Confrontations and match

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                                                                      Colby P.O.V

I can't believe she did that. I am in pure shock right now, who does she think she is. I am her olde-. Scratch that, I am not her older brother anymore. I messed that up when I betrayed them

                                                                       Jon and Joe P.O.V (Jon-Joe)

I can't believe she actually challenged Colby to a match. I mean yeah, we have trained her, but nothing like a match. Now she might get a contract of she wins. I love her with all my heart, but I don't know how I can handel if she get's hurt, she is my little girl. Even if she is fifteen.

I don't know what she was thinking! She is crazy, she is exactly like me and Jon though. We all are hard headed and when we want something we go for it. I know she can win, but I just don't want her fighting Colby.

                                                                           Victoria P.O.V

I figured out my match was gonna be later tonight, since I started the show off with calling them out. I got back to the hide-out and saw Jon and Joe starring at me. Uhh ohh. "What were you thinking?! Gosh Torie!" Jon yelled at me. I looked down, they know I can't stand yelling. "Torie." Joe said opening his arms for a hugs. I ran into his arms. After a couple minutes of silence Jon spoke again. 'Torie, I am sorry. I just don't want you getting hurt." He said sighing sitting infront of me and Joe. "I will be fine Jonny! You guys taught me alot. I know I can do this, I have a match tonight though." I said looking at both of them. "Do you want us to come down with you babygirl?" Asked Joe with concern in his eyes. "Umm, no only if somebody comes out and interferes. You can stay in your little spot, but don't come down, unless someone interrupts." I said standing up and going to my bag to look for something to wear tonight. "Ok, if you say so. But if anybody that isn't in the match lays a finger on you, we are coming down." Jon said. I looked over at them and gave them a small smile "Wouldn't expect anything else." I said. They just laughed alittle bit. I decided on a poka dot shirt that come just above my belly button with high waisted blue shorts with grey vans. I decided to braid my hair and but it into a fancy bun. After I finished I would out of the bathroom. "Interesting." Jon said looking at my outfit. "Little showy." Joe said. I rolled my eyes. They were talking about the back, it showed a spot of my back. Just alittle bit though. "It's fine guys." I said. "Mhmm." I heard from both of them. I had about 30 minutes before my match, so I decided to stretch. I stretched for about 15 minutes, until I wanted water. I told the guys I would meet them at our spot and went to catering. Everybody was starring at me. I rolled my eyes and got a water. I was walking out when I bumped into someone. "I am sor-" I stopped when I realized who it was. It was Colby and he didn't look happy, ohh what do I care. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. I had about 10 minutes before my match. "Victoria what were you thinking?!" He yelled at me. I stopped and turned around. "I was thinking that maybe I could get some retribution for you hurting me Colby." I looked at the time and saw I had 5 minutes left. "Now if you excuse me. I have a match." I said walking away. I got to where Jon and Joe was waiting for me. I took a deep breath and gave them a quick hug before the music started to play. I walked out and smiled. I can't wait my first match. I got to the ring and did some stretches while waiting to find out who I was facing. I was in shock at who i saw came out. Tamina Snuka came walking out with a smirk. She got into the ring. "You think you're so tough!?" She yelled at me. The match started and we locked up. She Irish whipped me into the corner, I jumped out of the way and she ran full speed into the turnbuckle. I got up and ran at her delivering a high knee to her face. She fell to the floor and I went for the pin "1..2" She kicked out. I got up quickly and got onto the top turn buckle. I jumped off, but she moved so I landed stomach and face first onto the mat. I rolled and she went for the pin "1..2" I kicked out and she got mad. She picked me up, so she could set me up for the samoan drop. I quickly counter and she turn around and I gave her a hard kick to the face. She fell to the ground. I quickly covered her "1...2...3" I shot up in excitement and got on the top turnbuckle. I put my fist in the air and smiled. "Here is your winner...Victoria!" Lillian announced. Then Triple H's music came on. "Well done Victoria!" He said with fake excitement. I rolled my eyes. I got a mic from one of the tech guys hands and started to talk. "I won and I want a match with Seth, Tonight." I said into the microphone. "We did make an agreement." He said. I was about to say something, but then I got attacked from behind. I looked and saw it was Tamina. "This isn't over newbie!" She yelled at me. I glared at her in anger. I was holding the back off my head from where she hit me. "Anyways, as I was saying. You have your match with Seth Rollins........On Monday Night Raw!" He said to me with a smirk. I was beyond pissed right now. "No, tonight!" I said yelling at him still holding my head. "I can't do that Torie." He said with a even bigger smirk. I just glared at him and went back up to where Jon and Joe was waiting for me. "Ugg!" I said once I got to the back. "You ok?" Jon asked. I sighed. "I fine, just annoyed. Well atleast I won." I said with a shrug. "Yeah, congrats babygirl." Joe said giving me a hug. Jon gave me a hug to. "How's your head?" Joe asked. "It hurts, but I will be fine." I said with a smile. I can't wait for Monday to come.

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