Chapter 13: Rejection

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3rd Person POV
Ironhide stalks toward the main room, angry that Starfire would keep something important from him. As he entered the room, Optimus and Elita-1 where conversing quietly. After a moment or two, Ironhide decides to tell them what Star had told him. 'After all, they deserved to know what happened to their other child', he told himself, bitter towards Star. As he approached the couple, they turned to face him.

"Ironhide", Optimus spoke, authority in his voice. "Do you know why Starfire is so upset?"

Ironhide growls. "Of course I do! After all, how could she not be upset when she's the one who killed her own brother?" His voice was mocking Star.

Optimus and Elita shared a glance. "What do you mean 'she's the one who killed her own brother?' She told me that it was a gang that he got involved with that killed him", Elita spoke gently, softly.

Ironhide huffed and clenched his fists. "Ha! She told you the same lie she told me at first! Yeah, right, he joined that stupid gang! She's the one who joined it. She's the one who got him killed by that stupid gang!"

Optimus and Elita shared another glance before nodding at each other.

"Ironhide, remain here. We will go and get the full story from Starfire, seeing as you are too angry to give us the full story", Optimus speaks. All Ironhide does is nod and lean against the wall, still fuming with anger that she lied to him. He still loves her of course, but he was oh so very angry. His processor ran in circles as he tried to figure out why she had lied to him. But for the life of him, he could not figure it out.


Elita knocks on the door that led to where her daughter was hiding. When there came no response, she opened the door and found her daughter laying on the floor, passed out. She also noticed the tear streaks along her faceplate.

"Oh, Star...", Elita says as she enters the room, Optimus following her. His optics softened when he saw his daughter laying on the floor. He could feel the sparkbreak emanating from her spark. He sighs softly before walking forward and picking her up, holding her in my arms as he sits on her berth.

He held her gently and Elita sits next to him, gently rubbing Star's helm. They both tensed up though, when Star suddenly starts yelling in her sleep.

"No, no, no. Miechel. Miechel!! No!! You can't die, you can't!! Please! Don't leave me alone... I don't want to be alone... Please... you're my only family left... Don't leave me!!" There was a moment of silence before spoke again. "Miechel!!! Please don't go!! Please!! I love you, brother!! Don't leave me!!"

Optimus and Elita share a look of horror and they realize who she was yelling about. Soon, she starts struggling to get away from Optimus hold.

"Let go of me!! Let go!!" She had woken up but she hadn't realized it yet.

"Shh. It's alright, Star... You're safe", cooed Elita, repeating it a few times until Star had finally calmed down. She saw who was holding her and she saw who else was in the room and she just started sobbing as she curled into her father's chest.

"I couldn't save him!! It was all my fault!!" She was sobbing uncontrollably now.

"Shh... No one blames you for his death", Elita coos as she sends an abundance of comfort over the bond. Star felt it and began to calm down slightly.

"Star... Can you tell us what happened to Silverburst?" Optimus needed to know.

Star nods and tells them what she had told Ironhide and they both comfort her exceedingly but there was still a ton of pain left in her and her parental units could feel it. They shared a glance, confused, but soon realized why she was still feeling so much pain.

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