled into her.

"actually, can you give me a massage?" she asked shyly.

"of course. do you wanna lay on your stomach or on your side?"

"i'll lay on my stomach, my shoulders are killing me." she rolled into her stomach and moved her hair off her shoulders.

i started rubbing her shoulders, going all up and down her back. i leaned down and started kissing her shoulders and her neck. i saw liza smile, so i kept kissing her body.

"mm you're the best zach," she said softly. "thank you."

"of course love."

liza's pov

"okay, so you're all set?" zach asked. we were at the airport waiting outside the security check in.

"yeah, i'm all good." i nodded.

"okay...then i guess...i guess it's time for me to leave."

"i guess." i wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. he rocked me back and forth, holding me in his arms.

"i'm not letting go," he said.

"i don't want you to." i closed my eyes and just melted into his arms.

"i love you," he whispered into my ear.

"i love you." i pulled away from the hug and kissed his lips. i moved my lips against his, savoring the feeling that i knew i'd miss so much.

"stay safe, have fun, make good choices, and make me proud," i said. zach chuckled, bringing my hands up to his lips and kissing my knuckles.

"good luck in school, break a leg during auditions, be smart, and make me even prouder," he told me. i smiled and kissed him.

"i'll miss you," i said.

"i'll miss you more." he smiled.

"i'll text you once i get settled inside."


"i don't wanna say goodbye yet." i pouted my lips.

"not goodbye love...let's say see you later. because maybe in october you can come visit."

"definitely." i nodded. he smiled and caressed my cheek. i felt a tear up from my eye.

"don't cry love, it'll be okay." he pulled me into his chest and held my tightly.

"we'll see each other soon. it'll be a month and a half, two at the most. i promise."

"pinky promise?" i asked. he smiled and nodded. we hooked our pinkies then kissed our thumbs and pressed them together.

"i love you," i said.

"i love you more. see you later." i kissed his lips again before i turned around. zach was still holding my hand and he kissed my knuckles before letting me go. i waved at him and walked through the security check in.


Promises • Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now