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liza's pov

"liza, wake up." oli shook my shoulders. i groaned and put my head deeper into the pillows.

"liza, you gotta get up girl." i blinked and slowly sat up.

"oli we don't have rehearsals today what are you doing?"

"we're going out today."


"august asked me to go with him and his friend peter to the big eye and then some fancy restaurant. i told him i'd bring you along so peter wouldn't be a third wheel."

"i'm not being set up, am i?"

"what? of course not! but if you two happen to hit it off, remember it was me that introduced you two."

"oli!" i hit his arm. "zach and i are on a break, but that doesn't mean i'm looking to find someone else."

"maybe you should?" he asked. i glared at him.

"i'm not in the mood to go anywhere today anyway."

"i'm not taking no as an answer. so get up and get all pretty."


"nope. get up."

"fine, but you owe me."


"what do I even wear?"

"i don't know. it's a beautiful day, but it's cooler than usual."

"so like jeans?"

"yeah. wear your good light blue jeans and that maroon off the shoulder blouse."

"okay. let me shower first."

i got out of bed and went to my bathroom. i quickly showered then blow dried my hair. i brushed it out and left it naturally wavy. i brushed my teeth before going back to my room in a towel and grabbing my undergarments and clothes. i quickly changed in the bathroom then came back out.

"liza? were you talking to zach last night? what's going on with that?" oli asked. i looked over and saw oli with my phone. i lunged at him and snatched my phone out of his hands.

"you seriously need to stop being so nosy," i said as i looked at zach's text. my lips curved into a small smile.

"why is today gonna be rough?" he asked.

"nothing, i just had a hard time sleeping last night. i'm fine."

"so how are you gonna respond?" he asked.

"i don't know." i started applying mascara and chap stick.

"he called you baby."

"he probably just wasn't thinking." you shrugged.

"do you still love him?"

"yeah oli, i do." i put on deodorant and sprayed my favorite perfume.

"well you can't just leave him on read."

"i know." i twisted the ring on my thumb. i had almost forgotten about it. i stood there thinking, trying to figure out a response.

"okay i am the biggest ziza shipper, and i don't mean to sound like a bitch, but august and peter are on their way." i snapped out of my trance.

"sorry, i'm almost ready." i packed my essentials into a purse and put on my white vans. i put in a pair of diamond earrings then looked at myself in the mirror.

"you look hot as fuck as always, so let's go." i chuckled as oli grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room.

we walked out of the dorms and down the sidewalk. we saw august standing by his car and started walking towards him.

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