SmackDown and hanging out

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                                                                   Victoria P.O.V

Right now me and the guys were at the SmackDown tapping. Jon and Colby had nothing tonight, but Joe did. He had a promo with Rusev and then a match with him. So right now Joe was out there doing his promo while we sat in the back. "Guuyyss, I am hungry!" I said putting my head back on the couch. "Then go get food." Jon said looking at me. "But I am lazy. One of you should carry me." I said smiling. "Nah, you're to heavy." Colby said looking at me with a smirk and then winking. "Psh, whatever. I didn't want you carrying me anyways. Joonnyy?" I asked in cute voice putting on my puppy dog face. "No,no,no." He said shaking his head and looking away. "Pwweeaassee?!" I said. He sighed. "Fine." He said getting up. "Victory!!" I yelled. They just laughed. I got on his back since I decided I want a piggy back ride. "On ward my trusty stead!" I yelled, using my hell to kick him on the side of the leg. "Ow!" He exclaimed. I looked at him smirked. "See you soon Colbs." I yelled before we walked out of the door. "Faster!" I yelled. He started to run. I was laughing. He stopped and then he dropped me on the floor. "Ow, my bum!" I exclaimed. "Bum?"He asked alittle comfused and his eyes filled with amusment. "Yes, bum. Another word for butt." I said flicking him on the forehead. He just shooked his head and laughed at me. I got some food and sat at a table. "So what's with you and that Danny kid?" Jon said. I shrugged. "Nothing, we are just hanging out later." I said taking a bite of my pizza. "When?" He asked. "After the show I think." I said shrugging and taking another bite. I felt someone eyes on my and I turned and saw Carson glaring at me. I just rolled my eyes and turned back to my pizza. "I am gonna punch him in the face." Jon said with a snarl. "Jon, calm down. He isn't worth it." I said finishing my pizza. "He is such a creep." He said shaking his head. "Yeah he is. I don'r even know why I dated him." I said getting up to throw my trash away. We were walking out of the catering when I was suddenly tripped, I almost fell to the floor but Jon caught me. I looked and saw Carson smirking at me. "Grow up." I scoffed and walked away with Jon following me. I know he was mad right now. "Just walk away like the bitch you are!!" He yelled at me. I saw Jon take a deep breath. I rolled my eyes. "That's cute coming from you. I am the bitch? You are the one who attacked me from behind. Just because I broke up with you, because you cheated on me. So if anyone here is a bitch it's you." I said turning to face him. I was alittle taller. Since I was in wedges. I was in a grey tank that had buttons on top with a pair of black skinnes that had cuts down the legs with black wedges that had white polka dots. I had my hair in a waterfall braid with it curled. "You are the one who was a snooby bitch, that's why I cheated. If you weren't so focused on your family. I might have not cheated." He said shrugging. I rolled my eyes. "Or if you weren't such a prick you might have not cheated. Why don't you do me a favor and leave me the hell alone." I said squaring up to him. I was the same height as him with the wedges. "What if I don't?" He said squaring up to me to. "Then I'll get involved." A voice said that was behind Carson. I looked and saw Danny. "Ohh, you come for another ass whopping?" Carson asked turning around. I forgot Jon was still here and I saw how pissed he was getting. "Danny, just leave it. He isn't worth getting in trouble for." I said looking at Danny. Carson just scoffed. "This isn't over you two." He said looking at both of us and walking away. "You ok sunshine?" Jon asked coming up and standing besides me. He know's I am probably pissed off and alittle hurt still. I mean he was my first boyfriend and he goes and be's an asshole to me after our breakup, it's his fault. "Yeah, just mad." I said shurgging. Danny then walked over. "Hey, thanks kid. If I got involved I probably would of gotten arrested." Jon said chuckling alittle bit. I luaghed alittle bit to, because it was true. "Yeah, thanks Danny." I said smiling. "No problem beauty. We still on for tonight?" He asked smiling. I nodded smiling. "Good, see you later." He said walking away. "Let's get back to Colby, Joe is probably back by now." Jon said putting an arm around me shoulders, even if I was in wedges, I was still shorter then Jon. "Yeah, let's go." I said walking with Jon. We got back to the lockeroom. "Hey, we're back." I said going and sitting on the couch next to Joe. "Hey babygirl." He said putting his arms over my shoulders. I smiled. "You guys took forever." Colby said, after Jon came and sat down on the other side of me. Colby was sitting on the chair by the couch. If you are wondering about them and Layla and Paige, they asked them out and they said yes. "We ran into the prick." Jon said with frown on his face. I saw a mad look apper on both Joe and and Colby. "What did he want?" Joe asked. "The normal. Harrassing me. I stood up to him, Danny got involved, he walked away." I said shrugging. "That boy is asking for an ass whopping." Colby said shaking his head. "Don't worry guys. In a few weeks he is gonna get one. By me." I said smiling and laying my head on Joe's chest and my feet on Jon. They just smirked, but I saw the worry in their eyes. Soon SmackDown was over and we were heading back to the Hotel. Joe last, only because Randy got involved. He got crushed by Rusev then RKO'ed by Randy. So he is kinda sore and upset. We made it to the hotel, I just stayed in the lobby. That's where Danny said to meet him. After a few minutes he showed up. "Hey beauty." He said walking over to me. "Hey" I smiled. We hung out for a few hours then he walked me back to my hotle room. I walked in and saw Jon passed out on the couch, Colby passed out in a chair. I walked in my room and saw Joe passed out on his bed. I smiled. They looked so at peace in their sleep. I changed into a pair of purple plaid pajama pants and decided to keep the same shirt. I left my hair and turned the lights off. I laid in bed and the drifited off into a peaceful sleep.

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