Match set up and emotions

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                                                                   Victoria P.O.V

I was backstage on Raw getting ready to go out and call out Carson. If he wants to be a dick and throw me into the steel steps, he can go right a head. But he will make sure that he never does it again. None of the guys were happy about this, but they let me do it, but they had to be where they can come out. Well beside Colby since you know. I was in a red star halterneck top with red skinny jean and red converse. I curled my hair also. I walked out,walked down the steps, and hooped over the barricade. "Everyone probably know's why I am our here." I said into the mic. "Yes, I won the Last Divas Standing match. But I didn't like how I got attacked from BEHIND. You wonder by who? By my ex boyfriend Carson Runnels. He is upset that I broke up with him. He thinks that he is gods gift to women, even though he is only fifteen, I might add." I said into the mic getting madder with every word I spoke. "So Carson, why don't you come out here and explain to me why you thought it was necessary on why you attacked me and gave me a concussion and I can't wrestle for a week?" I said into he mic. I heard his music go off, which is Smoke and Mirrors (Cody's old theme) came on. "Aww sweetheart, you are so naive huh?" He asked rolling his eyes at the end. I just glared at him. "You think you are so big and bad, that you are untouchable. Honey, you aren't. You don't have your dogs anymore to protect you. Seth left because he was getting sick of dead weight and I don't blame him. You are nothing Victoria." He said into the mic. I was beyond pissed, I felt tears build up in my eyes though."Who do you think you are?! You don't know anything!!" I yelled into the mic. "I think I am the person who is gonna put you into your place. I don't know anything? I know alot more then you think Tor." He said stepping closer to me. I know Jon and Joe was gonna come down soon if he get's any closer. "Ohh ya? What do you know?" I asked him really wanting to know if he really knew anything. "I know that you were given up for adoption because you mom was a crackhead and your dad basically hated you. He would hit you every chance he got. I know that nobody really likes you. I know that you are a spoiled little bit-" I cut him off with a slap. "You are such a asshole!" I yelled at him. He just smirked. He was about to say something, but The Authority's music came on. Great, what do they want now. "So it seems you two have alot of tension. Why not have a match. At the Raw in two weeks it will be Carson Runnels VS Victoria.In a no DQ match and falls count anywhere." Triple H said into the microphone. I was excited but yet scared. "See you there babe." Carson said getting out of the ring with a smirk. I was boiling right now. I got out of the ring and went to catering knowing that's where Colby will be. I was right he was there with Jon and Joe. I was close to crying right now. I wanna know how he know about that. "Babygirl, are you ok?" Joe asked standing up followed by the other two. I am glad the cafe was empty right now. I shook my head no and fell into his arms, I cried until I couldn't cry anymore and they had to go for their segments. We went to our hideout and I decided I wanted a shower. "We are gonna go get ready for our stuff sunshine. You gonna be ok?" Jon asked. "Yeah, I will probably take a shower then pass out on the couch." I said with a small smile. They all laughed when I said pass out on the couch. I don't know why, but I have been really tired lately. Probably from all the stress. "Be careful, please guys." I said to them. "Oh course baby." Colby said with a smirk. I just shook my head and laughed. "See you in a little bit babygirl." Joe said walking towards the door with Jon and Colby behind him. I am glad we all are getting along again. I decided I wanted to change after I took my shower. I decided on a plain grey spaghetti strap shirt with black sweatpants and grey slip ons. I left my hair natural, which is is straight, but has little waves in it. I sat on the couch and fell asleep soon after.

Authors Note: I know short, just wanted to make a chapter. :) Hope you guys enjoyed!

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