chapter 20

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Chelsea's POV

I don't remember when I fell asleep... When I woke up I saw it was already evening... I got up and sat on the bed.. I saw the watch was still in my hands... I slowly kept it on my bedside table... I went inside the bathroom and took a shower... It calmed me... I felt relaxed but I knew I was hurt very badly... I sat down on the edge of the bath tub... Thinking to myself... Maybe it was high time I let Axel go... He moved on and since there is nothing left to mend.. I should move on too... But I knew I would fight for us just one last time... I knew I what I had to do... I would visit him tomorrow and just try to get him back... If tomorrow doesn't work out then I am definitely going to let go... No more holding onto something that would never happen ever again.... After shower I went downstairs and saw that Nicky was not there... I knew Claire had come back because I saw her bag on the couch... I went inside the kitchen and was about to open the fridge when my eyes fell on a sticky note that said..
"Gone out with Claire to do some grocery shopping... If you need anything just give a call.. we will come back soon.. and don't go anywhere...
                                Love Nicky :)
P.S:- if Axel shows up then please don't let him enter... "
I read the note then threw it... I took out a bottle of water and was drinking when I saw Claire come in to the house, happily talking to Nicky...
"Hey sis... How are you feeling...??" Claire asked coming towards me and engulfed me a huge bear hug...
"Hey I am fine... How was your exam??" I asked her..
"Nailed it as usual..." She said flipping her hair...
"Wow that's my sis, you know I am so proud of you..." I said and pulled her to give her another hug...
"Hey girlllll... Did 'you-know-who' come here??" Nicky asked me, putting the grocery bags down on the kitchen counter...
"I don't know I was fast asleep..." I said and looked away... Honestly I didn't want to talk about him.. at least not at the moment...
"Yeah ok... I'll set up dinner ok..." She said and kissed me on the cheek...
"Blahhhh why would you do that Nicky ... It's gross..." I said wiping my cheek..
"I love you that's why.. moron.." she said and went away...
The next morning I woke up feeling fresh and motivated... I knew I would try and have a civil conversation with Axel... I really need to talk to him... I knew I had to sneak out of the house cause if Nicky caught me then all hell would break loose... I got dressed and slowly walked out... I felt weak but I knew it was now or never.. I went out took a cab and directly headed to DeLuca Corps...
I stood in front of the massive, white color building... I was about to go inside when I ran into a very hard wall... Ouch should have stayed back home... I can't even see clearly...
"Oh my apologies..." I heard someone say.. wait a minute not again... Why do I keep running into him...
"Uh yeah hi.." I said looking up and coming face to face with Axel...
"Chelsea?? What are you doing here?? Shouldn't you be at home??" He said looking at me with concern written on his face...
"Uh I came here to talk to you... Can you give me some time... I know you are a busy man but please I won't take too much of your time... Please it's important..." I said in a hurry to convince him..
He didn't say anything just nodded at me and asked me to follow him inside...
I quietly followed him like a lost puppy... We got into his private elevator... The moment the door closed I started feeling awkward and anxiety took over.. I didn't like closed spaces... Yeah I am claustrophobic... I started breathing heavily and beads of perspiration appeared on my forehead...
"Chelsea you okay??..." He said then with a slight pause he spoke again... "Oh shit... I forgot about this... Chelsea look at me... Come on look at me...." He said trying his best to make me look at him but I couldn't move my head... I was feeling nauseous... Then suddenly he pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me securely... My head was buried in his chest... The smell of his perfume kind of started relaxing me... He stroked my hair slowly and my breathing became a bit normal... I closed my eyes shut tightly... I didn't want to see anything...
"Hey we reached you can open your eyes....!! " He said... I slowly opened my eyes and moved away from him against my will...
"Uhhh... Thank.. you..." I said tucking my hair behind my ear and straightening my dress...
"Let's go..." He said and went out of the elevator I almost ran out and was about to bump but I managed myself...
His embrace just all of a sudden just made me feel alive... Even though it was just for a few minutes, it still meant a lot... But in the back of mind I knew it was probably the very last time I get him so close to me ever...

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