Chapter 30

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Taehyung's POV

"Look, you're getting it wrong hyung, we met each other out on the streets and just had a cup of coffee. Nothing else" Jungkook explains.

"Can I trust you?"

"Hyung, please don't misunderstand. We're not planning anything against you and Y/N. I promise I would never hurt her."

"Ahh I see. But are you sure?"


"Whatever you're telling now is true."

"Yes. I swear with my whole heart."

"Okay then kid. Let's get some ice cream." I said so that there was no awkwardness between us.

"Sureee hyung" he joined in.
(Taehyung hyung. Get me? Tae hyung hyung lolol :P)


Next day

"Miss, we've caught the thieves. The stolen items will be returned back to you tomorrow. Have a good day!"
The officer said.

"I can't thank you enough for whatever you've done sir. Please receive this amount of cash as a thank you gift." And I handed him.

"You didn't need to. It was my duty ma'am. "

"Its okay besides you've helped me enough. "


Nobody knew about my roberry because I didn't tell the reporters. If I did they would be running and chasing me for their cover story.

I was walking down the big mall when I felt a pair of big hands hugging me.

I turned around and said, "hey you didn't even ask me permission to hug me"

"Do I need to? Cause I already know that you belong to me baby."

"Stop making me cringe infront of all these people." I joked.

"What? You don't like it? Ok I won't do it anymore." And he removed his hands from my waist and pouted looking at me.

"Ahh no it felt good I was just joking babyyyyyyyyy. Do it again" I kissed his nose.

He wrapped his arms again on my waist.

"Do you know how much I've missed you?" Taehyung said.

"How much babyy?" I asked.

"Like this big mall. Even more than the whole world."

"I've missed you toooo. It felt like it's been hundred years without you."

"Really? "

"Yes"  I smiled.

"Let's go home." I said.

"Suree baby."

"Let's make it a movie date night? Whst do you think  loveeee?"

"Okayyy as you wish. I'll make the popcorn."


And we went home, in each other's arms that evening." (Hugging)

We watched many good movies while eating popcorn. A day well spent indeed!

And yeah I went for the congratulatory party for our director and his wife in the morning. It was fun too.

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