Chapter 9: Tears

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I take a deep breath as I stand outside the training room. I knew Ironhide was in there and I needed to talk to him. I sigh softly before working up the courage to enter the training room. I do so silently and find Ironhide in there practicing with dummies. I watch, silently taking note on how smooth his moves looked. I smile softly as I watch him. Soon, he finishes up his training exercise and turns toward the door, seeing me standing there. His optics widen and he looks away from me. I sigh, knowing that I have to take the initiative. I walk over to where he is standing and stand directly in front of him.

"Hey", I say softly. He doesn't reply and instead just goes around me. I sigh softly and turn to watch his receding back. He soon reaches the doors. I sigh softly before calling to him.

"Ironhide", I call softly. He pauses. I take a deep breath before I realize I had no clue what to say. I decide to just say what comes to my mind at the moment. "Can we talk for a minute?"

He doesn't say anything but he doesn't move either. I sigh before looking down at the floor.

"Can we go back to how we used to be? Please...? I miss having my best friend... I just got you back... I don't want to lose you again... Can we... forget what happened the other day?"

"What if I don't want to forget what happened the other day?" I look up when he spoke. He hadn't turned to face me. Well, his helm was turned slightly in my direction.

"Why..." I trail off as he turns around and walks towards me.

"I love you, Starfire. And it hurts being just your friend. So I'd rather not be friends so I don't have to cause myself pain every single day", he says before walking away.

"But it hurts more avoiding me, doesn't it?" My voice was quiet but I know he heard me as he paused before continuing forward, leaving me alone in the training room.

I stare after him for a moment before falling to the floor, on my knees, tears spilling out of my optics. "I love you too Ironhide." It came out as a whisper and I know no one heard me.

I hug my arms to my chest as I cry softly. Soon, someone enters and I try to wipe away the tears but they keep coming.

"Shh, shh, shh, it's alright." I recognized the gentle voice of my mother, her arms wrapping around me. I shake my head and she continues trying to comfort me enough to a level that I could actually speak.

"Does it have something to do with Ironhide?" Her voice was soft and in its own way, comforting.

I nod and she hugs me tighter. "I knew from the moment you started calling him your 'Hide that he was going to be yours forever. This may be a setback but you guys will eventually pull through."

I feel my tears slowly down as I ran them dry. I was out of tears from how much I've cried today. I pull away from my mother and smile gratefully before excusing myself. I ended up wandering the halls for a while before heading back to my room. I sat down on the berth before I end up laying down, and eventually falling asleep. Who knew crying so much could make you sleepy?

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