Swimming and family time.

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                                                                    Victoria P.O.V

I was at the hotel now and I was about to change, since I didn't change back at the arena. My phone went off, it was Carson. I smiled and read the text message.

Peanutbutter: Hey, wanna go swimming with me? :) I though about it, shouldn't the pool be closed though?

Me: Isn't the pool close? I asked him. I mean I didn't want to end up in jail, because I wanted to swim. He replied back quickly.

Peanutbutter: It will be fine, trust me ;). I'll be up in a few minutes. He texted me. I just shook my head and smiled. Jon and Joe was hanging out with some of the roster tonight, so I won't have to worry about them.

Me:Ok, see you soon. I replied. I decided on a pink bikini with a white cover up that has stripes and a bow. I went with a pair of white toms to finish the outfit. I got a towel and grapped my phone and walked out to the living room. I heard a knock on the door and saw it was Carson through the peep hole. I smiled and opened the door. "Hey." I said. "Hey you look great". I looked down and blushed after he said that. "Thanks." I said to him. We walked down to the pool. He pulled out a key and unlocked the gate. "How did you get that key?" I asked confused. "Shh, I have my ways. I just laughed. "Ok, aslong as I don't end up in jail." I said nudging him alittle bit. He just laughed "I would never let you get in trouble. I would take the fall for you." He said. I just smiled. He is such a sweethart. How did I get so lucky! I took off my cover-up and Toms, as he was taking off his shirt and shoes. He was about to feel how cold it was, but then I pushed him in. "Haha!" I said. He came up after a few seconds and he looked at me shocked. "Why you do that?" He asked pouting. I just laughed and walked over to the edge of the pool. "Are poor baby" I said pretending a tear was coming out of my eye. "Can I have a hug Tor?" He asked getting out of the pool and walking towards me. "No, no. I am good." I said walking back wards. "Come on Tor one hug." He said walking towards with a smirk. I laughed alittle and started to run alittle bit. He started to chase me, he finally caught me. "You got me, now what?" I asked turning to face him. "Hmm, I don't know." He said leaning towards me, but instead of kissing me he dropped me into the pool. "Carson Runnels!" I yelled at him. He just fell to the floor laughing. "Hmmp." I said crossing my arms and pouting. "Aww I am sorry Tor!" He said getting into the pool and hugging me. I smiled and laid my head on his chest. "So how do you feel?" He asked me playing with my hair. I sighed, I knew what he meant. "I am ok just kinda nervous and alittle upset. I mean I am going against Colby! He was suppose to be my brother, instead he turned his back on us." I said hugging him tighter. "Shh, I know. It hurts, but he isn't worth the pain. You have people who love and care about you, you don't need him." I said moving back some and picking my chin and having me look at him. I smiled, he smiled back. "Better?" He asked. I nodded. He leaned in and gave a kiss. We were interrupted when my phone went off. We laughed and I got out of the pool. I dried my hands off and answered the phone. "Hello?" I asked."Babygirl, where are you?" Joe asked me with concern in his vocie. Dammit, I thought they would be gone longer. "I am down at the pool with Carson, I will be up soon." I said to him. I heard him sigh and Jon saying something in the background. "I love you Joe." I said into the phone. "I love you to." He said. We both hung up and I turned around and Carson was standing there. "You gotta go?" He asked putting his shirt back on. "Yeah." I said putting my cover-up back on and my Toms back on. "Want me to walk with you?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. We walked back into the Hotel and we talked as he walked me to my room. "I will see you later." I said with a smile. "Can't wait." He said. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. I smiled and walked into the hotel room. I realized we were down there for an hour and a half. Dam! "Hey sunshine." Jon said walking out of the kitchen. It was only 11:45. "Hey Jonny. Where's Joe?" I asked looking around. "He is in the bathroom." He said, right as he said that Joe walked out. "Hey babygirl." He said sitting on the couch next to Jon. "Hey Joe." I said. I decided to take a quick shower and get dressed, but before I could get to the room Jon stopped me. "What's up?" I asked. "Since we all have tomorrow off and we haven't really had 'family' time. We were thinking we could hang out." Jon said leaning back into the couch. I smiled a big smile. "That would be awesome!" I said excited. "Good, now get some sleep." Joe said. "Ok, night guys. Love you." I said walking in the room. I heard faint I love you and nights coming from them. I picked out a blue Ariel t-shirt and some black shorts. I took a shower, changed and went to sleep, excited for tomorrow.

                                                                   ~Next day~

                                                                  Victoria P.O.V

I woke up and saw that Joe was still sleeping. I decided it was best if I woke him up. I got out of bed and went to see him Jon was still asleep. I smirked. I looked at the time and saw it was 9:00. I first went to Joe. I sat infront of his face and screamed. He woke up with a start and looked at me. "What the hell Torie!?" He said to me. I just smirked and stood up. "Where are you going?" He called after me. "To wake up Jon." I said walking out of the room. I walked into Jons room and saw him still passed out. I got on the bed quietly. "Jon wake up! Someone is breaking in. I said jumping on the bed. He woke up and rolled off the bed. I was laughing my head off. I fell onto the bed still laughing. "OW! What the hell? Why did you do that?!" He said to me. "Cause I can." I said shrugging. "That's a greeaat reason." He said rolling his eyes. I just smirked. "If it makes you feel better, she got me to." Joe said walking in the room. I laughed alittle bit. "You think it's funny?" Jon asked with his eyebrows raised. "Yup!" I said with a smirk. What can I say, I am like my brothers. Never one to back down. "Ok, since it's so funny-" Joe said, before I got tackled by him tickling me. I was laughing so hard, I felt I was gonna burst. "S-stop!" I yelled. While still laughing. "No, not until you say sorry!" Jon said joining in. "I am- am s-sorry!" I yelled still laughing after they stopped. They laughed alittle and smiled. I think today is gonna be a good day. "I am gonna go get ready, wait what should I wear?" I asked. "Something comfy." Jon said shrugging. I just shrugged and went to my closet looking for something to wear. I decided on "Always be your self, unless you can be Batman.Then always be Batman." shirt with a pair of blue denim shorts with the bottom rolled up once, then with a pair of high top converse. Then I curled my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and walked into the living room. I looked at the time and saw it was 10:00. Wow time flies. "You look cute, but you're not Batman." Joe said standing up first then Jon following. "Haha. I am Batman." I said smiling. "Oook. Believe what you want to Torie." Jon said patting my head. I pushed his hand off my head and pouted. "Hmp!" I said. "Aww, we still love you Torie!." Joe said giving me a bear hug. I laughed and hugged him back. Jon then joined and we were all laughing. We decided that we should get some breakfest, so we headed towards IHOP. I got 3 chocolate chip pancakes while Jon got sausage, a hashbrown, and two pancakes. Joe, he got 5 blueberry pancakes. We all got orange juice. We were laughing and talking. We finished and we paid for our food, or should I say Joe paid. It was now noon. Wow, time really does fly. We walked around the town shopping and just having fun. We almost got kicked out of like five stores because we were being to loud. It was 9:00 when we got back to the hotel. "Guys, I had so much fun today." I said hugging them tightly. I know they would never leave me. "We had a great time to sunshine." Jon said tightly. Joe agreed and hugged back. We stayed up and watched movies. I was on the couch with my head on Joe's chest and my abdominal on Jons legs. Today was the best day of my life, then my eyes started to get heavy and I quickly drifted to sleep.

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