Meeting new people

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                                                                   Colby P.O.V

I am so happy that we decided to adopt Victoria. She took all of our names haha. So now her name is Victoria Izzy Reigns Lopez Good. She took Joe's in ring name, because she doesn't want to have a Samoan last name if she isn't Samoan. She is so beautiful and can't believe people hurt her.

                                                                   Jon P.O.V

God, I want beat the shit out of her father. He is such an asshole. I know how she feels with the mother. My mother was one to. She would always be on crack and trying to get money. I won't let anybody hurt her anymore.

                                                                   Joe P.O.V

I am so happy. Victoria is such a great girl. I am going to make sure that she never get's hurt again.

                                                                  Victoria P.O.V

I am so happy they decided to adopt me. We have been hanging out at the mall for like 5 hours now. It is so much fun just being with people who care. We were on the way to the arena for Raw. They might be heels, but they are really sweet. We were walking backstage taking and laughing. When Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, Randy Orton, and The Bellas walked up. I stayed behid Joe, because I get scared easily of alot of people. "Hey guys, who the little one?" Dolph asked. Ok, maybe I was short. I am about 5'4. "This is Victoria, she is our new little sister." Joe said putting his had on my back. I waved alittle bit and smiled. "Ahh, well let use introduce ourselves." Dolph said. "I am Nick Nemth A.K.A Dolph Ziggler." He said with a smirk. I smiled and nodded my head. "I am Randy." He said nodding his head. I nodded back. "I am John." He said putting his hand out with a smile. I smiled and shook his hand. "I am Brie and this is my sister Nikki." Brie said with a smile. I smiled back and looked over at Nikki. She looked bored, like she dosen't want to be here. I just shrugged it off. Then Daniel Bryan came up and kissed Brie on her cheek. I smiled at there relationship, they are cute. "Hey guys and girls I never meet." He said. I laughed alittle with everyone else. "I am Victoria, the guys just adopted me." I said smiling. "Ahh ok. Well I am Bryan." He said with a smile. I looked back over at Nikki and she was glaring at me. I looked down and played with the hem of my shirt. Which I changed. I have a supercalifrgalisticespialaocious shirt, with blue shorts with Micky mouse on them, and with pinocio shoes. Yeah, I was in a Disney mood and they got me alot of clothes. "Guys, we will talk to you later. We gotta get ready for the show." Jon said. Thank god. So I meet some people. We made it to where they usually hang out at and I laid on the couch, but soon got picked up by Joe, then put me back down on his lap. I smiled. "So, how did you like meeting some superstarts?" Colby asked sitting in front of the couch. "Ok, I just don't know about Nikki. She was just glaring at me." I said. "Don't worry about her, she is just a bitch." Jon said. I laughed alittle bit. "So, when do you guys go out?" I asked sitting up leaning my head on Joe's shoulder playing with his hair. "We got about an hour." Colby said. "Ok, I am hungry." I said with a smile. I might be small, but I am always hungry. They all laughed. "Come on. I'll take you to get some food." Jon said. I smiled and got up, giving Joe and Colby a hug then following Jon out. We went up to catering and saw a bunch of superstars. I got some food then sat down. Jon was still getting his food. I got 2 slices of pizza and a cookie. Don't judge me. I also got a water. "Hi! You must be Victoria." I heard someone say scaring me. I started to cough. "Oh my, are you ok? I am sorry if I scared you!" The person said. They had a girl voice. I looked up and I was looking at one of my idols. Natalya Neidhart. She looked amazing. "Um-um." Was all I could say. I was more awesturck with Natayla, because she has been a big influence on me. She smiled and put her hand out " I am Natayla." She said smiling. "Victoria. It is such a pleasure to meet you. You are one of my biggest idols." I said shaking her hand. She looked alittle surprised. "Wow, thank you sweetheart. It means alot." She said. I smiled and she told me she had to run so she left. Jon came back with 2 slices of pizza with a cookie with a cola instead of water. I looked at his plate and laughed, he looked at me like I was crazy. Then he looked at my plate and laughed. We finished eating and walked back to the "hideout". We got back, but they had to go. I stayed there and suddenly fell asleep.

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