Book II (chapter 3)

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Chelsea's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing continuously like a maniac... Are you serious who calls in the middle of the night... Before picking up my phone I glanced at the clock it was about 2:45 in the morning... I picked up and saw it was Axel... Why was he calling me now? This is definitely not a very appropriate time... I decided not to pick up so I just let it ring... Again after a couple of minutes it started ringing... This time I picked up...
"Hello what the hell this is not the time to call someone... What do you want..?" I said half yelling on the phone... But the voice that I heard next did not belong to him.. it was another male voice that said..
"I am sorry miss but looks like your boyfriend is really drunk and does not have the strength to get up and go home.... So it would be much appreciated if you would come and pick him up..." He said ..
"Huh what? Wait where are you calling from?"... I asked getting confused..
"I am speaking from the Braidwood Crown ma'am ... I am the bartender here and my name is Chris Locking..." He said..
"Are you serious or this some kind of a joke...?" I asked cause I really wanted to be sure about everything...
"Ma'am I am serious if you want you can even talk to your boyfriend..." He said..
"That's a good idea.." I said then I could hear some shuffling and shifting noises and I heard a very rough, broken voice on the other side...
"Helloooooo... CHELSEAAAA...." Axel yelled from the other side..
"Why are you drunk?" I said getting really pissed off at him...
"I am not.... *Hiccup*... Drunk..." He said in a soar voice..
"Yeah no shit Sherlock..." I rubbed my forehead and then spoke again... "Just stay there I will come pick you up..." I said and hung up...
I got up from my cozy bed and slipped on some jeans and a jacket, pulled my hair in a messy bun, took my car keys and quietly left the house... I reached the club within 20 minutes and regretted the moment I entered it... Strong smell of alcohol, whiskey and all sorts of drinks invaded my nose... I slowly stepped inside and looked around... I went to the counter and asked for Chris Locking... He showed me a guy who was sitting with Axel at one corner of the room... Axel was hugging a bottle and was laying down on the table... I went up to the table and stood in front... Chris saw me and came up..
"Ma'am I was the one who called you..." He said..
"Why did you call me..?" I asked him..
"Ma'am because he told me to call you... Infact your name was there in the emergency call list.... Sorry for bothering you but I didn't know what else to do..." He said and giving me a very apologetic look...
"It's okay don't feel sorry... You did the right thing... Now can you help me to get him inside the car please..." I said looking at Axel who was now sitting up straight and smiling like a chesire cat...
He looked so adorable I mean drunken Axel was the best Axel... He behaved like a complete two-year old... Sometimes it was annoying but apart from that it was also entertaining... The big billionaire Axel Marcus DeLuca could even behave like that is highly unthinkable.. so it was good... I pulled him down from the table and took the bottle away from his hand...
"Ahhh don't take the.... *Hiccup*.... Bottle.... *Hiccup* .... From me pweaseeee...*" He said looking at me with puppy eyes...
"No Axel enough we are now getting you home..." I said in a very stern voice...
"You are meannnnnnn..." He said and looked away from me... I smiled at him and wrapped an arm around his waist... And help him to walk... As I was taking him out I felt somebody smacking my butt really hard.... I turned back and saw a group of men standing a few inches away from me and laughing... I didn't say anything and continued walking but then somebody smacked me again... This time I turned and yelled at them...
"What... Happened?" Chris asked looking at me...
"Woah really what you gonna do..? Hit us? Even if you do it won't really matter..." They said laughing and gave hi-fives to each other.... I could smell the alcohol in their breath...
Suddenly one of them got hold of my hand and started dragging me...
"Let... Go ... Of .. my ... Hand ...." I said trying to wiggle out of their grips.... Chris came in to rescue me but one of those assholes just punched him, he fell and hit his head and never got up... I was helpless... The people there were too drunk to react... The workers were too scared to do something because these people were like huge..  I saw the manager coming to my rescue but they held him by his collar and threw him on the ground...
"LET ME GO YOU BLOODY BASTARDS..." I yelled and was literally praying for some sort of a miracle to happen... They just wouldn't let me go and then all of a sudden a punch was delivered on this guy's jaws... Immediately his grip loosened and I freed myself from him... I saw Axel standing beside me in a very wobbly state but still able to stand... The other guys were too shocked to react... Cause they probably didn't apprehended a punch so strong from a drunken guy...
"STAY. AWAY. FROM. MY. GIRLFRIEND..." Axel said in a strong commanding CEO voice... Where did this come from? I thought to myself but I was happy that it came... The guy on the floor got up and punched Axel... He fell to the floor...
"AXELLL.." I yelled in horror... I ran to him and helped him to sit up... The corner of his lower lips were bleeding... He spat on the floor and and wiped the blood and got up again... He delivered a few punches and received a few punches... I was horrified with the sight in front of me... The last kick that was given by Axel landed on the other guy's balls and he lay there in pain... And didn't get up again cause his whole body was most probably writhing in pain.... His 'friends' went to his aid bit couldn't do much... He kept groaning and cursing... I went to axel... I slowly helped him up... I didn't realize I was crying until he wiped a lone tear from my cheek... I inspected him.. he a cut lip... His forehead was bleeding, his shirt was torn, his hands were scrapped... In short he looked horrible... I helped him back to the car and drove back home... All the way back none of us spoke... I took him inside my house... We entered and the first thing I did was hug him... He hugged me back... I was happy for what he did for me... It meant a lot to me... I don't know what I would have done if he didn't save me... I cried my heart out on his chest... After sometime I took him upstairs and made him sit in the bed... I cleaned up his wounds and bandaged them... I gave him fresh clothes to wear... Those were apparently his clothes... I had a set of his clothes cause they smelled just like him... But then since I got it a long time back the smell had faded but the look of it reminded me of him... It sort of made me happy... We both slept on the same bed.. at first it was awkward like super super awkward but then he pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead, giving me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside...
"Thank you Axel so much..." I said wrapping my arms around him
"Don't mention..." He said and placed another kiss on my forehead... Everything felt so surreal... I couldn't believe anything that was happening at the moment... I finally felt content after a really long time... I slowly closed my eyes and fell in deep slumber with a smile plastered on my face...

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