Raw,ringside, and being sick.

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                                                                                    Victoria P.O.V

Me,Jon,Colby, and Joe were backstage at Raw. Danny was preparing for his confrontation with Carson later to night. You see if Carson accepts the match happens tonight.  Right now I was in a long sleeved shirt that said "#1 and not even trying." with light blue skinny jeans with black converse. I was in catering watching 'Romans' match with Kane. He was bleeding now. "Come on Joe!" I yelled. Everyone turned to me and stared. I just shrugged them off. Roman did a spear and got the win. I exited the catering room and meet up with Joe in the doctors room. I entered the room and Colby was there. "Hey, how is he?" I asked standing by him. "He's fine. Getting about six staples." Colby said shrugging. I watched as they put the staples in his head. "How does he not flinch?" I asked looking at Colby. "Some times it doesn't hurt, plus we gotten alot of staples before so he is used to the pain." Colby said. "Ahh ok." I said. Then my phone vibrated. It was a text message from Danny. I opened it and it read.

Beast: Hey beauty, where are you? I am about to go on and I need my good luck charm. It read I smiled.

Me: I am in the trainers room with Colby and Joe. Joe needed to get staples. I will be there soon. Love you. I sent the message. "Hey, Colbs. I gotta go find Danny. I will see you soon. Can you tell Joe I'll see him soon and I love him?" I said turning to look at Colby. "Ok baby, becareful." Colby said pulling me into a hug. "Of course Colbs!" I said with a smile. I walked out of the room to the gorilla. "Hey beauty, you ready?" He asked grapping my hand. "As ready as I am gonna be." I said with a slight smile. "I got you baby. Nothing is gonna happen to you." Danny sad pecking me on the lips quickly. Then his music came on, or more like Bret's music. We walked down the ramp. He helped me get into the ring. He grapped a microphone. "Carson, it has been a week since I offered you the deal. So why don't you come out here and tell me what your answer is." Danny said into the mic. Then Carson's music came on he came down the ramp smirking. I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest. Danny just glared at him. "Oh Danny, of course I am gonna fight you. But how bout instead of a normal match, why not a tables match?" He asked with a even bigger smirk then before. Danny did'nt hesitate with an answer. "Sure, so I can make you feel the pain you put my girlfriend through." He said getting in Carson's face. A ref ran down the ramp and separated the two. "Becareful handsome. please." I said. "Of course beauty." He said kissing me cheek and helping me out of the ring. The mic guy put a chair down in front of the commentator table and I sat down. The bell rang and the match started. Carson went running at him for a closeline, but Danny ducked and super kicked him in the stomach. Carson fell to his knees holding his stomach. I smiled. Danny then kicked him in the face and Carson fell to the ground holding his face. Danny got out of the ring and grapped a kendo stick. He got back in the ring and was about to his Carson, but Carson kicked him where the sun don't shine. "Come on Danny!" I yelled. Carson looked at me and winked. He got on top of Danny and started to punch him repeatedly. He was yelling something, but I couldn't figure out what. He got off of Danny and got out of the ring. He grapped a table and he set it up in the corner. He picked Danny up, but Danny gave him a right hook and that made Carson fall alittle bit. "Come on baby, you got this." I yelled clapping. He picked Carson up and started to repeatedly punch him in the face. He Irish Whipped him into the corner where the table was set up. Carson hit the table and just laid there. Danny ran at him to do a spear, right as he was about to hit Carson, Carson moved at of the way and Danny went into the table. No, that doesn't mean Danny lost, cause Carson didn't physically put him into the table. "Danny,baby get up!! Come on!" I yelled. "Come on Danny, get up!" Carson mocked him. Carson got out of the ring and got a table and set it up in the middle of the ring. He picked up Danny, but made him look at me and he smirked. "Say goodbye, Danny." Carson said. He put Danny on the table and got on the top rope. He was about to jump off, but Danny quickly got up and pushed Carson off the top turnbuckle and he fell right into the table. "Your winner, Daannyy!" Justin Roberts announced. I got up and got into the ring quickly. "You did it baby!" I yelled and jumped into his arms. He picked me up and spinned me around. He gave me a peck on the lips. "Let's go backstage." I said with a smile. "Let's go." He said grapping my hand. We got out of the ring and went up the ramp. We got backstage and the guys came up. "Wow. You did good kid." Jon said with a smirk. "Yeah, I would go get your shoulder checked though." Colby said. "Yeah, but good job anyways kid." Joe said. "Thanks guys and I will go get it checked now. I'll see you soon beauty." He said giving me a peck. "Ok. Becareful." I said. He sent me a smirk and walked away. I shook my head and laughed. Jon had his match now against Alberto Del Rio, so he stayed at the gorila while me,Joe, and Colby went to the locker room. I started to feel sick, so I laid down. "You ok babygirl?" Joe asked, sitting in front of me on the couch. I shook my head. "My head hurts and so does my stomach." I said. He felt my head and sighed. "Babygirl go change, you are heating up." Joe said. He helped me up. I changed in a black tank top with blue denim shorts. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Joe sitting on the couch and Colby sitting nest to him. I walked over and laid on both of them. "You feeling better?" Joe asked. I shook my head and buried my head into his leg. "How bout I go get you some chicken noodle soup and some water?" Colby asked rubbing my back. "Ok." I mumbled. He lifted my legs up softly and put them back down. "Be back baby." He kissed the back of my head and left the room. "Joe, my head hurts." I said, sitting in his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck and laying my head on his shoulder. "I know babygirl." He said rubbing my back. "I am back!" Jon said bursting into the room loudly. I winced and buried my head further into Joe's neck. "Sunshine what's wrong?" He asked sitting on the couch next to me and Joe. I crawled off of Joe and laid in Jon's arms. Yes, even though I fifteen, I am acting like a five year old. Don't judge me, I am sick. "I don't feel good." I said laying my head on his chest. He rubbed my back. After a few minutes Colby came back with my chicken noodle soup and water. "Hey baby. I ran into Danny by the way. I told him you were sick, he had to head back to the hotel. Something came up. He said he would visit you later." Colby said putting the soup on the coffe table infront of the couch. "I gotta go though, I got my match with Rob." He said. He kissed me on the forehead and left. "I gotta go to sunshine, I gotta get miss with him. I love you." Jon said kissing my forehead and setting me on the couch. "Ok." I mumbled. My throat was starting to hurt to. He left the room. "Come on babygirl, you gotta eat." Joe said. I whined alittle bit. "I know, but let's see if you can keep it down." He said. I nodded alittle bit. I sat up and started to eat the soup. I got about half way done with it and I was full. I took acouple sips of my water and laid back down on Joe. I felt alittle better, but not alot. "You feel better?" Joe asked playing with my hair. "Alittle bit." I said. "I am gonna go get something to eat, well you be fine on your own?" Joe asked looking down at me. "I'll be fine. Go eat." I said with a slight smile. He smilied back. He set me on the couch and out a blanket over me. "I'll be back. Call me if you need me." He said kissing my forehead and leaving the room. I closed my eyes after a few minutes and fell asleep.

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