"He twisted his way inside Allison's head, the same way he did with Kate, and I'm losing her. I know you're losing her too," Chris said. "You're right... so can you trust me to fix this," Scott asked. Chris had a slight nod. "Then can you let us go," Skyler asked. "No," Chris said. Skyler rolled her eyes starting to think of ways to get past him. "My car is faster," Chris replied. "You cheeky fucker," Skyler replied. "Don't mind her. Winnie rubs off when she gets nervous," Isaac excused. Skyler smiled sheepishly and they scrambled to load Jackson in the trunk before hopping in the car as Chris peeled away.

Lydia's car broke down. "Son of a BITCH," Winnie screamed failing to fix it. "It's going to be okay," Lydia tried to console. All the emotions she had held down resurfaced. Lydia held Winnie this time knowing she had done the same for her. "I don't know what to do. Every time I get a grasp on shit," Winnie fumed. "It just slips away. Like a cruel joke," Lydia asked. "Yeah, exactly," Winnie replied and wiped her eyes. Lydia let go seeing someone pull over. "Need a ride to see a kanima butterfly hatch," Stiles asked in the jeep. Winnie and Lydia smiled rushing to the car. Winnie took the back seat as Stiles drove off. "You came after us," Winnie said surprised. "Of course I did, it's about time the tide turned," he said smiling over to her.

Chris pulled into the warehouse and they all got out. "I think he stopped moving," Isaac commented. "Where's Derek," Chris asked. They looked up and Sky did everything she could not to laugh at how ridiculously melodramatic Derek made his entrance. "I'm here for Jackson, not you," Chris said. "Somehow I don't find that very comforting," Derek replied, "Get him inside." The three teenagers complied. Derek opened the bag as Scott asked about saving him. We're well passed that," Derek said. The boys were too afraid to touch Derek but Skyler grabbed his arm pulling him back. "We agreed to save him," she said. "My father wouldn't let a rabid dog live," Chris spoke up.

"Of course not," Gerard spoke up. Skyler rose her armored scales on edge now. "Anything that dangerous, that out of control is better off dead," Gerard replied. Skyler watched Derek get impaled and pulled Isaac behind her. Derek was thrown. "Well done to the last, Scott," Gerard said walking closer, "Like the concerned friend you are you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just also didn't realize you were bringing Derek to me." An arrow whizzed past Skyler and into Isaac's shoulder. He fell back and she roared breathing out fire pissed off. Scott pulled up Isaac and another arrow whizzed over. Skyler swatted it away with a wing. "Allison," Scott asked. "Take him," Skyler ordered. She stayed to protect Chris and stall Jackson. He shot at the kanima and Skyler illuminated the factory with her flaming hands.

Jackson whipped the gun out of Chris's hands with it's tail. "GO," Skyler shouted. Jackson jumped back as she breathed fire again. Derek jumped out behind it as Isaac and Scott came from the sides corralling Jackson. They all took it on and tried to jump back to their feet as each were tossed around. Derek had his ass handed to him so Sky and Scott tag teamed. She was still holding punches knowing Scott would be upset if she actually killed him. Both were thrown off as Derek returned once again getting beaten down. Isaac got up and Allison dug her daggers into him. Skyler pulled herself up and tackled Allison. "I can't let you do this," Skyler said. Allison slashed at her and was surprised as her blade did nothing. "Please, you're more than just his puppet," Skyler pleaded. "You don't know anything about me," Allison snapped. "I know this isn't you," Skyler replied and a Chinese ring dagger lodged into her abdomen. Skyler cried out and Allison kicked her off of her pulling the dagger out.

Allison turned for Derek and Scott rushed over. "No. Allison," he pleaded and the Kanima grabbed her arms. "Not yet sweet heart," Gerard said walking over. Skyler was zoned out struggling for control. "What are you doing," Allison asked. "He's doing what he came here to do," Scott said. "Then you know," Gerard asked. "What's he talking about," Allison asked. Gerard pointed out that Scott could probably smell it. "He's dying," Isaac said. "Not to be insensitive, but thank god," Skyler muttered. "Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet, but the supernatural does," Gerard said. "So you'll let Victoria die by the code, but you're too coward to follow you're own rules," Skyler scoffed finding it difficult to hold back the dragon. "You monster," Chris growled. "Not yet," Gerard replied. "What are you doing," Allison asked. Skyler sat against Isaac who was healing faster.

"You'll kill her too," Chris demanded as his face contorted in rage. "When it comes to survival? I'd kill my own son," Gerard said. "Wow you really are a prick," Skyler spoke up. "Scott," Gerard said ignoring her. Scott shifted back. He lifted Derek having him give Gerard the bite. Derek argued Gerard will kill him right after. Gerard monologued and Skyler shook her head watching. Isaac held her as she winced when Gerard was bit. They both looked back to see the bite turn black as black blood dripped down his arm. Gerard realized he was duped, "What is this? What did you do?" "Everyone always said Gerard had a plan. I had a plan too," Scott said. "Yes," Skyler said relieved. She pulled herself to her feet and Isaac helped hold her. Gerard started to mutter no realizing Scott's plan. "MOUNTAIN ASH," Gerard shouted before gushing black blood. He collapsed. Derek asked, "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because you might be an alpha but you're not mine," Scott replied. Gerard pulled himself back up ordering, "Kill them! KILL THEM ALL!" "Fuck me," Sky muttered.

"You have air bags right," Winnie asked hopping in the front between Stiles and Lydia. "I think," Stiles said. "If you have a clear path, I give you full permission to make the kanima roadkill," Winnie said. "We can't kill him," Lydia interjected. "Trust me he ate a clip of bullets like it was nothing," Winnie consoled. They drove into the warehouse and saw the kanima. "GUN IT," Winnie shouted bracing herself. Allison was throw aside and the trio rammed into the kanima screaming. "DID I GET HIM," Stiles asked. "I heard a good thud," Winnie said. There was another thud as they saw Jackson screech on the hood. All three screamed as Winnie rushed them out of the car. "Jackson," Lydia asked. "Sort of," Winnie replied. Skyler was finally healing.

Lydia stayed still as Jackson raised his clawed hands to her. "LYDIA," Stiles and Winnie shouted trying to run forward. Scott held them back watching as the kanima was unable to hurt her. It just stared at the key Jackson had given her. That it had given her. He stated to shift back taking it. Derek and Peter ran forwards impaling him. Everyone watched confused. "Not a-fucking-gain Derek-fucking-Hale," Winnie said. Stiles covered her mouth as they both noticed Peter. Lydia caught Jackson as he collapsed. They were silent as Jackson slumped in her arms. Winnie grabbed Stiles's arm as she was unable to help her friend. Allison grabbed Scott's hand and Isaac held onto Skyler as they all just watched Lydia lay him down. He was Jackson again.

Lydia stood turning to her friends. Stiles and Winnie stepped forwards to embrace her as they saw Jackson's hand move. Stiles froze stopping Winnie. Lydia turned around and Stiles pulled Winnie behind him. Skyler was looking between all of them considering intervening. Jackson stood a werewolf and howled. "What in the shit," Winnie asked as he shifted back. She realized she was clutching onto Stiles's shirt and loosened her grip. Lydia just ran over to Jackson. "He scratched my jeep," Stiles said. "He's my ride," Winnie said to Scott and went after Stiles. "What are you doing," Stiles asked as they got in the jeep. "You still never told me who I need to murder for hurting you," she said as they pulled out.

Skyler woke up to see Isaac getting ready. "I have to go meet Derek and your aunt gets home in 30 minutes," he said. She nodded wiping the sleep out of her eyes. "I'll see you later okay," he asked. She nodded. "I'm going to meet Winnie at the lacrosse field," Sky replied. He nodded and kissed the top of her head before pecking her on the lips. She smiled wide and he climbed down the fire escape. Sky got ready and drove to the lacrosse fields. After practicing for a bit they walked to the boys' field hearing people talking. "I said no wolf powers," Stiles shouted. The girls started laughing at Scott's smug ass grin.

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