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        He was being ridiculous. He knew that. He didn't need anyone to tell him that. And he had been stupid. He knew that too. Lucille was gone for three weeks. He should have left then. But he couldn't. He wanted to see her one more time. And he had. But that was six times ago. He paced his almost empty livingroom, clenching his jaw continously and raking his hair with his hand. Even before she left, he was staying in town when he shouldn't have. He had no business there. If he did it was for a night... or a day but only to see his sponsors. There were no races here. So why was he still hanging around when he was supposed to leave? For one obvious reason that was completely and utterly ridiculous. Lucille Lawes... nee Lawes. He couldn't be more pathetic. He grabbed his car keys. A final stupid decision he planned to carry out.
       Lucille opened the front door, confused and groggy. "Wes." Seeing him woke her up completely. "Hi. It's really early. What are you-"
       "I've tried." He started. Nick watched from behind her. Noticing the red eyes and look of frustration on the other man's face. "I really have. And I can't get over you. I kn- I know this is all my-" He couldn't get the words out. Words that weren't true because it was her choice, not his fault. He sighed. "Tell me to leave." The words heavy with desperation.
       Her forehead creased. "What?"
"Please tell me to. Tell me to go and I will."
       "Wes, you're being ri-" the word he knew was true.
"You have some kind of hold over me. You can't even begin to imagine how powerful it is so please. Please tell me to leave."
       It was confusing, strange to wake up to and very very confusing. "Leave? Leave where? Wes you're kind of scaring me. It's really early and what do you mean by hold?"
       "I love you and I will do anything you ask me to. I always have. And right now, I need you to tell me to leave."
       "No. I don't understand. Why? Why Should I do that? And leave where?" There wasn't much information to go on to make sense of it all.
       "Lucille please." His eyes begged her as it searched her face. "Please. I can't leave unless you tell me to. I've tried."
       "I don't get it. And you're confusing me."
Nick kept watching with folded arms and furrowed eyebrows. Seeing what Lucille didn't. Pure heart break. Wes didn't come in the house. He just stood before the threshold like it was keeping him away from her. Wes kept begging. "Lucille I need you to do this."
       "But I don't get it. I don't get it, it's scaring me and it feels... It feels... not good."
His lack of a true answer got to her, hitting her with frustration. She gave up. "Fine. You wouldn't explain it. You come knocking on my door at this hour, waking me up and refusing to tell me why. Fine. Get out. You came all the way here. Just to hear me tell you to leave? Go. Leave. Get out. Any more requests?"
       He let out a deep breath. "Thank you." He stepped through the threshold hold, taking hold of her waist and hugging her before she could react. Or Nick could react. The one hug full of the bravery he never showed and heavy with regret for not showing it since. Nevertheless, he felt lighter. It worked. He would leave with three seconds of a last new memory; the scent of her, her hair, the feel of it in his hand and her soft smoothed skin touching his. She had a scowl on her face when he stepped back. "I'm sorry I woke you." He turned around and left. No more one more time. He wasn't coming back.

      The early morning event got to the both of them. Albeit for very different reasons. Lucille was both worried and confused. What would lead him to ask her such a thing and then not explain it? Why would he need her to tell him to leave? Wes always did stupid things but this time it really bugged her. Half way through her work day, she decided to tell Nina what happened. Someone has to know what's wrong. But Nina was just as shocked as she was, a little upset even. Then she came to a realisation and kept it to herself. That is of course, after she spoke to Quincy.
       Then Lucille went to Quincy's office. And told him what Wes said. "He left town." Quincy stated.
        Her forehead creased. "What? Today?"
"He was supposed to leave months ago."
        She couldn't believe it. "Why didn't he tell me? Where is he going?"
        "So you can go yell at him for not telling you?"
"But daddy-"
        "The man had unrequited feelings for you. Stayed in town when he should have left so he could see you. Finally decided to leave by telling you to ask him to and you want to find out where he's gone so you can yell at him for not telling you or... I'm just guessing, not really saying goodbye. Therefore, taking away the progress he'd made in the last six hours."
       Lucille folded her arms, staring at him. "But daddy, he should have-"
       "Should he?" He swayed in his swivel chair. Waiting for her to get it. He knew she did, she was just being stubborn.
       "He's my friend."
       She sighed in defeat, deciding it was better to give up. It didn't stop her from feeling betrayed. He'd stolen something from her with that little act. 'I've tried... tell me to leave... Please... you have some kind of hold over me. You can't even begin to imagine... I'm begging you.' She rubbed her forehead, closing Quincy's office door and solemnly heading for the stairs. She needed the walk. He'd stolen a piece of her, and she will undoubtedly miss him.
       The other victim wasn't betrayed or angry. In fact, Nick understood... He was empathetic even. Because it could have been him. He couldn't imagine being without her. Not now. Before it was a question of how lucky was he to be with her. The early morning talk gave him an answer. Very extremely... beyond even. Out there was a man broken from the loss of a woman he didn't have the courage to tell how he felt. And in here was him, the man who took the courage in spite of all he'd done to her.
       His empathy took him down town to her office. They had lunch. She told him she was going to speak with Quincy because Nina was no help. He didn't really want to say anything. He just wanted to be around her. And then towards evening, she had another meeting to attend thanks to Bryan. His gratitude for her became so overwhelming all too suddenly that he found his was to the conference room, took her hand from the table while she looked at him in wonder and pulled her out of there.
       On the other side of the glass wall, he snaked one hand round her waist, pulling her so close to him, she was pressed up against him. "Nick-" He kissed her. Eyes peering at them while he just kissed her. She pulled away. "Nick!" A loud whisper.
       "I know how he felt. I understand him. One little difference and it could have been me at your door and not him. I know that. Clear as day." She looked up at him with sad eyes. "I see that now."
        Lucille smiled. "We're almost done here. I'll come see you." He nodded, reluctantly leaving her and looking back every few microseconds. He saw her take her seat again.
        She did go to his office. It didn't take long before things were beginning to... heat up. However, "I heard Lucille was-" Bryan burst in unannounced. The mere sound of his voice, and Nick spun the swivel chair as quickly as possible so it backed him... Bryan. It backed Bryan before he could fully enter the office or finish his sentence. He had a few men behind him. Too late...
        Lucille slid off Nick's lap and crouched down under the table. Completely embarrassed and sure they hadn't turned away in time. Nick buttoned up his shirt just as quickly and turned to face the group. Bryan faked confusion, Nick knew better. "Lucille? She's not here." The room was tense. So very very thick with tension it was almost choking. And smiling businessmen behind his father.
        "Really?" Bryan arched a brow. He'd caught a glimpse of them. He had a feeling the others might have too. They definitely saw something.
        "Yes." Nick's answer was stern.
"Suzanne says she is. Not to mention it was confirmed by your your secretary minutes ago."
        Crap. "Do you see her in here? She's..." think think think. "She's not here because she's in the restroom. Couldn't you send for her? You always send for everyone."
        "I want to introduce her to some people."
"Great. I'll tell her to come see you."
        "You do that."
"Why wouldn't I?"
        "It wasn't a question Nick." Bryan chuckled, leaving. "This way gentlemen."
        Nick let out a puff of air. Silence engulfed them as he helped her too her feet. Then he started laughing, she hit him.

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