+ chapter 3 +

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When you arrive to school, Minji runs towards you and throws her hands on you. You smile and say hi to her.

By the way Minji looks you can tell that she about to spill some tea, because you can see that she is blushing.

"Why are you so happy?" you ask, out of curiosity, though you had already knew why.

"Hoseok asked me out!" she yells and squeals loudly.

You try calming her down but she is way to excited to think about the world around her.

"Okay, okay, just chill Minji. I know you liked Hoseok since like the fifth grade and after like 10 years he asked you out. But you know there's people around us right?"

Minji sighs, then breathes heavily.

"Fine, I'm just a little too happy."

Just as she says this BTS is on its way to the school. They all have their hands in their pockets, smirking as all the girls start screaming like maniacs.

You can see Jungkook walking in the back with a poker face and then when his eyes dart to you, you try looking away. But for some reason you are unable to look away from him and that leads a smirk to crawl up his face and finally put some feeling into him.

"Minji, babe it's so nice to finally see you." says Hoseok as he grabs Minji by the waist and he gives her a peck on the cheek. He smiles at me and bows.

"Hi Hoseok, you don't have to act all formal now. I've know you since pre-school." you say and he begins to laugh, as he nudges your shoulder.

In the meantime, Jungkook comes in between you as he reveals his skeptical expression in your face. He is eyeing you from top to bottom, then walks away when he hears the bell ring. Suddenly you feel a pull on your shoulder, and when you turn, Jimin is facing you with pupils as big as marbles. Though when you see his eyes you are now stuck in an alternate universe.

"Let's get to class." he says.


As you walk over to your locker. You receive a text from your Mother. Just as you are about to see what she said, you bump into someone. A pair of warm hands clasp onto you bringing you closer, and when you lift your head up, you are facing him.

His lips are almost inches away from yours, and before you can feel his body warmth inching closer towards you, you push away.

"Hey! Can't you watch where you're going?"

You brush your hair away from your face and look at him.

"I'm sorry but if you saw me coming why didn't you just walk the other way?"

"Hah, just watch where your going okay." he says and pushes you against the locker.

"Yah! Jungkook!" you call back at him, and then just mind your own business. As you walk to your locker you think about him. Why is he being  this way. You think that he is starting to be meaner to you. Maybe he is, you thought.

Well that's it for today. Hope ya'll enjoyed!!

 Hope ya'll enjoyed!!

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