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       Bryan rubbed his right temple, feeling a headache coming on. Quincy eyed him before looking away. "Why are you okay with this?"
       "Why aren't you?" Quincy's eyes came back to him, then rested on his hands. His eyebrows furrowed.
       "She's your daughter."
"This isn't about her." He spoke so calmly. As opposed to the worry in Bryan's voice.
       "How is it not? This concerns her too. It's her child."
"It's his child as well. And our grandson."
       "I can't believe this is coming from you." He shook his head, crossing his legs and looking away.
       "This isn't about me either."
"Damn it man!"
       Quincy looked up with hooded eyes. "You do know Nick is aware of what he's done?" Bryan nodded. "He needs his father." Bryan rubbed the side of his face, shaking his head. He laughed. "I don't know why you're so hell bent on protecting her from him. You weren't there when He came over the first time. Or the times after that. She doesn't need you." He glared at Bryan. "Or me. Not since I've known her. And she wouldn't start now."
"The person you should worry about is Nick. If you weren't too busy chasing him away like he were an insect you'd see it."

    From the moment Wes laid eyes on her, he couldn't speak. She'd shut him up again. Without a word again. He felt like the luckiest person ever. To have her by his side... In public. They would stand side by side all night. It made his heart race. Lucille by his side all night. What could be better? The car stopped in front of the building, the chauffeur opened the door to the blast of flashing cameras. Wes stepped out first, adjusting his black suit as he did. He stretched out his hand and Lucille gently placed her hand in his. Emerging from the limo and suddenly drowning in wave after wave of camera shots. Wes smiled. Of course. He bent his head to her side. Even in her heels she wasn't so close to his height. "Aren't you going to yell at him for opening the door for you?" The limo slowly rolled away from behind them. Lucille smiled, Linking her arm with his then digging her fingernails into his suit sleeve. He hissed subtly and laughed. Somehow managing to get into the building.
       He wasn't the only one that froze when she walked in. Not that he noticed them with his eyes so fixed on her. But they all were looking at Lucille. They way she moved with some guy by her side. Damn it. She looked like she was made by angels and demons to torture him and keep him staring at her. Lucille was gorgeous in her black long silk dress, sapphire coloured shoes of which the tips he could only make out from underneath it. Matching jewellery laced with silver and some guy beside her. Who is the guy with her? He absent mindedly took a drink from the passing waiter and just held it. Lucille was the definition of vision... a pure vision. "Lucille Lawes." The person beside him started.
      "You know her?" Nick asked.
"Yes." He smiled. Neither one of them had looked away from her. "We went to high school together. A day before I graduated, she came right up to me and told me she had a crush on me. She must have been sixteen." He was proud of his story. "I met her in college. I asked her out and she said 'that was high school and this isn't.' It was shocking when she said that." Nick couldn't help wondering why he was still listening. "And she is not the forgiving type." That got his attention. "Too many victims of that particular mishap. I don't think I heard of anyone who did something wrong to her and was forgiven." Nick closed his eyes for two seconds. Was he sent to tell him that? "Excuse me." He went right for Lucille and the person she was with. His friendly informant wasn't the only one. But he couldn't move. With high school coming to mind, it felt like that again. Without the bullying. Just unpopular and she was it... whatever that meant. He decided to mingle.
      While Lucille and Wes were mingling: introducing and being introduced, "It's what she's wearing." One of the ladies who had formed a semi circle said. "It's the way she carries herself. Both her and her sister. They're like seventeenth century princesses pulled out of time with a hint of a wild side."
      "Hmm." Lady two sipped her wine. "Didn't she have a child?"
"She did didn't she?" Lady one remarked. "She doesn't look like it."
      "Who for?" Lady three asked.
"Nick I think." All eyes followed lady two's words to Nick's direction where he stood charming away an eager listening lady. "She was with him a lot during that time."
       "But she's here with him." Lady four nodded in Wes' direction.
"Wes Rangle." Lady two, who seemed to know everything, pointed out.
       "You mean Wes Rangle the racer?" Lady five didn't wait for a reply before heading off towards the pair.
       "They look so good together." Lady one referred to Lucille and Wes. "But if it's Nick then why-"
       "Maybe it's not him." Lady three said.
"You know, I went to a party she threw once. It was something. Both her and her sister..."
      Wes finally left Lucille's side, following after a waiter while smiling pleasantly at people who looked his way. He got the champagne he was looking for and headed straight for Nick. He stood by his side. Looking straight ahead, he took a gulp of champagne. Nick assessed him for a second. "Nick Atkins, I finally get to meet you."
      "You know me, but I don't know you."
"Wes Rangle."
      "As in the racer?" Nick showed no signs of being impressed.
"As in."
      "You're one of her friends?"
"No." They faced each other. "As far as you're concerned, I'm the one who took care of her."
      "I should thank you."
"I should hit you. More than once."
      Nick smiled. "I'd be happy if you did."
"I'd be happy too."
      Nick's impassive face returned. "I mean it." Wes raised a brow. "I really do."
      "Unfortunately." Wes smiled. "I'll leave the brutality to Lucille. But it's nice to finally meet you Nick."
      "You too Wes." He didn't let his disappointment show. But... Wes. It may not be the exact pronunciation, but Marvin called out that name a few times.
      "Did I tell you you look amazing?" Wes whispered to Lucille once he got back to her side. Interupting her conversation with a group. She smiled shaking her head. "Well, you do." She squeezed his upper arm while continuing her conversation with the group. When they left the group she turned to him. Suddenly he was too dazzled to speak. He swallowed and licked his lips. "Dance with me."
      "What?" She smirked. "Here? No one's dancing."
"Then let's go somewhere where we can."
      "I know a place. There's a small room over there. We can still hear the music." She had began to move before she finished talking.
      Nick watched as they left laughing and talking. She was with Wes. And all he could do was watch. For one hour she didn't glance in his direction. He didn't pay attention to those who couldn't help watching him. After a while, he stuffed his hands in his pockets, feeling his phial of cocaine in it and headed for the restroom. Subtly followed by a lady.
      Lucille took off her shoes and they danced. Both smiling so brightly. He loved it. Loved seeing her so happy even though Nick was in the next room. She laughed when he spun her. He just loved it. "Everyone was looking at you."
      "Try every woman in there was looking at you. If anything they were probably wondering why I am with you when I had Nick's child." Her hand touched his chest. Then he dipped her.
      "We don't have to talk about this."
"Oh come on Wes. That's one question anyone might have been asking for a year now." She stepped back. "Thank you."
      Nick couldn't concentrate on the woman in his arms. Not even a glance from Lucille. Not a thing. She hated him. And even if she said one word to him at her place she did nothing here. Making conversation with everyone who came up to her. With Wes by her side... well not all the time. He felt sick to his stomach. He stepped away from the lady, hissed and left the restroom without a word. Leaving his somewhat conquest shocked and hurt.
      Lady number three joined a group with better gossip. "No. I'm telling you. Bryan Atkins threw a party for his grandson. Lucille's son. Nick's son."
      "But it's Nick. Nick Atkins. I mean, Nick doesn't have girlfriends."
      "Then maybe she wasn't his girlfriend. Hence the distance."
"I suppose that makes sense."
      Lucille and Wes rejoined the party. After another hour at the party, the pair left. Stopping for ice cream on the way home. "Do you always do this after a party?"
      "Uhh... yes. But don't ask me why.  Cause I don't know why."
"Ok." He chuckled. "It's cute though."
      "It isn't always ice cream. It just has to be something sweet..." She talked and talked. And he talked, listened and laughed. Taking note of every detail when colourful lights from neon signs hit her face just right. They sat so close together. Knees touching. She touched his face for some reason and he held it there. Her warm open palm against his face. He leaned in, drowning in her eyes. She just kept looking at him. Go for it. Kiss her. Kiss her and she would know how he feels and he wouldn't have to keep imagining it. He leaned in more, hovering over her and feeling her warm strawberry and chocolaty breath against his lips. His eyes drifted to her lips then back to her eyes. Do it and she would know. Do it and he would know. He would wouldn't he? If she didn't kiss him back. If she stopped him when he tried or if she pushed him away and moved towards the door and looked out the window. He looked at the window. Seeing it happen. It's just a kiss. And like words, it could ruin everything. He looked at her again. Feeling his heart pounding as her eyes searched his. That's right. Tell yourself the truth Wes Rangle. He loves her. But he's not ready. 'As far as you're concerned, I'm the one who took care of her.' But did he really? Can he really?  He pulled her hand from his face gently and kissed her open palm. He shivered, nodding at her ice cream. "Your ice cream's melting." He rested her hand on her thigh. "Talker." He saw her blink... what was it? Three times? Then smile.
       "So is yours. Give it to me." She grabbed it from him.
He sat back and laughed. "No." He grabbed it back. She gasped. For some reason Nick came to his mind. And then he remembered the accident she was in with Nick. And what it led to. His reasons for backing down kept growing. He didn't want to repeat her night with Nick. If only partially.

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