chapter 1

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Chelsea's POV
3 years later..

"Come on one last pose.. turn your face this side, raise your eyebrows a little, lips apart slightly... Yeah yeah good perfect now hold that and yeah.. 3, 2, 1... Perfect... That's it for today.. wrap up" said Maya... Maya was my photographer and also my guide... She was really a sweetheart... Sometimes she would get on my nerves but then apart from that she was a real good hearted person... I have been working for DANISH for over a couple of years... Being the model of one of the best and topmost modelling agency was tiring but at the same time a really well paid job....
"Hey bitch wanna go out??" chirped Nicolette better known as Nicky by friends and colleagues... She worked with me at Danish and was also a well known model... She was really hyper-active but at the same time a really charming girl... She was bubbly and always up for something... But then you wouldn't want to make an enemy out of her or get in her bad books... She might be all sweet, innocent, good-girl types but she can become your worst nightmare as well... She can even go from angel to Godzilla in a matter of seconds... Bottom line she was the most unpredictable girl in the whole universe...
"Nah not today I am tired.. instead we can Netflix and chill... Please" I replied... Honestly today's shoot was extremely tiring... I just wanted to go back home and take a long shower and a really good sleep... "Fine we can do that but first we are getting coffee you lazy ass person" Nicky replied sighing...

I changed my clothes and we both went out... We went directly to Starbucks... I went and sat in an empty chair near the window... Couple minutes later Nicky came back with our order... Sitting there we were discussing about the upcoming fashion event in LA... When suddenly something caught my eye... Someone to be specific....!!!
I was left frozen in my seat and my eyes were glued onto the person who just walked inside... I felt an undescribable feeling in my stomach... Maybe because of the person I saw or the person that was with them...
The only words that left my mouth that was barely audible was "AXEL"....!!!

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