chapter 13

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Chelsea's POV

The evening went quite well and I enjoyed the company... And honestly I was happy that Claire was dating Ethan ... Ethan was a really great guy and I know for sure he would do anything to keep her happy... And Claire deserves a guy like Ethan.... Though they are very different from each other but still a lot similar to each other... I had all my best wishes for them... Seeing Claire happy and content was like seeing the entire universe in front of my eyes... I was satisfied... Claire and Ethan decided to hang around a little more before coming back home so I went back alone.... And this was when today's encounter resurfaced back to my mind.... I couldn't wipe the look of pure disgust and hatred that was displayed all over his features once he had realized who I really was... Did he hate me so much?? De he despised me so much?? Was the two most significant questions that kept playing in my head over and over again... But I knew for sure that I wasn't going to give up without trying... I knew I had to do something before it was too late... I knew I loved him more than words could express and I also knew that he hated me more than anything in the world but one thing I also knew that I wasn't going down without a battle...
I woke at around 6:30 in the morning.... I had a shoot today then a couple meetings... The shoot would most probably last for about 3 hours then a gap of about an hour then meetings... In short my day was going to be hectic.... I hated such days with a burning passion...
I did my morning routine then decided to hit the gym then get ready to start the day....
I did as I decided to do... After everything I got out of my house at about 10:30 in the morning then went to the studio for the shoot....
"Hey Maya morning..." I said cheerily
"Hey someone's looking happy?? What's up??" She said poking me in the sides...
"Nothing just like that" I said
"Are you sure??" She asked
"Yup 100%"
"Is there something I should know??"
"Nope nothing at all.. oh by the way where's Nicky, she was supposed to come right??" I asked looking around the place...
"Huh?? Oh yeah she said she'll be late some emergency came up.... "
"Whattttttttt she didn't tell me anything" I asked suddenly becoming all worried... I really wish she is okay... "You know what Maya I am just going to make a call and see if everything is okay with her..." I said I walked away with my phone...
"Yeah okay sure" she replied from somewhere behind me...
I was really worried about her.. she has never done anything like this before... She would always let me know whatever happened.... I called her up... She picked up after a few rings...
"Hey Nicky are you okay?? What happened why didn't you call me or even tell me.... Please tell me nothing happened to you..." I asked
"Woah relax nothing happened I am fine I will come and let you know everything cool?"
"Yeah sure but come fast please"
"Yeah okay... See you later bae..." She said and hung up.. I sighed feeling relieved that she was okay.... I went back inside and told Maya about the conversation we had.. and honestly I was happy that she was okay ..... But I would surely have her head cause I knew one thing that she was definitely upto some sort of bullshit.... And I eagerly waited for her arrival....!!

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