Chapter 10: Spark-broken

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It's been three weeks since that day. I was wandering the halls aimlessly as I had for the past three weeks. I haven't done much since that day except wander aimlessly... Ironhide and I also haven't spoken since that day. I miss him... a lot... I really want to tell him that I love him but I have no clue how to...

I randomly enter what I thought was an empty room but was shocked to find Ironhide pinning Chromia to the wall, them heavily making out. I freeze, tears filling my eyes, my spark feeling like it was shattered into a million pieces

"'Hide?" My voice came out broken. He whips around and his eyes widen when he sees me. "I thought I was your shooting Star?"

Ironhide goes to say something but I spoke again. "And I thought you were my 'Hide..."

He goes to say something again but I look away before looking back at him. "I love you. Have since I remembered who I was. Since I remembered you. I thought you loved me... I guess not..."

"Star..." His voice was strained and he took a step forward. I shook my head and ran out of the room before going to where I knew my father was. I couldn't stay here any longer. Not with my- No. He's not my 'Hide anymore. He's Chromia's. I felt a sob burst out of my closed lips. Tears streamed down my face. I eventually found my father discussing something with Ratchet.

"Optimus... I need to leave", I say, my voice still broken. I saw Ironhide enter, looking lost. Chromia followed after him. I close my optics as more tears welled up.

Optimus was confused. "Why?"

"Ask him." My voice was filled with venom as I pointed to Ironhide before I hugged my arms to my chest.

"Please... I need to leave. I can't stay here any longer..." Optimus' eyes softened.

"Very well. The next flight out of here is in ten minutes. You'll be on that one. It'll take you to the base near where Sam's family lives. You can stay there for now", Optimus says. I smile sadly.

"Thank you", I whisper before making my way past Ironhide, but not before seeing the pain-filled look he gave me. I hear Optimus call to Ironhide and it was all I could do but hope that he would not be able to talk to me before the plane left.

I walk outside and find the plane that would be leaving. I find the plane's crew who had already been notified that I would be leaving with them. I had about five minutes to spare before they had to load me up so I just sat there waiting. Two minutes passed. That's when I saw Ironhide making his way toward me. I felt my spark tug toward him painfully but I ignored it.

He came and stood next to me. It was quiet for about a minute before he spoke.

"Please don't leave..." His voice came out as a whisper.

"How can you say that? You're the one who left me first" I growl. "I practically begged you to stay a few weeks ago and now once I've caught you with Chromia, you want me to stay. What am I to you, Ironhide?"

Tears were welling up in my optics as I turned to face him. His mouth opened to say something but then the plane's crew were yelling that it was time for me to get on the plane.

"I'm sorry, Ironhide", I spoke quietly as I turned away.

"You're my shooting Star", he whispers. I felt tears well up as my spark tugs even more towards him, so much that I thought it was going to break out of my chest.

"Goodbye, 'Hide", I whisper.

"Please... I love you..." Those words broke my spark and I felt the tears slip down. I transform and drive into the plane. They strap me down and I watch Ironhide using my side mirrors. He was staring at me, his optics filled pain and sadness. I almost broke my resolve and went back to him but I couldn't stay there. I let out a quiet sob and watched him mouth a silent plea for me to come back. Then the planes door closed and I could no longer see him. However, I heard his spark-wrenching cry of anguish. I let out a quiet sob and was quietly crying the whole flight over.

Once we get to the base, I knew I couldn't stay here. So I decided to go live with the Witwicky's again for a little while. Just until I get my emotions figured out. As soon as I can, I leave the base and drive to the Witwicky's house. As soon as I get there, I activate my holoform and knock on the door. Judy opens it and almost immediately hugs me. I smile as I see Sam messing around with Mojo and I see Ron watching TV. My spark pangs at the name Ron because it reminds me of the name Ironhide once used for his holoform.

I frown as I make my way up to my old room. It looked exactly as I left it. I smile before collapsing on the bed, sobbing into the pillow. Simply put, I was spark-broken.

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