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     A lot can happen in six months. Such as conversations and smiles that give the impression that someone has been forgiven. But that was nothing to Nick's still guilty conscience compared to seeing Lucille walking into his office with Marvin by her side. Giving truth to the rumour that he did have a child. Shocking the entire building to find out it was with Lucille. Which explained why she quit when she did and her appearance in his office the few times she did visit. It was easy to figure out for those who were intrigued enough to do a few calculations. But for those who didn't mind a few rumours...
      Back to the point... main point. Nick loved it when Lucille visited him at work with Marvin. It was of course her way of telling him not to go by the house that day. That they'd have
Lunch instead. He didn't care. Today however, although he had been informed she was around, she hadn't knocked on his door. He got a little worried. Or perhaps, just like old times, she had chosen to take the stairs. "Where were you?" He asked the moment they walked in. The scene brought back memories... a memory. When he yelled at her for being late and then accused her of being with his father. He smiled to hide his guilt. Hell, he'd been foolish. Bart knew it. He was a coward. How possible is it that he is that way with her? Her and only her.
      For months all he needed was for her to forgive him. And now that she has, he's ridden with guilt. Or had that just not changed from the second he realised what he'd done to her? He was out of his chair and walking towards them. "Hi." Lucille smiled. "We bumped into Renee on the way up. She insisted we see Bryan first."
      "Okay." He moved his gaze from her to his son.
"Are you ready?"
      "I've been ready. Are you ready?" He asked Marvin. Who smiled, raising his arms for Nick to carry him. "I'll take that as a yes."

       Bryan stared in shock. He didn't bother looking at Quincy because well, Quincy never gave himself away. Bryan just stared at Nick trying to comprehend what his son just told him... them. He stood beside a sitting Quincy. Quincy's right elbow rested on the arm rest his index and middle fingers pulling up his temple. Making his eyebrow looked arched. Nick felt like he was being interviewed. Interrogated to be precise. But he had requested to meet with them, they agreed and he did all the talking. The room grew hot all too quickly for his liking. No one was talking. Did they not hear him?
     Bryan scoffed. "And what? Your sick depraved way of showing it is leaving her when she needed you?"
     "That's not it." Quincy commented, getting to his feet.
Bryan stepped back for him to pass. "You're right. Pretending to care about her and your unborn child for what?"
     "Five months." Quincy stuffed his hand in his pockets and stared at the bookshelf that was suddenly interesting.
     "Five months, exactly. That was your way of showing her you're in love with her?"
     "Not exactly. I didn't know it at the time."
"Really? So what changed?" Bryan folded his arms. He laughed in disbelief. "You're unbelievable, you know that?"
     "Explain yourself." Quincy ordered without taking his eyes off the books.
     "You can't possibly be serious Quincy."
"Let him talk Bryan. You can yell at him when he's done."
     "You can't think there's some sort of reasonable explanation behind those sick twisted things he did?"
     "I thought you more than anyone, liked good entertainment?"
"I'm not joking about this. I really do l-"
     "Then explain it to us." Quincy said. He knew Nick wasn't joking. But he wasn't about to tell him that.
     Great. It was Bryan who was taking it seriously and Quincy who thought he was joking. Quincy thought he was joking. "I figured I'd tell you both first. What with you being her father and you throwing me away for her." Quincy smirked. Bryan clenched his jaw continously. Nick blinked rapidly. "I..."

      It was Lucille's twenty fourth birthday. It was quite the party. Nothing too fancy. Not like the ones she had to attend for work purposes. But it was big. Nina went all out for it. Everyone was in attendance. Lucille had to be everywhere at once. Collecting gifts smiling and making conversation that wasn't the least bit forced. Nina held on to Marvin the entire night.
      Nick had to stay in a corner. Any simple movement caught by Nina ended up with her sending him deathly glares. He couldn't risk being the cause of an argument. Nina is capable of keeping her emotions in check. But one hellish dinner evening proved she was also capable of doing otherwise.
       One look in the right direction, and he spotted Wes talking to Lucille. There was quite the gleam in Wes' eyes. Not that Nick noticed. He felt however, like it must have been quite the conversation. The way the pair of them were. Wes was always half an inch away from touching Lucille only to not. Then there was one other thing. Wes wanted to say something. Lucille waited for a few seconds. When his lips didn't move, she turned on her heels. Nick walked over to Wes' side. They stood side by side like they had the first time they met. They hadn't had a real or any conversation whatsoever since then. But they did acknowledge each other. "You still can't tell her can you?" Nick asked.
      "Neither can you apparently." They were also both aware of the other's feeling for Lucille.
      Geegee grabbed Lucille's arm, pulling her to a corner where Nina was waiting along with Nancy. "So?" Geegee asked eagerly. "Did Wes say anything?" They'd hoped that today, Wes would finally stop pulling a Wes. Lucille still kept the almost kiss to herself.
      She looked up, locking eyes with Nick for a second. A second enough to make her heart beat faster and her hands grow warm. When did that start? "Uhh... No."
       "What?" There goes that hope.
"I told you Geegee. He wouldn't do it." Nina said.
       "But he knows that you know right? I mean it's so obvious." Nancy pointed out.
       "No." Lucille shook her head. "We wouldn't be standing here having this conversation if he did."
       Geegee rubbed her arm. "Maybe he's just waiting."
"For what exactly?" Nina planted her free hand on her free hip. Marvin looked around the hall full of people.
        "I dunno. Maybe later tonight. It's pretty unromantic to ask you out in front of all these people. He's probably thinking... you know, when it's quiet and you two can be alone."
        Lucille smiled brightly. Knowing full well that that wouldn't happen. Even if they were alone. "No. You're thinking it." Nina corrected. "He's not going to say anything."
        "You don't know that for sure."
"We don't even know why he hasn't said anything yet." Nancy chimed in,
        "You noticed." Nick pointed out.
"So did you."
        "Yours is not very hard to miss." Wes smiled. "Congratulations on your fourth consecutive win."
        "Thank you." Wes nodded once.
"So let me guess. One look from her and everything you want to tell her disappears."
        "It's like some sort of spell." They faced each other. "And even if that weren't the case. She's just so-"
       "Next to her it's like you're not worthy. Or I'm not worthy."
"Same here."
       "Wait, why do you feel that way? Cause I understand that I hurt her. I doubt I'm back in her good graces even though I doubt I was ever even in it."
       Wes looked at her, in the midst of her friends and her sister chatting away. "She's the daughter of a billionaire. And I'm nothing. I talk to her sure. But I open my mouth to say what I want to say and-"
       "Nothing comes out." Nick laughed. "Trust me. I get it."
"Look at her. Not only is it her birthday, but it's the grand opening of her very own hotel."
       "Star Light." Nick liked the name. "Makes you wonder what you can do for her doesn't it?"
       Nina stepped to the centre of the hall. "attention everyone."
"Hi. Excuse me." A lady walked up to the two men. They turned to her. "Wes Rangle?"
       "Yes?" She smiled.
"Thank you all for coming to this two for one event." Nina spoke. "Lucille would also love for you all to be her very first guests. At Star Light to night. So please, grab a key from a passing waiter and enjoy your stay at her beautiful hotel tonight. Free. Thank you."
       Nick was sweating, tapping his hands almost violently by his sides. He was losing his composure. Wes assessed him, having pulled his attention away from his new lady friend. "I don't think you're supposed to look that pale. Are you okay?"
      "I'm not actually." Nick walked off after that answer. He'd given his phials and bags to Bart. He found his friend. "Give me." He ordered.
       Bart's forehead creased. Worried. "I thought you were quiting."
"You don't look well man."
       "That's why I want it." He almost yelled. He wasn't handling the withdrawal very well.
       "Nicky." He wanted to say something annoying.
"Don't call me that. Give it."
"Just, hand it over alright. It doesn't matter what I do. Just hand it over." Bart obeyed. Nick snatched the bag violently yet subtly and rushed to the restroom.

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