Talks,payback,and injury.

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                                                                  Colby P.O.V

I was backstage at Money In The Bank. I saw Joe and Jon sitting on crates. I guess right now is the best time at any to talk to them. I took a deep breathe. I walked over and they looking over and both of them got off the crates they were sitting on. "Want do you want, Lopez" Jon said crossing his arms over his chest.  "I wanted to say sorry for my actions. I know you two probably hate me, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I regret them. I didn't think of the repercussions. I talked to Victoria and she said she would give me another chance if you guys accepted it." I said rubbing my neck. I felt really awkward doing this. I heard them both sigh. "We aren't going to trust you as easily Lopez, but if Victoria is giving you a chance we are going have to deal with it. But if you hurt Victoria again, trust me. You will regret it." Joe said. "I will not hurt her. Thank you guys." I said excited. Now my little Torie will give me another chance. "Just don't hurt her." Jon said with seriousness in his vocie. I nodded my head and walked away. I could finally have my baby sister back.

                                                                     Victoria P.O.V

I was stretching in a deserted hall way warming up for my match against Tamina. I was in a white polka dot shirt that went above my belly button with thigh lenth denim shorts with white converse. "Hey Tor" I heard a vocie say from behid me. I closed my eyes because I know that vocie. It was the vocie of Carson Runnels. "What do you want Carson?" I asked. "Ohh, nothing. Just wanted to see how you are.  Since you are my girlfriend." He said walking in front of my grapping my waist. I rolled my eyes and took a step back. "We.Are.Not.Together. Do you understand?" I said slowly so he could understand. He glared at me after I said that. "Aww baby you are so naive. Of course we are still together." He said walking closer to me. I kept taking a step back until my back hit the wall. "Just leave me alone Carson! I don't want to be with you!" I yelled at him. He put both arms on both sides of my so I couldn't go anywhere. "You will be with me. You will like it to. " He said leaning in to kiss me. I did the first thing that came to my mind. I kneed him where the sun don't shine. "You bitch!" He yelled as he fell to the ground in pain. I just started to run. "Come back here!" He yelled after me chasing me. I went left and saw a group of superstars. "Leave me alone!!" I yelled at him. He was close to getting me. I saw Jon,Joe,and Colby all talking. I was close to them until I felt someone tackle me. "Aww shit!" I yelled as I fell to the floor. He was about to punch me, until I felt him get lifted off of me. "You ok babygirl?" I heard the comforting vocie of Joe ask. "Yeah." I said standing up with the help of Joe. "Listen here you little punk, you are gonna leave our little sister alone, you understand?" Jon asked holding him up by his shirt. "If you don't, let's just say we won't be seeing you for awhile, got it?" Colby asked. He just glared at me. I put my head down. I saw Joe stand in front of me. "Don't look at her.Do.You.Understand?" Joe asked with something in his vocie I haven't ever heard out of him, not even in the ring."Y-yes." He said stuttering alittle bit. "Good, now leave." Jon said throwing him to the ground. He quickly got up and ran away from here. "You ok baby?" Colby asked me. I sighed. "Yeah, just getting sick of him. He won't leave me alone." I said with anger and annoyance in my vocie. "It will be ok sunshine. We won't let him around you anymore." Jon said hugging me. I smiled when I felt the other two joined the hug. It was time for my match. Colby and Jon already had their's. They had to fight one another. For the next couple of months it's gonna be alot of fun watching these two pick on eachother in the ring or more like beat the living shit outta of eachother. Jon hurt his shoulder in the match and Colby won it. I was happy for him, I was. "Good luck baby." Colby said giving me a hug. "Yeah, you got this sunshine." Jon said givng me a hug after Colby. "Stay focused. You got this in the bag." Joe said giving me a hug last. I took a deep breath. "Thanks guys." I said with a slight smile. I heard my music and walked out. "This match is a Last Diva Standing match! Introducing first, Victoorriiaa!" Lillian announced. I walked down the steps and hooped over the barricade. "And her opponent, Taammiinnaa!" She announced and got out of the ring. The bell rang and we immediately locked up. Since she is stronger and bigger then me, she gained control first. She threw me to the ground and kicked me repeatedly. "Come on newbie! Get up!" She yelled at me picking me up by my hair. I punched her in the stomach and then kneed her. She let go of my hair and fell to her knees. I gave her a dropkick and she fell to the ground. I got on the top rope and did a four fiftey spalsh Justin Gabriel would be proud of. I got up and rolled out of the ring. I grapped a steel chair and got back in. I hit her with it on her back about 5 times. She laid there. "1....2....3....4" She got up and 4. I was about to hit her again when she picked me up and slammed me on the mat. She picked up the chair and hit my head with it about twice. She was about to go for another hit, when I rolled out of the way and she hit the mat. She dropped the chair. I stood up and held my head. She was about to spear me to the ground, but I kicked her in the stomach and did Jon's finisher move dirt deeds. "1....2....3....4....5....6.." She got up at six and a half. "Ahh!" I yelled. I picked her up and threw her out of the ring. I was on the top rope going for another four fiftey spalsh when she suddenly got up and pushed my off the top rope and I hit my head on the steps. "1....2....3....4..." I got up at about four and a half. My head was killing me, but I would have to ignore the pain if I wanted to win. I felt a swift kick to the stomach. I coughed alittle bit. I was close to where I could grap something from under the ring, so I did. I grapped a kendo stick and hit her with it across the head with her. She fell to the floor with a thud. I stood up. "1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10!" The ref counted. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" I heard the crowd yell I smiled. I got my payback. I was about to get into the ring when I felt someone pulling my hair, I went head first into the steel steps. I was seeing spots, but before I passed out, I saw Carson standing over me with a big smirk on his face. After that, I blacked out. I woke up in a white room and I was laying on a bed. My head was killing me right now. "Ow." I said holding my head trying to sit up. "Torie, how are you feeling?" Jon asked me standing up out of the chair he was sitting in. "Fine, my head just feels like it got ran over." I said putting my hand up to my head. "Well that what happens when you get hit with a steel chair and fall then get thrown into the steel steps." He seemed mad when he said I got thrown into the steps. "What happened and how long was I out?" I asked. All I remember was I was fighting Tamina then I won then I blacked out. "Well after you beat Tamina and was about to get in the ring and celebrate. Your prick of an ex came out and threw you into the steel steps head first. You have only been out about 6 hours." He said. I looked around and saw Joe and Colby passed out in the chairs they were in. I was angry. "Just get some rest sunshine." Jon said kissing my forehead. "Ok, love you Jonny." I said closing my eyes. "Love you to sunshine." He said. Soon I drifited off to sleep.

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