Coming back

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Chaeyoung POV
———————3 years later———————
Chaeyoung POV
It's been 3 years....... 3 years....... 3 years and you're still not back. You promised me you'll come back. Why did you make that promise if you knew you were going to break it. Did you know that our son's 3rd birthday is coming up soon. and you're not here to celebrate it with us. you can't even see Minhyuk since you aren't even here. Why did you even lie to us? It was confirmed you died, but I know it isn't true. I know it isn't so please come back. Did you know Chanyeol is still alive?? Did you know he is still targeting me and or son?? Please we need you here. I want to be safe with you around I want you to teach our soon to be a man like you. Please Y/N please. Come back. I'm begging you.
day of Minhyuk birthday
Third-person POV
Chaeyoung: Minhyuk where are you??
Minhyuk: mama!!! I scawed!'
Chaeyoung: why are you scared baby??
Minhyuk: bad bad guy there.

Chanyeol: awww Minhyuk I'm not a bad guy I'm your daddy. aren't going to come hug you daddy. I have a present for you.
Chaeyoung: Minhyuk dont listen to him get behind mommy.
Minhyuk: yes mommy. I'm really scawed mommy.
Chanyeol: nephew huh?? go away I'm trying to spend time with my kid.
Lisa: your kid you have a lot of nerve to come here to our house and ruin Minhyuk's birthday!!
Jisoo: you aren't the father the DNA test proves you aren't Minhyuk is Y/N's child!!
Chanyeol: Y/N Y/N that's all I hear news flash he is dead for the past 3 years so I'm going to take back what's mine.
Chaeyoung: no you aren't. call the cops unnie
Meanwhile at the airport.

Intercom: Flight 167 for arrival.
Jennie: where is he??

Jennie was looking everywhere for that one person, the unknown person who told her to meet up at the airport or else bad things would happen. While waiting a dark figure went behind Jennie and tapped her on the shoulder causing Jennie to turn around with a shocked look and tears running down her face.

Jennie: Y/N!!!!!!

Jennie hugged Y/N tightly like there was no tomorrow.

Y/N: well hello there to you too Noona.
Y/N: I was cured until last year noona they told me to wait another year so I could recover and now I'm here don't be sad your little brother is here.
Jennie: well yes but Chaeyoung and Minhyuk will be extremely happy when they see you?
Y/N: Minhyuk??
Jennie: your son that Chaeyoung gave birth to. it's his 3rd birthday today, but good news is that he is your son the DNA test shows it congrats bro wait you don't look happy are you okay?
Y/N: I missed my sons birthday 2 times in a row. and Minhyuk?? I ACTUALLY WANTED TO NAME MY SON THAT!!
Jennie: *sehun calls* yes babe?
Sehun: babe Chanyeol is here hurry and get here!!
Y/N: Ch Ch Chanyeol!?! *grabs Jennie's phone* SEHUN KEEP HIM AWAY FROM MY WIFE AND SON NOW!!
Sehun: H H H Hyung is that you???
Y/N: yes it is but do what I said!!
Sehun: yes hyung!! *ends call*
Y/N: let's go so I can finally beat up this faggot.
Jennie: you are lucky we live close to the airport and my brother is back in action yesss!!

Y/N and Jennie ran to the car and rushed to the house. Once they got the police was surrounded the entire area with Chanyeol handcuffed on top of the police car. Chaeyoung and the rest of the people were on the front porch looking and crying because of the scene caused. Chanyeol beat up Chaeyoung in front of everyone and tried to rape her once again. Everyone tries to stop it from happening, but he was too strong. Jennie stepped out of the car and ran to the girls and hugged Chaeyoung and Minhyuk who was is fear. Y/N got out the car as well, but went to the car that Chanyeol was at earning stares and shocked faces from the police.

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