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     The girls talked about everything and laughed at everything. Buzzed from their drinking and still excited from the dancing. The back of the town car was alive with laughter on the drive back to Lucille's place. "Ok wait. Ok wait." Geegee said while trying to control her laughter. "Julian."
      "What about Julian?" Doris asked.
"Was Nina hurt? When she broke up with him."
      "You mean was Julian hurt?" Lucille questioned, the laughter in her eyes begging to burst.
      "No I mean Nina."
"Then why did you say Julian?" Lucille chuckled. Geegee shrugged, eyes half closed. "You know her. Hurt is anger, anger is sometimes hurt."
      "Not just her. You too." Doris ruffled Lucille's hair.
"Hey!" Tabby called out. "Remember when you both had those songs? How old were you? Eighteen." She answered her own question. "And you and Nina called yourselves Redies?"
      Geegee smiled. "Those were cool songs. For that time."
"Yeah they were." Doris agreed. "It's fun to dance to sometimes. But it's more fun to laugh at."
      "Dancing. I totally forgot to ask." Tabby palmed her forehead. "Why didn't you dance with the guy who came over with his friends?"
      "Good question." Geegee nodded.
"Mmhmm." So did Doris. "And you danced with someone else."
      "I would have. But he sent drinks over."
"So?" They chorused.
      "Soooo. By doing that, he was practically buying a dance with me. But I never drank his bribe booze. So I wasn't obligated to dance with him." The three girls looked at each other. "If he hadn't tried to make sure he got his way like that, then I would have danced with him."
      "You think too much." Geegee stated.
"No I don't. What I did makes perfect sense to me."
      "Who rejects free drinks and dancing?" Doris asked, rubbing her face.
      "Someone who... is me. I have a real answer somewhere. I just don't remember it."
      The girl's laughed. "No you don't." Tabby declared.
"Shut up!" Lucille barked as the car rolled into the driveway. "Oh! And free drinks can be drugged."
      "As I said. Thinking too much."
"I'm sorry I'm careful. I still have fun. So... whatever." She let herself out the car before the driver could come around. "Thank you Mister Sumner." She said to him. He nodded with a smile, holding the door for the others as they stepped out. Thanking him and then changing the subject.
      Ten minutes after they had gone in and settled down in the livingroom, the food Lucille ordered arrived. "Hey! You promised us you'd cook." Tabby reminded her.
      "And I will. Tomorrow." She paid the teenager, maneuvered the door shut with her leg and carried the bags to the kitchen. "Breakfast and if you stay for lunch, then lunch too." She smiled.

        There she was again. He thought, stepping on the break when the light hit red. Like a replay of a movie scene, she led a trolley out to her car. This time, she was followed closely behind by a kid with another trolley. She held out her hand before the kid could touch one of the bags. She must have said something, because, the kid stepped aside and she, just like the first time, gently and swiftly put her grocery bags in the car. She spoke to the boy like he was someone she knew. Only when he heard the horning of the car behind him did he realise the light was green. And even as he drove off, they were still talking.

     Patiently, Lucille worked, waiting for the call that would have her going to Mister A's office. She'd been informed by Mister Atkins an hour after she got to work. She knew what she was supposed to work on with him. And knew it was going to take a lot of time. Except, Mister A, for some reason hadn't sent for her yet and her she was beginning to think it would be postponed. 2:37. She sighed and typed away on her computer. She barely heard the knock before her door was opened. She jolted and stared wide eyed at the open door as Mister A appeared. "We have a  lot to do. Come on."
      She relaxed. Unmoving. "It's almost three."
"I'm aware. I had a meeting." Did he need to explain himself to her?
      How could he just appear and so swiftly destroy the dream of not having to work with him? Not that working with him is a problem. But she had already made peace with the fact that the plans her boss had made had fallen apart and then BAM! He bursts in. Well... No choice. "You could have just sent for me."
     "I was already up here. I needed to talk to my- Mister Atkins." Again with the explanation. Strange. But not think about it for more than an eternity strange. "I might have to keep you later than you're used to. Hope you didn't have plans." He started to leave just as she got up. He heard no reply. He turned back around curious. "Did you?"
      "No I didn't." If planning on reading a book in front of the television counts then that plan was now seriously cut short depending on how long this would take. She picked up the files neatly kept by her computer and followed him. She waved at Suzanne with a smile and followed him into the elevator. Passing the two people already in it, she went to the back left corner and leaned against the wall. Leaving Nick to push the button to his floor.
      On getting to his office, he gestured to the visitors chair in front of his desk before walking to his seat on the other side. Work began. Visible silence between them. talking involved Nick asking questions.
     Four and a half hours later, they were still working. Except their sitting position had changed. Lucille had taken the couch against the left wall and Nick was standing. Sleeves folded, hair tousled and tie slacked. He faced the open window, looking at the papers in his hand.
      The fact that it was night was getting to Lucille. Half her mind on what she could have been doing at home, a bit taunted by a song stuck in her head that she was crying out inside to run home and listen to. She counted the papers in her hand. Great! Even if she was done with them, another pile would be handed to her before Nick even decides to glance at them. She looked at him, he'd turned away from the window darkened by the night. He was so focused on his work. Forehead creased and his jaw clenched. He didn't look as official as he had four hours ago. His suit jacket was hanging over his chair. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before focusing on the papers again. He looked relaxed that night at the club. Hair intentionally tousled unlike tonight, and unlike how smooth and well kept it usually is at work. His girlfriend on his lap. Refusing to sit on a chair even after his friends left. She had glanced round the VIP room one too many times not to notice. And right now, she noticed more. Dare she admit it? When Geegee had asked and Nina had insisted, she said what she knew they wanted to hear. But now... she couldn't help thinking... In all the situations she had seen him. Put together, party mood and unintentionally... If not absent mindedly dishevelled. He is hot. He immediately looked at her and she looked right back at him. It was too automatic a look. Just after she realised what Geegee sees and more.
       Why did it feel like she knew his darkest secrets? An hour and a half ago, it had taken him nearly five minutes in between his work to convince himself she didn't know he had gone to the restroom to do coke. And when he realised it was getting late, she was already looking at him. Creepy coincidence serves as the best explanation. "You can leave now. We can pick up from somewhere else tomorrow. Leave the papers I'll finish up." Eyes back on his papers.
      Yes! Sweet beautiful melody to her ears. Good thing she had control. Cause she could see herself rushing to his desk, dumping the papers and rushing out without a word. She kept a cool pace, and left without a word. In her office to grab a few things, Suzanne had left her instructions from Mister Atkins. Great! And there were meetings and events she had to confirm, reschedule and arrange for him. Looks like Mister Atkins would need her presence tomorrow. But in the meantime, she had a song to go home to.

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