Chapter 40. "The Last"

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After the great second war against Ye Zun, Zhao YunLan have manage to seal the barrier of Dixing and even Ye Zun. Sooner after that, as he just gone off of the land of Dixing as the blackness envelopes him. He was sent back into his Mountains and rivers territory without his consciousness. He doesn't know how he ended up there as well. But as he regain his strength, he woke up and he was back to his normal human appearance. His lengthy hair that touches the earth back to it's natural cut and even his clothes. And he was at that time at the lying in front of the SIU building.

It's been one month ago after they return home, return to the same streets and homes, to the same people in the Dragon City. Yet everything has moved on in their absence; perhaps it was foolish to imagine even one thing would remain the same. SIU staffs were beyond excited to celebrate and for the chatter, catching up like they never missed a beat. Afterwards it was all too obvious that the gaping hole they left on departure had long since healed and scarred up.

As the nightfall brought a welcome coolness to the land of Dragon City after the sultry day. Even the familiar trees and rocks of the daytime took on new and ominous forms. It was as if by stealing their colours the night also stole their friendly spirits and replaced them with malicious demons. Even the stars and mood could not make them seem any less threatening.

Zhao YunLan described it as like 'the breath of God after the fires of a hellish day, soothing them to sleep like a lullaby - refreshing their souls for a new journey in the morn.'

That night, the usually silent Special Investigation Unit was seething with a festive atmosphere, the entire building overflowing with excitement. The large oak door was closed for ordinary people.

It was a celebration for preventing the second war and the awakening of KunLun's self. As the celebration went on into the night, the night ghost, Sang Zan and Wang Zheng dancing like they'd forgotten how to stand still. Happiness was intact on their faces. Da Qing on his human form, face was an epic picture of pure excitement. They'd won and things were only going to get better from here on in.

The interior decorations of the hall were simple and unadorned yet elegant. Everything in the hall has been placed in a neat and orderly manner, even the floor is polished to the point that it shined.

 Everything in the hall has been placed in a neat and orderly manner, even the floor is polished to the point that it shined

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(Just exclude Shen Wei. I'm a lazy ass to Photoshop him.)

In the large couch with the wooden table in the middle, Zhu Hong, Lin Jing, Chu ShuZhi, Guo ChangCheng, and the other SIU members conversed happily.

On the rectangle wooden table, were fresh fruits, carefully made food, and all kinds of delicious wine and other such delicate and soft foods. There were even Da Qing who hadn't touched meat for months. This was truly a land that was untouched by the tainting smoke and fire of the hell world.

The chance for one to indulge themselves in a massive celebration party like tonight rarely happened even once in several years.

Zhu Hong and Lin Jing's excited and happy faces celebrated and drank. The hall was filled with cheers and laughter as they watch and listen to Lin Jing complaining about how he wanted to take a picture with KunLun and how he hated Guo ChangCheng for the lucky one to seen KunLun's real appearance as a mountain god.

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