Chapter 17

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Connor's POV -

Although I know what is going on with Cameron, I manage to relax a little bit and watch some movies with him and Hank. Hank manages to convince me into more than one beer and as he drinks he become more social, asking Cameron question after question about his life. He acts normal but occasionally when Hank isn't looking, he glances over to me and reveals a mischievous grin and winks. It's almost as if I can see Amanda's eyes in his. This is too much.

"I can feel my battery reaching low levels, Hank. May I excuse myself to recharge?" I question.

"God, Connor. You're not a machine. You can say sleep if you waant to." He slurs his words in his jab, making it impossible to take offense to it.

"Can I sleep, Hank?" I ask once more.

"Sure, Con. I'm tired anyway," he gets up in a huff and taps me on the shoulder, "come on, lets go. We'll set a bed for Cameron in your bedroom."

Crap. I really don't want to sleep with Cameron in the room. It's not safe, not safe at all.

"Actually Hank, I was thinking I could sleep out here with Sumo and let Cameron have my bed to himself."

When I say this I can see Cameron stop. Amanda was definitely listening. I don't think she's happy with me.

"Aah.. yeah of course, Con. I know you love Sumo. Come along, Cameron," he wraps his arm around Cameron and pulls him along to my room. As he does, I feel a cold glare at the back of my neck.

Once both Hank have settled down, I begin to make my own bed on the couch. I grab a large, fluffy blanket from the closet and an extra pillow Hank left out from another night. I light the fire to keep me warm and to help me fall asleep.

I walk over to the couch and lay down, pulling up the blanket over me and call Sumo up to me. He lays his heavy, furry body on me and pants happily. I scratch him behind his ear and together we watch and listen to the cracklings fire as he falls asleep. The fire provides a nice comforting glow to the room.

Ironically, as the fire begins to die down, my thoughts and anxiety start to build up. Is Cameron okay? I know he's still here.. that's not him. Is it? What if Amanda reset him? Or is that Amanda? Did I lose my brother?

My thoughts begin to race and race. I feel the room begin to spin and it's as if all my sensors are shutting down. I can't lose my brother, he's the closest thing to actual family I have. He knows about Amanda. Hank doesn't even know that much about Amanda, if anything at all. Now I can't trust him, not at all. What if he's going after me? What if his prime directive is to rid of me? Spiraling and spiraling down the worm hole.

Without even noticing, I've managed to wake up Sumo. He wines and paws at my chest desperate in an attempt to calm me down. As he paws he crawls further up my chest and licks my face, cleaning up the tears I didn't even realize I had. I wrap my arms around him, petting him and calming him. Soon his whines begin to slow to a stop.

Suddenly I'm so tired. My battery wasn't this low a few minutes  ago. These panic attacks are becoming to be too much. I feel like I can't do anything.

Soon, Sumo falls back asleep, his body moving up and down with his heavy breaths. Sumo never fails to make me feel better. I close my eyes, listening and focusing on the heavy breaths of the big dog on top of me. My mind doesn't spiral down into a worm hole anymore.


I'm waken up suddenly by someone shaking and jerking at my shoulders. Before opening my eyes I check the time. 4:48 AM? Who would wake me up now? I open my eyes and my blood runs cold.

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