Chapter 7

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The sunlight coming through the curtains shine directly into my face and wake me up. I turn into bed to avoid the light, expecting Sumo's warm, fluffy body to be next to mine but isn't. I sit up and wonder. 

"Where the hell is he?" I say to myself. I look to the side of my bed but he isn't there, then to the foot of my bed and he isn't there. The hell could he of slept? He always sleeps with me. 

I get up to walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and splash some energy into me with cold water. When I look into the mirror I notice how blood shot my eyes are and how puffy my cheeks are. God, I must of pushed it too far last night cause this is the damn worst hangover I have ever had. Once I finish getting ready I go to the living room and kitchen, expecting Connor to be awake and cooking like he always is. 

I enter the kitchen and am shocked to see that Connor isn't cooking and isn't making any coffee, usually he's done that by now, especially at this time. I look around and wonder where he is and I find him on the couch sleeping with Sumo on top of him, one arm wrapped around him, the other hanging off the side. So that's where Sumo is, the funny thing. 

I look at Connors slightly troubled face and notice his LED is red and his cheek are stained. From tears? That's why Sumo fell asleep with Connor, he's feeling discomfort and stress. But from what? Agh, doesn't matter, he's asleep anyway. I put on the coffee machine and read the paper as I wait. More news about android children and how they are 'Just like the real thing!' Once the coffee finishes brewing I pour myself a cup and move over to the seat next to the couch Connor's on and sit down, drinking the freshly brewed cup. Nothing is better than a fresh cup of coffee the morning of a hangover. 

As I drink I notice Connors LED is not only red, but flashing red and his face looks more troubled. What is going on in his mind? He's also wearing a wet leather jacket and jeans, getting the couch noticeable wet. What happened last night? God damn I wish I didn't drink so much cause something is wrong with Connor and I can't remember. I think really hard and try to remember what's got Connor so troubled. I remember work when he asked about unpleasant emotions, not knowing what to say so I just shrugged it off and ignored it. There was too many people who could hear Connor talk about emotions and all I want to do is protect him from the people who could harm him. Then he disappeared for a while. When he came back he seemed troubled. He began to experience what looked like a panic attack. He wouldn't talk and was shaking. I began to panic and all I could think to do was yell. My god damned temper. 

Then we went to the bar. I watched the game and got really drunk. Most of the rest of the night is a blur. My thoughts are broken as Connor wakes up in a start. He gasps for a second and grips on the material of the couch as if he's trying to stay connected to reality. Once he notices I'm staring, he looks as if he's trying to focus on not panicking. After a few moments of him composing himself, he lets out a quiet and shaky good morning. 

Hearing his voice brings me back to last nice. His freezing body falling into the living room. Sumos panicked barking. Connors fear struck eyes and his LED the brightest red it has ever been. I was so worried for him again, that all I remember is me yelling at him. Then he started to shake and cry. Of course, I made him cry. Fucking aye I need to fix this damn temper of mine. I remember seeing his teary brown eyes looking into mine, yearning for help. The android who usually has the most composure of anyone in the world lost it all last night. I remember holding his almost frozen body in my arms, hearing his sobs. I remember the name Amanda. Who is Amanda?  

I look back over at Connor. He looks defeated and seems to not have an ounce of energy in him. He doesn't seem to be planning on getting up soon. I look at his LED again and instead of it's usual blue hue it's a bright bright red, showing truly how bad he feels. He tries to sit up to get up but gives up half way through, seemingly because he doesn't have any motivation. After giving up he turns onto his stomach and just looks at the fireplace sadly. How could such a confident Android suddenly look so defeated and sad.

I look at the time. 1PM. Work starts in about an hour and I don't have the heart to tell Connor to get up. He hasn't even budged at all after moving onto his stomach. I get up, finally having to leave so I won't be late to work. When I get up he looks at me, his eyes with a pained look. He moves again, knowing he has to get up now. Instead, I put my hand up to make him stop. 

"Stay home Connor, you need it." I hate to see him pushing himself when it's clear that he doesn't have the fight in him to do so. 

"Are you sure Hank?" He asks, already submitting the the comfort of the couch. 

"Of course... take care of yourself today. After last night, you need a break from....everything." 

As he starts to doze off to sleep again, he mumbles a thank you and I exit the house. When I'm outside, I expect to see me car. 

Oh yeah, I left it at the bar. God fucking dammit. 


It was interesting doing this from a different POV! I hope it isn't too bad haha..

Hank is really worried for Connor. Maybe he's thinking of Cole? 

Connor is way too overwhelmed to deal with life currently as well. I have some ideas for the future of this story and I'm excited to execute this. Also the next chapter will be back in Connors POV! I'll specify at the start anyway but might as well say it here as well haha. 

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