Chapter 40. "The Last"

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A smile painted on Zhao YunLan's face and a glass of wine in his hand. He truly realized that he love them all, he do, but all he could think about was to lie naked with Shen Wei tonight beneath a warm duvet and listen to the beating of their hearts. These achievements take so much out of him and he's the only one who gives back what he need.

It's not like he doesn't want to celebrate with his subordinates but since Shen Wei is still in a matter of recovery and was left alone in his own apartment with Med-Bowl. It was the fact that Shen Wei insist that he should attend even without him there. As he doesn't want to frustrates his wife any longer he just doubtedly agreed and the reason for him to be seated at the couch with the SIU staffs.

Zhao YunLan's eyes ate up the scene like a post ramadan feast, his limbs feeling supercharged and his head giddy. Everything about the flowing silks made him want to dance, his feet moving with grace and his heart beating with joy as Uncle Li set a background sound at the place but not too loud. Enough for everyone to still heard what the others have been saying.

When Lin Jing and Da Qing came in after going to the cafeteria of their building to get a mountains of barbeque, they found Zhu Hong and Chu ShuZhi slightly drunk. THe two exchanged a look and then walked closely to where everyone is as Lin Jing and Da Qing sat on either side of Zhao YunLan.

"Chief Zhao..?" Lin Jing's eyes lit up like stars. "I am really a fan of ancient celestial! So, as your body is just a disguise for you and Professor Shen and you can transform anytime you want now. I really wanna have a selfie with your true form! Just one shot is fine but if we could take much more I would be pleased!"

Lin Jing paused for a second, contemplating. He did asked Zhao YunLan before but the result is that he rejected and shouted at him. He was taking a mere chances. He cannot help but to take a quick glance at their Chief.

Zhao YunLan once happy and cheerful expression was now replaced with a stern and apathetic coldness.

A tightening, almost suffocating sensation, raced at full speed into Lin Jing's chest as he met Zhao YunLan's eyes.

"..." Zhao YunLan.

Responsible for the rear, Lin Jing stopped his deep pondering. He turned his head away from Zhao YunLan.

At this moment, Zhu Hong, and the people of SIU subconsciously looked towards Zhao YunLan.

"Dixing... what is the situation there?" Zhu Hong asked.

Everyone showed thoughtful expressions.

"The land of Dixing needs a period of peace," Zhao YunLan said sincerely.

Without realizing it, he, Zhao YunLan, indeed had become the most important person who change the state of the Land of Dixing. His decisions could ignite the flames of war once again in this part of the world, or make it settle in peace just like the Zhen Hun lamp.

"They do not want war to start again." Zhao YunLan looked at Zhu Hong and said it seriously. He shrugged with a relaxed expression. "However, this is an unexpected but a very happy surprise."

Even Zhao YunLan found it very hard to believe. At such a place like Dixing, where 'greediness' originated from the forbidden area as there was gigantic rage withhold in it. If it's leak the war will start again but he manage to sealed the barrier once and for all. Stronger than before. As the people of Dixing chose to follow the rules he just made.

After his fast recovery with the help of Med-Bowl, he had just come back from meeting with old Lord Justiciar in replace for Shen Wei who was that time was still unconscious. He provides rules of what and what not to do. What they can and cannot do. Without a doubt, he was Dixingian's center lead.

Soul Fire (GUARDIAN BL)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ