Attack and hospital

1.5K 38 4

                                                                                 Victoria P.O.V

I was in a black work out tank with balck Nike work out shorts with Nike work out shoes. If you haven't figured out from my outfit I am heading to the gym. "Guys, I am heading out. I'll see you in about an hour. If anything changes, I'll call." I said walking towards the door. "Ok baby. Have fun." Colby said from the couch. "Becareful!" Joe yelled from the kitchen. "Yeah, watch out for the bitch!" Jon yelled from his room. I laughed. By 'bitch' he meant Felica. It was about noon. "Ok, bye guys. Love y'all!" I yelled. I always tell them I love them, no matter what. I made it down to the gym and saw it was mostly empty. Randy, Paul (Triple H), Natayla, Trinity (Namoi), and Ariana (Cameron) was in there. I was friend with mostly everyone except Paul. I don't know what it is, he just rubs me the wrong way. I went staright to the treadmill. I saw someone walking over to me out of the corner of my eye. I didn't see who it was until they stood infront of me. It was Randy. "Hey." I said looking at him. "Hey, I have a question for you." He asked rubbing his neck. I wonder what it was. Randy was usally open about things with me. He was like another brother kinda. "What's up?" I asked stopping the treadmill and taking a drink of water. "Um do you not like Felica? I saw how you two acted around eachother and I don't want to be like a dick or anything." He said rubbing his neck again. I sighed and looked down for a second. "We use to be in the same orphanage. She use to bully me and torment me everyday since I was about six. I don't want you to take her back if you don't want to. I just want her to leave me alone Ran. I am finally happy and she came and boom." I said running my hand through my hair. "Ok, I'll talk to her. I am sorry I brought her here Tori." He said. "It's fine Ran, you didn't know." I said. He looked so upset that he brought back my enemy. "You sure?" He asked "I am sure Ran." I said giving him a hug. "If you say so."  He said hugging me back. I smiled and he walked away. You see Randy isn't the same as he is on screen, he is a total sweetheart.Soon it was just me in the gym. Right now I was lifting some weights until I was pushed to the ground. I droped the weight on my foot as I fell. "Ahh!" I yelled. "You messed with the wrong people Tor-Tor." A voice said. The voice that belonged to Felica Orton. "Leave me alone!" I yelled. I felt someone pull my hair then throw me into the weights front first. "Aww poor Tori!" I heard the voice of my 'wonderful' ex Carson exclaim. I felt my nose and blood was coming out. I got up and turned to swing but he gave me a upper cut. I spit and blood came out of my mouth. I felt a swift kick to my side repetely. I started to cough. "Just stay down bitch!" Felica seethed. "No whore!" I yelled back. I tried getting up, but I get kicked in the head. "Sleep tight." Carson said laughing along with Felica. I heard them walk out of the Gym. I passed out after a few painful minutes.                                                                    

                                                                                       Joe P.O.V

It's been almost two hours since Victoria left for the gym and I haven't heard a call or anything from her and neither has the other guys. "Guys,I am worried about her. She usually calls if there is a change in plans." Jon said. He basically read my mind. "Let's go check on her. She might have got distracted and got into her work-out. He happens sometimes." Colby said. I can tell he isn't trying to freak out. He was basically the rock for all of us. He trys his best to keep us all calm. It's what he do.

                                                                                       Colby P.O.V

I said that to see if I convinced my self any. She usually ALWAYS calls no matter what. Even if she got intot her work out. She would call and say she was staying longer. We walked out the door and was meet with a tear stricken Renee.

                                                                                        Jon P.O.V

"Baby, what's wrong." I asked walking up to her. "It-it's Tori." She said her voice breaking. That got all of our attentions immediately. "What's wrong with Tori?" Joe asked with worry lacing his voice. "Me, Paige, Layla, and Emma was all heading down to the gym and when we got there." She cut off trying to recompose herself. "What is it!?" Colby yelled. "Baby what is it?" I asked softly but urgently. " S-she was passed out with blood around her. I am sorry Jon. I do-" I didn't her what else she said, because me and the guys raced passed her. We didn't wait for the elevator's we ran down the stairs into the gym. We ran in and saw a group of people around her. We pushed past all of them and what we saw broke our hearts. Danny was holding Victoria with her head on his lap. He nose was bleeding along with her lip. The side of her head was bruised. She looked like she was still breathing though. "Don't just fucking stand there! Someone call a fucking ambulance!" I yelled. One of the people from the crowd pulled out their phone and dialed 911 quickly.

                                                                                            Danny P.O.V

I was hearboken when I saw her. After whoever called 911, paramedics showed up a few minutes later. They put her on a gunnery and took her outside of the building. Colby went with them. I went with Jon and Joe. We basically sped the whole way there behind the ambulance. We ran into the hospital.

                                                                                             Joe P.O.V

We have been in the waiting room for the past hour waiting for any information about Victoria. "Family of Victoria Good?" A doctor said. Me, Jon, Colby and Danny all rushed over to him. "Is she gonna be ok?" Danny asked. He let out a sigh. "I have good news and bad news." He said looking at us. "Tell us the bad news." I said quickly. "She has a broken foot, a serve concussion, two cracked ribs, a broken nose, and a busted lip." He said listing her injuries. "She won't be able to compete in the ring for about four to six months tops." He finished off. "The good news?" Jon asked. "She should be waking up soon. She is rather lucky. She could have gotten internal bleeding." The doctor said shaking his head. "Can we see her now?" Colby asked. "Yes, room 101. Becareful though and don't make any loud noises. He head is rather sensitive right now." The doctor said walking away. "Thanks!" I yelled after him. We walked in the room and sat in different places. I was in a chair besides her bed, Danny by her on the bed, Jon by me on another chair, and Colby on the other side in another chair. Now we just wait for her to wake up and explain to us what happened.

Authors Note: I know alot of P.O.V changes, sorry! I hope you guys enjoyed. I know kinda emotional, but don't worry Felica and Carson has what's coming to them.


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