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" prendi il cazzo di casa mia now and never ever show your face to me!! capisci cazzo??" Axel said, his voice hitting dangerously low decibels.. the way it did when he was angry.. But this time he was not only angry but hurt and broken.. He never thought Chelsea would do that.. like never in a million years he imagined that..
"Believe me I didn't do it... It's not what it seems to be.. I would never do something like that.. i would never try to tarnish your know that right!!" Chelsea said in a desperate voice to convince him of her innocence... But somehow she knew she wanted this.. she derived a very odd satisfaction from the whole situation... She knew she was lying.... She just wanted him so that she could go up the social ladder and reach a position from which nobody could bring her down... He was just a mere puppet to her... She didn't feel anything for him... She just needed his reputation so that she could go forth with her modelling career.. Now she was working with the most renowned modelling agency and her career had reached it's pinnacle... She was content.. she didn't need him...
But he needed her more than words could describe... She was his first everything... They started dating from college days... Completed almost 4 years together, but he knew her way before that, they grew up together, they were best friends... And she just threw everything away...
"You know what Axel I don't need you.. let's just face it...  You were nothing but just a source that would help me... I was never your best friend or your girlfriend... I pretended the whole time... And yes as for leaking that photoshopped picture of you making out with another girl, accusing of cheating on me and telling everybody that you abused me and that you somehow got involved in drugs.... I did that... And I am sorry for that.. And as for going out your house, I will do that gladly and with a whole lot of pleasure... And if you are planning to put me behind bars then sorry to burst your bubble I have enough alibis who can confirm my story... So don't even think about doing that...." She said, turned around and left...
Every word she spoke felt like a stab in his heart.. He couldn't believe his own years... Tears rolling down his cheeks.. he stood at the doorway hoping that he would wake up from this bad dream and see everything was normal... He wanted to run behind her and bring her back but he couldn't... It felt like he was frozen.. he couldn't move... He felt numb, broken and perplexed... He didn't know what he had to do or what he would do.... He sat down on the floor with his head in his hand.. "Dio, cosa me lo sono meritato"... She left, but not before creating an irreplaceable void in his heart...

prendi il cazzo di casa mia--- get the fuck out of my house

capisci cazzo--- do you fucking understand

Dio, cosa me lo sono meritato--- good what did I do to deserve this

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