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       On her way back into the restaurant, too deep in her own head to notice the person storming up to her. Geegee grabbed her arm, forcing her to face her. Quite the glare on her face as well. "Is something wrong with you?" Lucille blinked rapidly, looking away. "Nick? Nick, really?"
       Lucille's face relaxed as she sighed. "Geegee-"
"Why? What possible explanation could you have? After everything he did. What he did, hurt you deeply, we watched you. And Wes... Wes held you like his life depended on it-"
       "It just happened! You think I wanted to feel this way? I tried to get rid of it. But feelings... they're one heck of a pesky thing. And then he... He told me how he felt. And it only made me feel-" She sighed. "You can be mad. And I understand why. I'm not stupid. What I'm doing does not elude me."
       "Alright. Fine. I don't even want to be here anymore. I'll call you later. After I've tried to make sense of this mess." She let go of Lucille and stormed off. Heels clicking angrily. Lucille hissed in frustration. In minutes everything was filled with anger. It wasn't like she didn't see this coming. But Wes. Wes' voice, Wes' eyes... They left her weak.

       Nina was keeping her words down like a bad soup. She eyed Nick when he came in after her. And glared some more when he took a seat. That is of course, when they got home. Why was he still here? "Lucille." She turned to her sister. "Room. Now." Lucille obeyed the order. Knowing this would be just as bad as ever. Just rip the band aid off. Once in the room, Nina spun, facing her, hand raised, palm wide open and aiming for her face.
       Lucille caught Nina's wrist all to quickly. She was shocked at her own reflex. But the kicker was Nina trying to hit her. "Excuse you?" Her forehead creased. "Are you stupid?"
       "Are you?"
"You just tried to hit me." Nick's eyebrows raised in reaction to those words.
       "Let go of me!" Nina pulled her hand free. "Him?! What could possibly be your reason? And I don't want to hear you fell for him."
       "I did."
"Don't make me sick." She eyed her. "I can't believe you."
       "I don't believe you."
"Shut up. Let me remind you of all the things he did."
       "Don't do that."
"I said shut up!" Nina listed his sins. Nick closed his eyes the entire time. "How can you be with him?"
       "I don't know." Lucille shrugged. "I just am. And I want to."
"Are you doing this for Marvin? Because he has us. You and me."
       "You? You had an orphanage commissioned and you left. You're barely here. Going by that, Marvin has just me. Only me. I'm not with him for Marvin. Marvin and I were fine before he came back and we will always be. With or without him." Nick rubbed his face, leaning forward. "This is all me. How I feel." She sighed. "Nina, I tried. I tried not to feel this way. I really did. It was torturous." Her eyes stung. "I couldn't possibly understand why after all that he did. Why I would feel this way and it made no sense. But then he..." She looked away from her angry sister. "He came back and he told me how he felt. He wouldn't even have said anything if I hadn't forced him to and I didn't know he was going to tell me that. I care about him. I still can't believe it or understand it but I do. Knowing exactly what he'd done and still... After all the hurting." Nina rubbed her face. Settling down... calming down. Understanding her. "It's unreasonable but this is it. I'm not with him for my son. I'm with him for me and I'm happy. And I-"
       "Nick!" Nina called out. In seconds he was in the room. Taller than the girls yet feeling so so small. He kept his eyes on Lucille. Literally biting down on his tongue just so he doesn't tell her he loves her. Hearing her say she cared was... musical. "When you some how hurt her again, I'll have you thrown out of here and then beaten. Get out." He turned to Nina. "Not one word. Out!" She meant what she said. For her sister's happiness... She wouldn't say another word to Nick on this. After all, the 'relationship' wouldn't last long.
       "Can I at least talk to Lucille first?"
"No. You can't. My sister and I have a lot to talk about."
       "I'll call you later Nick." Lucille smiled a half smile. He nodded and left. Both of them listening for the front door to be shut and for the car he came in to drive off.
       "How did this happen?" Nina questioned almost immediately.
Lucille shook her head, shrugging. "I don't know. One minute I'm angry with him. Next thing I know we're having conversations that are very different from when I was pregnant. More honest I guess. Then all of a sudden I'd get excited when his car pulled up, or when he came to the office. It was like I couldn't wait to see him every time. Even now."
       Nina sighed gruffly, rolling her eyes as she said, "Oh my goodness."
       Lucille smiled. "I know."
Nina started out the room, back to the livingroom. Lucille followed. Sitting down while Nina locked the front door and poured them both glasses of wine. "Okay, so. He told you how he felt? How did that happen?" Lucille took a sip and then started her story.

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