chapter 17

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Chelsea's POV

Hospitals suck big time... I am hating my share of experience... The food sucks... The clothes they give you to wear are horrible... And above all every now and then I am getting injected... I hate needles... I am scared of them... They hurt.... Currently I am lying on my bed.. no one was there in my room... Nicky had a shoot... And Claire had an exam... And no one else... We didn't inform my dad... Cause he would become restless which was absolutely not good for his health... He himself is sick.... I didn't want to bother him... It's been two days and I am still stuck here... I wanted to go home so bad... Axel never showed up after the day he admitted me... I was secretly hoping for him to come... But maybe I shouldn't have hoped so much.... They didn't even allow me to keep my phone... I mean which hospital does that... None exactly... I was bored out of my mind.... I was deep in my thoughts when I heard the door click.... I thought it was nicky but Emmanuel came in...
"Oh my God Chelsea.... I haven't seen you in soooo long... I wish we met under different circumstances.. but still... How are you???" He said while entering the room with a bouquet....
"I am good, feeling a lot better than before... How are you?? Haven't seen in you in a really long time.." I said and sat up to hug him...
He hugged me back then pulled a chair and sat down...
"So how's everything going??" I asked
"Everything is great... I think you know I am dating your best friend.... When she told me about you I was really eager to meet up... But because of work and everything I couldn't get a chance... But when she told me you were in the hospital I made it a point to see you and be there for you..." He said
"Thanks and honestly I am sooooo happy and excited for both of you... You guys look so cute together... By the way how was your little holiday huh..." I said raising  and wiggling my eyebrows...
"It was great and don't give me that look we didn't do anything..." He said in a haste...
"When did I say you guys did something??" I said smiling
"You didn't but your expression did.. anyway where is everyone??" He asked looking around the room..
"Nicky had a shoot, she didn't want to leave me but I forced her to go... I mean that's what she does for living she can't just sit here the whole day just cause I am sick... And Claire had an exam so she had to go... And we didn't inform my dad.. you know he is not keeping well and telling him about me will just cause problems... I have created enough problems to last a lifetime... So yeah that's pretty much it..." I said but the last part I kind of whispered so he wouldn't hear...
"And what about the rest??" He asked
"What do you mean? I told you about everyone..." I said looking a little lost..
"You know who I am talking about.. the one who got you here in the first place... That dumb-headed friend of mine?" He said looking directly at me
"Oh um... I.. don't know.. he left after admitting me here and never showed up again... I don't blame him at all... Instead I am thankful that he got me here..." I said and looked the other way...
"What was he doing in your house?" He asked...
"I don't know.." I said but then I suddenly remembered he had left a packet or a box on my bed that contained a few things that I left at his place... "No wait he was there to return a couple of things that I had left at his house..." I said and then turned back again
"What ?? He went there to return your things that to after 3 years later??" He said, putting a lot of emphasis on each word he said...
"Yeah why??" I asked again
"Don't you think it's a bit absurd..." He said looking at me... Yeah right I didn't think about this... It is weird why did he suddenly feel like returning my things after 3 years... Somethings fishy...
But I decided that maybe he found out those things suddenly like maybe he found them when he was cleaning his house or something...
"Nah it's nothing absurd... Maybe he found them suddenly cause he was cleaning his house...." I told Emmanuel
Hearing this he burst out in laughter...
"What why are you laughing Nuel??" I asked cause I was so damn confused about this sudden change...
Emmanuel kept a hand on my shoulder and looked at me...
"You really think he went to return your stuff?? Seriously??? And as for cleaning, you know how he is...?" He said still smirking
"Maybe one of the maids.. I mean Taylor that elderly woman who lives in his house found those..." I said
"Taylor left about a year after you left him... So basically there is no maid in his house..." He said "you know I think I should leave... I have a very important meeting... But then think about this okay chels..." He said again... Emmanuel got up from his chair came to me and engulfed me in a tight hug then kissed my forehead and left... But not before saying "take care of yourself and get well soon you are in for something big"
"What do you mean" I asked
"You will know soon... Just wait for some more time..." He said and left...  I didn't understand anything he was saying... I was just soooo confused.... He left me pondering about I don't know what... Suddenly Emmanuel came again he was smiling like the chesire cat... He got hold of my hands bought his face closer to me and said
"ti ama più di quanto tu sappia ... ti ha sempre amato ... e ti amerà per sempre ... abbia fede ... tornerà da te ..." He finished speaking gave me a warm smile and left...
"Wait Nuel... What did you say??" I screamed but it was already out the door... I didn't understand what he said... I was even more messed up... I didn't understand what he said in English and now he bombarded me by speaking in italian... I don't speak that language... Arghhh I hate him so much... I was left in a complete mess... I wanted to kill him so bad... But then one thing that struck me was that why did he come back to return a couple things of mine after 3 fucking years... Did he have some other intentions... I knew I had to find it out... But how I didn't know that...


ti ama più di quanto tu sappia ... ti ha sempre amato ... e ti amerà per sempre ... abbia fede ... tornerà da te ..."--- he loves you more than you know ... he has always loved you ... and he will love you forever ... have faith ... he will come back to you ...

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