Chapter 28

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Taehyung's POV

Thank goodness I got to explain everything to Y/N otherwise she would've kept on misunderstanding things.

Yesrerday at the elevator


"Hurry up spill Mr.Kim the 'long way down' is coming to an end." She said checking the monitor of the floor number.

I was thinking whether to tell this to her or not but I felt that I should tell her. So I started.

"Y/N, I told you about my cousin, Eunji once right?"

"" she looked at me.

"Well she had a terrible memory loss this year"

"Oh my! I'm sorry I didn't know"

"Nope it's okay. She's now got her memory back."

"And?" She started to smile a bit.

"Okay here's the important part right now. Before her memory loss, she knew about me and Jieun. But after the accident, she thought that Jieun and I are still dating. And when I sent her a letter that I'm engaged. She misunderstood You to Jieun because I haven't told her about you. I thought of having you meet her at my birthday but it was late. Back to the part where I left; so she congragulated Jieun instead. Jieun knew avout the memory loss and when Eunji wished her, she played along with it and confirmed. Then at my birthday, when I was waiting for you, my cousin dragged me and her upstairs and told me to tell her about the whole engagement thing. I was shocked too at first when she asked that. And when I was going to explain that she misunderstood, I suddenly remembered what aunty had said. That telling her something which was not in her memory before could lead to complications. So, I just kept quiet but Jieun kept babbling things that weren't true and lied to her that we were engaged. JungKook must've heard us and misunderstood too. Once Eunji got better and got back her whole memory, I told her everything about all these... and also told her that Eunji lied to her. So, to teach her a lesson, she made a plan..she told me act like to be with her and play along to whatever she's doing and to act cold and torture her when our day of fake marriage is that she'll leave me. She told me to tell this plan to you and fake break up with you but Jieun did not let me out of the house for once and I couldn't go out due to the meetings I had to attend on behalf of my father. I wanted to tell you so bad from the beginning but I'm sorry I am late. Eunji says she's excited to meet you."

"'s not late." She looked up at me and her tears started to fall down. I wiped her tears with my handkerchief.

"Taehyung...tell me, why do you do this even when I'm so cruel to you? I'm sorry I should've listened to you, I'm such a fool, I'm a stupid person. I don't deserve you-"

I hugged her.

"Shhh I love you for who you are and will go on loving you forever for being yourself. I loved you from the day I met you now, I'm never losing you. I'll do whatever it takes to be with you. Till death do us apart right?"

"Right" she smiled and hugged me back.

After a few minutes.

I finished cleaning up her tears. She was still huging me like she don't wanna let me go. I don't want to too.

Ting! The second floor.

"Remember the plan??" I asked her one last time to confirm.

"Yeah" she said.

Ting! The first floor.

Korea Love Story (Kim Taehyung ff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora