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      Marvin was talking. Saying more words than mama and Lulu. He had conversations with Lucille. But as amazing as it was to watch them, as usual, he couldn't be a part of it. Especially since he didn't understand most of what his son said. Lucille had to interpret it. It didn't stop him from talking to him. When he went to pick up Marvin with Lucille, she asked him... Marvin if he remembered Nick. And since then, Marvin called him Nick. Disappointing...
      It was the second time they were going out. Lucille and Nick that is. And again, Marvin was crying and saying something about not wanting her to leave. At least that's what it sounded like. Marvin clung to her. Renee smiled at her grand son. "I'm just going out with papa okay?" Did Lucille just say that? He froze. It wasn't noticeable because he hadn't moved in minutes, but still. Wow. He decided; he had to try. "I'll be back soon. Just stay with grandma."
       "No!" His tiny hands held on tighter.
"Renee." Lucille called.
       Renee stepped forward and began pulling Marvin away. "Come on sweetie. Mummy would be back soon."
       Through their dinner, Nick was his business self. Not giving anything away... No. He was pretending. Keeping his raggedy nerves in check. Unable to just say the words. Second course over and still nothing. Not that they weren't talking. But the plague of not deserving her was strong. Wes has a better chance than he does. The fool couldn't see it.
       When she was done with her dessert, he just watched her. A well manicured dark green nail polished index finger rested tenderly on her lower lip, elbow on the table, thoughts far away. He smirked. "He'll be fine."
        She sucked in a deep breath. "Hmm?" Her eyes meeting his.
        "Oh." She scoffed. "I just imagine he's crying all night."
"He was okay last time. And he spends nights there."
        "Haven't you heard?"
        "It's a mother's job to worry." He threw his head back laughing. The waiter appeared with the cheque.
         He took her home. He followed after her as she rummaged through her purse for her house keys. Another day, another failed attempt at- "You've wanted to say something all night." Lucille's sudden turn to face him was startling.
"Say it." Nick blinked. "Say it." Those two words were pressuring. "You don't want to?" She taunted. It was... not right. "Thank you for dinner Nick. I believe I've made it up-" She turned around, heading for the front door.
       Nick grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. She gasped. He made her face him. Both hearts racing. Heat building between them. He leaned forward. Eyes looking into her's. "Be with me." His words were a whisper.
        No no no no. It can't be. His simple request was going to destroy everything. She regretted asking him to speak up. Did he know how she felt? She thought the months he would be away for would cure her of her rising feelings. But him returning... like an unwanted pet, she was sure if she ignored it it would go away and now this? "Nick." Her voice betrayed her.
        "Be with me." His had left her arm and went up her neck. His fingers slowly moving down her soft skin to her chest, leaving a trail of blazing heat. His fingers moved back up. All the way to her face. Lucille was lost. "I-"
        No. She had to fight it. "You can't possibly be serious." She took a trembling step back. She felt too far away from him.
        "I am. I've felt this way for so long." She scoffed in shock. "When you left that night, all I wanted was for you to come back. But you wouldn't talk to me. Melanie was an attempt at what I wanted- want with you. A real relationship. But she wasn't you and you made so much of an effort to ignore me." She opened her mouth to speak. "That present. That I tried to give you, I went out that night to get it. I've never-" He shook his head. Whatever the word was, he lost it. "Be with me." He stepped forward. Starting where he stopped; his hand on her face. His eyes shifted from her eyes to her lips. His thumb grazed her lips. Up... down... "Lucille." His voice grew deeper.
       She wasn't resisting. She was supposed to be resisting. But she stood there. Looking into his eyes so full of honesty and... want. Had he been hiding this too? All this time. His face was getting closer to hers. His eyes had turned into slits. Wait. She was trying to think. It wasn't working. Between his touch, his words and their closeness, her mind was in chaos. His lips touching her gave her goosebumps. His lips parting to take hers made her body burn. It was nothing like the first time. It could never be compared. His arms slid round her waist. Pulling her body into his, holding her there with no desire to pull away.

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