Match, Raw, and I love you's

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                                                                                      Victoria P.O.V

Tonight I had a handi-cap four on two match with Nikki Bella for helping her on SmackDown and sticking my nose 'where it dosen't belong'. You are probably wondering why me and her are getting along now, right? Well We actually started to talk and we found and we get along. We aren't close, but we are friends and are there for eachother. I was in a dark blue crop top that ended before my belly button that had a zipper in the middle. With a pair of light blue denim shorts and dark blue vans. "You ready?" Nikki asked me. I decided I would walk down with her. Our opponents are Rosa Mendes, Cameon, Alicia Fox, and Eva Marie. You can look, but you can't touch. Came blairing through the arena. We were walking down the ramp when Me and Nikki both saw someone we didn't expect to see. Brie Bella. We walked over. Nikki gave her a hug, while I stood on the side. "Thank you Tori for helping my sister. It means alot." Brie said pulling me into a hug and whispering in my ear. I pulled away and smiled at her. We got into in the ring. Then Stephanie music played. "You know Brie, this is all your fault. If you never abandoned your sister, then Victoria would of never had to come to her rescue." Stephanie said. She turned away, but Brie yelled something that made Stephanie turn around. "What did you say?" Stephanie said getting in the face of Brie. "You know what, take her out of here." She said motioning for security. Then Brie pulled out a ticket. Then she ripped the mic out of Stephanie hands. "You are only doing this out of spite. Because I left a hand print across your face. Who do you think you are? I will tell you, you are a VINDICTIVE BITCH!" Brie yelled out. Then out of no where Stephanie slapped Brie across the face, then Brie got taken out of the arena. "Take that as a lesson to all of you. Now ring the bell!" Stephanie said. I started out the match against Eva Marie. We locked up and I won. I put her in a headlock, then threw her to the ground. I picked her up and Irish whipped her into a corner. I ran at her and gave he two knees to the face. I decided to tag in Nikki. I tagged her in and she gave Eva a drop kick. Eva managed to get in her corner and tagged in Alicia. I was cheering on Nikki, then I felt my legs get pulled out from under me and I hit my face on the outer edge of the ring. I got picked up and thrown into the steps. "Come on, do something Victoria!" I heard Stephanie voice shout out. I looked and saw Cameron,Rosa, and Eva was all attacking me. I got picked and and someone grapped my face. "You'll gonna regret ever helping Nikki." Stephanie said. I looked in the ring and saw that some how Nikki won. "Let her go!" Nikki yelled at them. They just laughed and threw me back into the steps. "Tori! Come on, get up." Nikki said. I tried to stand, but everything was spinning. Then I passed out. I woke up in the trainers room. My eyes adjusted to the light after a few seconds. "Baby, are you ok?" I turned and saw Colby sitting in a chair. "Yeah, my head hurts though." I said rubbing my head. "Well that's what happens when you go face first into the apron." Colby said standing by the bed. "Ugg, how long have I been out?" I asked looking up and him. "Umm maybe a half hour." Colby said. "Ok, let''s go to the locker room. I wanna get out of these clothes." I said sitting up slowly. Colby helped me off the bed. "So do I have a concussion?" I asked looking at him. "Not this time, you just needa rest up though". I walked in and saw Danny sitting on the couch. He looked up and saw me. He ran over to me and hugged me. "I thought you were seriously hurt. Never do that to me again." He said still hugging me. I laughed. "I'll try not to." I said hugging him back. "I gotta go baby. I'll see you later." I heard Colby say. Danny let go of me and I gave Colby a hug. "Have fun, but not to much fun." He said pointing to me. I gave him a thumbs up. He laughed and walked out of the room. "Let me change then we can do something." I said. I slipped into a grey v-neck with a pair of grey sweatpants and a pair of grey Toms. "So what you wanna do?" I asked after coming out of the bathroom. "I don't know, maybe we can head to catering and get some food." Danny said getting up from the couch and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yeah, let's go." I said.  He un-wrapped his arms from around my waist and grapped my hand. We walked into catering and someone ran up and hugged me. "I am sorry." A feminine voice said hugging me. I know that voice. It would be Nikki Bella. "Nikki, I am fine." I said hugging back. "Are you sure? I should have helped you." She said pulling away from the hug. "I am sure Nikki. If Stephanie wants to play dirty, then trust me so can I." I said with a smile. "Ok." She said with smile. We talked for a few minutes until she had to go.  We walked into catering and got some food then sat down at a empty table. We looked at the monitor and I saw Stephanie talking to these two guys. They pulled out badges. Ohh crap, Stephanie is getting arrested!! Yes! I started laughing, because she kept saying it was Brie's fault and she hit her first. She is getting what she deserves. After all that happened it was now Dean Ambrose VS Antonio Cesaro. I watched the match intently, always cringing when Antonio focused on the shoulder. Then once he got Antonio in the corner he got out of the ring and hit Antonio with it. "Ouch." Danny said rubbing his shoulder. "It dosen't hurt that much baby." I said turning to look at him. He gave me a look like "Seriously?" I just shrugged. He laughed. Soon Jon was done with everything out there, so he was probably in our locker room.  Soon everyone was done with their things they had to do, so we started to head back to the hotel. "I'll text you later." I said wrapping my arms around Danny's neck. He put his hands on my waist. "You better. Let me know you get there safely." He said putting his forehead against mine. "I will. I gotta go though." I said smiling alittle bit. I knew the guys were watching and they weren't liking how close we were. "Aww why?" He asked pouting alittle bit. "Aww, my poor baby!" I said kissing his cheek. "Seriously though, do you have to go." He asked pulling me into a hug. I laughed alittle bit. "You act like we won't see eachother tomorrow." I said hugging him back. "I know, I'll miss you alot though." He said burying his head into my neck. I don't know why, but whenever I have to leave him I always get sad. I still get butterflies in my stomach when I talk to him and my heart always skips a beat. "I'll miss you to. Hey, we can have a us day tomorrow, ok?" I said lifting his chin up and having him look at me. He smiled. "I would love that." He said smiling more. "Good." I said. "I love you." He said looking at me right in the eye. I was in shock. "Y-you what?" I asked shocked. "I love you Victoria Izzy Reigns Lopes Good. You make me so happy, even if we have only been together two weeks. I have know you a month and half. It's been amazing. I love you, I know we are just teenagers and we aren't suppose to know what love is. But I know I love you. I will always be there fo-" I cut him off with a loving kiss. He kissed back immediately. "I love you to." I said with a giant smile. "Really?" His eyes lite up like a Christmas tree. "Yeah. But I really gotta go handsome. I will text you when I reach the hotel." I said removing my hands from around his neck and grapping his hands. I wonder what the guys are thinking about watching this. "You better. I love you beauty." He said. "I love you to handsome." I said. He gave me a peck. I smiled and walked over the the guys. "You look extra happy." Joe said nudging me. "Tonight has been a good night." I said shrugging with a giant smile on my face. "Because of loverboy." Colby said pushing me. I blushed immediate. "Whatever." I mumbled embarrassed. "It's ok sunshine. Just aslong as he dosen't hurt you we won't have a problem." Jon said throwing a arm over my shoulder. I smiled. We made it to the hotel. I got up to the room and grapped clothes to change into. I took a shower.  I slipped into a pink tank top that has a piece of watermelon on it with a pair of pink cheetah pajama pants. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Danny and let him know I made it to the hotel.

Me: Hey love, I made it to the hotel. I am head to bed though. I love you, see you tomorrow. Night baby. <3 I texted that to him. After a few moments I got a text back.

Beast: Good, I was worried. Ok goodnight beauty. I love you sweetheart. Sleep well, I can't wait till tomorrow. I smiled at the message. He is beast in my phone, because I am beauty in his. So since we both love Disney, I put him as beast in mine. Like Beauty and the Beast. I laid down and drifted off to the sleep after a few minutes.

Authors note: Guy's this is reeaalllyy important. Do you think I should continue with this story or no. I mean, I love writing this story, but I am slowly running out of ideas. So comment if you think I should continue or not. It means alot guys.

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