"What I know is that you're a useless woman who isn't fit for the crown! That they're right! You don't deserve any of it!"

She hissed causing Hellen to step back baffled. This was certainly not something that should have been said toward her at this moment.

"You Lannisters, you're all going to die! Every last one of you!"

"Are you from Prince Oberyn! Here under his orders to kill us!"

Tywin's voice roared. The maid just laughed to the point where she started to sob again.

"Take her to the black keep. Make her talk. I want an answer before tonight."

Tywin growled motioning the guards to take her. Hellen stood there watching as the elder woman was dragged away. Her eyes not leaving the woman's body until she was out of her sight.

Tywin sat at the head of the table drumming his fingers against the wood looking at his council. Tyrion his master of coin, Pycelle his Measter, Kevan his Hand, Varys Master of Whispers, and there sat Hellen his future Queen.

"Have we found absolutely nothing other than a letter linking the two of them together?"

Tywin questioned looking at his counsel with a generally displeased expression. Kevan scooted about in his chair before leaning over and looking at Tywin.

"The head maid has confessed to knowing nothing about the letter nor the poison."

"Course not, why would she? After all it's not like she made a direct threat to your family. Saying that you'd all - Gods forbid it - die."

Varys said with an uneasy tone as he looked around the table. Tywin rubbed his finger across his bottom lip and sighed anxiously.

"Well, what do we know?"

Hellen looked down the table. She looked at everyone there on the council. She staid silent as she looked at each of them. Her eyes landing on Tyrion. He too looked at her for a moment.

"Well, we know that someone was correspondents with Prince Oberyn. We know that someone poisoned Tommen. And we know that someone has a pretty nasty grudge against us Lannisters."

Tyrion stated having some nod their head and others look at him. Hellen blinked slowly.

"I think we need to dig into this more. Look and see who was around Tommen Baratheon close to the time he became sick. If someone is trying to kill the Lannisters then we need food tested."

Hellen said slowly and with a strong voice. The last thing she needed was for something to happen to Jaime, Brienne, or even herself for that matter. Everyone else sad to say was at the back of her mind.

"Have testers at every meal. Serve the meals an hour after they're tested. That way if there is a poison then we'll be fully aware."

Tywin ordered reviving head nods from everyone. They all returned the comply in their own manner one way or another. Everyone but Hellen.

"What do we do now?"

Hellen questioned that late evening. Tywin turned around from his chair in front of the fireplace to look at her. The flames dancing shadows upon his skin. He looked at his soon to be Queen. She was young, extremely young, and yet the way she stood made it seem like she had years and years upon her shoulders.

Her hands folded in front of her, back straight, chin tilted ever so slightly. Her blonde hair kept back and growing longer with each passing month. But her eyes never changed. Cold and curious as ever.

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