chapter 25

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Chelsea's POV

I have been working for the Axel for quite some time now... It's been almost 6 months since my first day.... Everyday he found a new way of humiliating me and hurting me... His tongue was really sharp... His mouth could really use some filters... He never behaved so rudely with his employees except for me... I mean come on even I was a human ... I get hurt... But it never seem to bother him... I think he enjoyed hurting me with his sharp and bitter words... His attitude towards me seemed to worsen with every passing day... I remember how he had hurt me in front of all the employees on the annual programme of the company... He told I was incompetent, unworthy, lazy and a total jerk... And what was my fault rather his fault I had forgotten to invite a couple more important guests... But then I clearly remember he never told me to do that... I remember running out of the place crying when nobody was looking... After that day his attitude towards me changed slightly... He was less humiliating a teensy bit more considerate....
Today was yet another day of struggle and humiliation... I prepared myself for everything and went to work... I greeted Katie, she was the receptionist...
"Morning.." I said with a smile..
"Hey morning.. how are you?" She asked and hugged me...
"I am good what about you?" I asked her
"Same.. oh wait before I forget there is something for you..." She said and went back to her place.. she bent down and got a bouquet of chrysanthemums..
"There you go.. somebody left it for you.. there is a note on it..." She said.. I was so damn surprised... Chrysanthemum was my favorite flower.. and over here there was a whole bunch of them... I was so happy looking at those... They looked magnificent... There was a note attached to it that read..
"There is a language, little known,

Lovers claim it as their own,

Its symbols smile upon the land,

Wrought by nature's wondrous hand;

And in their silent beauty speak,

Of life and joy, to those who seek

For Love Divine and sunny hours

In the language of the flowers."

You are strong and you will be able to surpass all the storms... Have a great day sweetheart...!!
From-- M. DL

"Wow that's beautiful... Whoever wrote that has some real deep feelings for you.. I wish I had someone like that.. I am so jealous of you..." Katie said taking the note from me...
"But I don't know the person who gave it to me.. I mean the initials don't look familiar..." I said turning the note to see if there was something at the back of it...
"Secret admirer??" She said squealing..
"Maybe I don't know..." I said
"Oh my God... I really want to meet this mysterious person... I am sure he is a beautiful soul.. I mean look at the way he writes..." She said happily...
"I am sure it's taken from somewhere... People like these don't exist..." I said
"Whatever even if it's taken at least the person went through the trouble of looking for it right..." She said looking at me...
"Yeah whatever anyway I will see you later.." I said and went upstairs... I took the bouquet with me... It looked so gorgeous... My kept wandering around the initials... What did they stand for?? I kept the flowers on my desk and went to Axel's room... I knocked on his door and went inside... But I regretted immediately... He was sitting on the couch, Sophia was sitting on his lap... They were kissing like their lives lives depended on it... He had his hands on her butt while her hands were in his hair... They kissed with so much passion and fervour... They saw me and got up immediately... His hair was ruffled, buttons were messed up... His white shirt had creases... His tie unkempt... Everything was so messed up... I didn't even look at sophia.. I kept staring at him.. how could he?? Then why did he tell me that he was going to give us a chance...?? Why did he make such fake promises..?? Why Axel why?? My mind was screaming at him... Tears threatened to spill from my eyes...
"What the fuck can't you knock??" I heard Sophia yell at me...
"I am sorry ma'am I didn't know!!" I said gulping really hard..
"Your sorry doesn't cut it.. what did your mother teach you?? No manners.." she said.. she spoke again but this time to axel.."you have such mannerless employees.. why don't you do a background check before hiring people... I mean look at her the way she dresses just screams the fact she is a slut..." She said... I looked at Axel he looked so ignorant about the fact that his girlfriend was standing there and blatantly insulting me and my mom... He knew my mom was a very sensitive topic for me... Then why was he allowing her to do so...
"PLEASE GET OUT MISS THOMPSON..." Axel yelled at me... I was stupefied... Thank you Axel for showing me my place... I apologized once again and ran out of his office... I ran to the bathroom and started balling my eyes out... I didn't want to work for him... I am a human... I know I made a mistake but that surely doesn't give him the right to treat me like that... I was going to quit working for him... Everything was becoming to much for me... I didn't sign up for such humiliation... I don't want to go back to him.. I don't want any sort of relationship with him... I stood up wiped my face and went back to my room... I sat down and started typing my resignation letter... I finished and took a print out of it, put it in an envelope and went back to his office... This time I knocked very loudly...
"Come in..." I heard him say...
I went inside and kept the letter on his desk...
"What's this..??" He asked taking the letter in his hand...
"My resignation..." I said quietly..
"Not acceptable... You know the terms of your job... You can't quit unless and until I dismiss you... If you do that then you need to pay me a million dollars... You know that right..." He said looking at me...
"Fine I will pay you... But I quit..." I said.. I was more than capable to pay him the money..
"Where will you get the money that to also within the next 5 days?" He asked raising his eyebrows..
"With all due respect sir that's none of your concern... You will get the money within the next five days... And now if you will excuse me.." I said and walked out of his office without looking back... I went back to my room and started packing when I suddenly felt someone grab my arm and pull me towards them...
"You are not going anywhere..." Axel spoke... I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but then he was way too strong for me...
"I am sorry that's not your decision sir..." I said and tried to push him..
"Please Chelsea don't leave..." He said again
"I said leave... And let me go..." I replied
"Look what ever you think you saw it wasn't like that... And I am sorry for that..." He said still holding my hand...
"Woah you don't have to explain... Nothing at all.. she is your girlfriend... So you have every right to do whatever you feel like... Don't worry it's okay..." I said
"No Chelsea please I am sorry... I know I should have said something... I don't know what came over me... I didn't mean to yell at you..." He said looking me in the eye...
"Hey that's okay you don't have to explain anything to a gold-digging slut, who doesn't have the proper upbringing and who is a mistake in everyone's life..." I said sarcastically...
"Look I am sorry for those words please just listen to me..." He said.. I looked around and saw a glass pen stand I took that and gave it to him...
"Here sir throw this on the ground..."
"Why it will break.." he said suddenly getting confused..
"Just please do it.." I said
He took it from me and threw it on the floor as expected it broke to million pieces... "Okay now say sorry to that..." I said
"Whats your point Chelsea..?" He asked
"Just do it.." I said and he apologized to the broken pieces...
"Did it go back to it's original form?" I asked him...
"Uh... " He didn't say anything just kept looking at the broken pieces...
I wriggles out of his grip, collected my things, took the bouquet and left the office... I told Katie that I was quitting, she seemed upset but gave me a hug and went back to her work... I walked out of the building and his life... But this time permanently... I am not coming back.. he has hurt me way to much... I am not going to look back and just move forward... I know that I won't be able to wipe him off completely but I would as much as I could...
Axel DeLuca I hope you have a great life...

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