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                                                                   Victoria P.O.V

Today we had to start a long drive to Ohio. Yay! Not! Eight hours and 41 minute drive with these two, save me. I love them, but when you have to travel long periods of time with them, they get weird. Not like touchy or anything, just get weirder then normal. I was in an "I am 99.9% I am a Disney princess." pink shirt. With red skinny jeans and a pair of red converse. I walked out of the room with all my bags. "You ready babygirl?" Joe asked still holding all his bags. "Yeah, I am. Where's Jon?" I asked looking around. "He is checking out and bringing the car up." He said walking towards the door. "Oh ok." I said following him out. We got down stairs and saw Jon waiting by the door. "Hey Joe, hey sunshine." He said giving me a hug. "Hey Jonny." I said hugging back. 'Let's get going." Joe said walking out. Me and Jon followed out. I ran to shoot gun and leaned on the door. I smirked at Jon as he glared at me. I stuck my tonuge out at him. "Didn't you forget, you have to put your luggage in." He said sticking his tonuge out at me. I groaned and ran to put my bags in. I quickly put them in and ran back to the first seat. I saw Jon already sitting there. "Hmp!" I stomped to the back and got in. "That's not how a princess should act sunshine." Jon said shaking his head. I just rolled my eyes and smile at him. I wonder what's going on with him and Renee him. I remember I have Renee's phone number,ahaha. I quickly pulled out my phone and pulled up Renee's number.

Me: Hey, random question do you like Jon? I quickly sent the text. A few minutes later a reply came. Joe and Jon looked at me. I just smiled.

Renne: Umm, maybe why? Does he like me?! She responded. I laughed alittle bit and got a strange look from Jon. I just smirked and replied.

Me:I think he does. I will talk to him about it. :) I will let you know. I replied quickly. After a few minutes I got a reply.

Renne: Thank you! Just let me know, I like him. I am just scared he dosen't like me back. She replied. Aww, that's cute. "So, Jon. You like someone?" I asked spinning my phone around in my hands. "Umm, no. Why?" He asked kinda unsure at first. "Ohh, that's to bad. Cause I know someone who likes you." I said shrugging and leaning back in my seat and smirked. "Who? Is it Renee?!" He asked quickly. I laughed alittle bit at his eagerness. "Maybe, maybe not. Tell me who you like and I tell you what I know." I said leaning up in the seat. He sighed. "Fine, I like Renee." He said looking down. "Aww, my brother has a crush!" I yelled hooping up and down. Joe and Jon both chuckled at my excitement. "Now tell me what you know." Jon said getting serious. "Renee likes you to Jon. She was scared to say anything, cause she was scared that you didn't like her." I said with a small smile. "Really? She likes me?" He asked shocked. "Why you are shocked Jon? You are a great guy." I said putting my hand on his. "I don't know, I could be an asshole at times." He said still looking down. I hate seeing like this. He is always so happy, sometimes an asshole. But that's just him. "Jon, look at me." I waited until he looked at me. "You are a wonderful person. You saved me from hell and yeah, you can be an asshole at times, but who isn't? You are a great guy Jon. Just talk to Renee and she would be really excited. She really likes you and I can tell you really like her. Just talk to her." I said smiling. "Yeah Jon, you might be an ass, but you are a good guy." Joe said looking away from the road to look at Jon for a second. "Thanks guys." He said smiling. We smiled back at him. "Welcome." Me and Joe said at the same time. We spent the rest of the time just talking and joking around. I love these guys. I quickly texted Renne back.

Me: Hey, he likes you to. He should be talking to you about it. I quickly sent her the message.

Renne: Thank you so much Victoria! She sent to me. I just smiled. We had about another 2 hours before we arrived in Ohio. I relaxed and quickly fell to sleep.

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