Chapter 14

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First of all, we reached 1,000 reads! Thank you guys :) 

Also, if you guys have any ideas for this story let me know! I have ideas I just don't want to do it right away haha. 


There was a meeting today in Jericho with some people from Cyberlife to talk about freedom and rights, so me and Cameron decided to leave, afraid of what they would do to us. Markus lends us some clothes, both long sleeve flannels cause of the cold and cause of our scarred arms. If it weren't for our height and eye color, we would look completely identical. It's weird having a twin. 

"Please, don't be afraid to come back while they're here. Jericho is a big place so I'm sure you can find a way to sneak in," Markus smiles with the offer. Cameron and I glance at each other, thinking the same way. 

"We uh... we'll come back later." Markus nods in response and then bids us farewell one last time before disappearing back into Jericho. Cameron and I both turn to look at each other, unsure what to do next. It snowing, so we can't stay out here. 

"Come on, Cam. Let's try and find a place to go." 


I turn around, seeing the shock on his face, a hint of a smile on the corner of his lips. 

"Yeah. Cam. Your nickname. Cameron is long so I thought Cam would be okay." I feel heat raise to my cheeks. God, that's embarrassing. 

"Oh uh, no. It's actually.. really nice. I like it," his smile raises even further and I feel sorta... warm and fluffy? It feels good to make him happy, especially after seeing how much Amanda effects him. 

"Now come on, Connor. Don't lag behind," he teases. While I was lost in my thoughts he somehow got far ahead of me. 

"Alright, alright I'm coming." I say, laughing in the slightest. 

~~~ (Time skip cause I don't how to transition) 

After a few minutes of fighting, Cam and I made up our mind to meet up with Hank. I'm nervous to see him. It's only been a few days since I left but I didn't leave on a good note. I know he doesn't but I feel like he hates me and doesn't want me around. Thinking about it, I drank almost all his whiskey and broke his mirror before I left. I owe him a lot. 

"Hey, it's okay." Cameron puts his arm on my shoulder, breaking me away from my thoughts. 

"How'd you know I was upset." 

"Your LED. It's red." 

Looking into the reflection of his eyes I see that he's right. It's blaring red and spinning in circles. Does it always go like that when I'm upset? I wonder how many people have noticed before, especially in Jericho. 

"You're not nervous?" I turn to him and analyze his own LED. I don't want to be but I feel defensive. I feel exposed whenever someone mentions my LED.

"Of course I'm nervous.." His LED goes from blue to yellow. 

"How-How'd you do that?" He's obviously nervous but somehow he hid it from his LED. 

"Oh I just... do? I don't know. I tried really hard in the mirror during an episode and it just.. changed? I do it more often than I should." 

Than he should? Wouldn't it be better to hide his emotions? Not even feeling them? 

"You have to teach me how to do that." Before he could protest I head further towards Hank's house. 

30 feet. 

My heart is pounding. My head hurts. Why does this make me feel so nervous? Maybe it's better to see Hank. Maybe I'll feel better. Maybe Amanda will go away. 

20 feet. 

Everything is spinning. My bio components are fighting with themselves. The wind isn't helping either. I feel like I'm going to fall. I feel like I'm going to throw up again. I hear Cam saying something behind me but I can't hear what he's saying. It's like he's miles away from me although I can feel him behind me. 

10 feet. 

I fall onto the ground, the spinning becoming too much for my biocomponents to handle. I'm gagging, feeling like my heart and inner machines are jumping out of my mouth. I can't breath. I can't breath! I don't need to breath but I can't do it! Darkness starts to engulf me. Amanda is engulfing me and my mind again but this time Cameron isn't here to help. I feel like I'm going to shut down. 

"Connor!" I feel a harsh slap across my face. Looking up I see Hank. How the tables have turned. 

"God dammit, Connor. Get your ass up you're gonna freeze out here." Before I can say anything Hank is already pulling me up off the ground. I wince. It hurts being pulled up. Behind him is Cam, it seems that Hank hasn't noticed. His LED is red now and he looks at me, his face full of concern. I hate that look. I hate that he feels bad. 

He follows behind us as Hank is holding me in a cradle. I feel weak and like I want to sleep although my battery level is at 87%. Once we enter the house, Hank has to dance around Sumo he's jumping up on his legs. He's excited to see me I guess, and excited to see a new person as he runs around in circles around Cam's legs. Cam bends down and pets the dog, his stress disappearing slightly. Good, I want him to be happy. Hank lets me down on the couch and turns around to yell at Sumo. When he sees Cameron he jumps and reaches for his gun. 

"Why the hell are you here?! Ain't you got better to do than bother Connor more? You already hurt him enough!" He yells, pointing the gun straight in Cams direction. Cam puts his arms up and jumps back tell he reaches the door behind him. 

"P-Please don't. I didn't do anything." He's not trying to hide it anymore. Tears are falling down his face and his eyes go grey again. His hands are shaking and it looks like he's about to collapse. 

"Let me guess, you're the reason Connor's been so fucked up huh? Why he's started cutting himself?! Huh?!" He starts screaming louder, getting closer to Cam. I fight to speak but nothing comes out. My biocomponents are still trying to catch up to themselves.

"Hank please leave me alone." Cam sinks down to the ground, unable to hold himself up anymore. 

"Hank? Oh no, it isn't Hank for you. You don't deserve to call me anything!" 

Fighting and fighting and fighting to get the words out. I didn't think Hank would get this angry towards Cam. Cam doesn't deserve this. 

"I-I'm sorry Lieutenant." He falls down completely, hugging himself and trembling into himself. Hank only gets closer, the gun only inches away from his head. 

"I won't hesitate to blow your brains out!" Hank gets closer, putting the gun to Cam's head now. Cam stays silent, no longer fighting against Hank. Why isn't he fighting? 

Hank takes the safety off his gun and pushes the gun further into Cam's head. Still nothing. 

Why isn't he fighting?! 

Hank put's his finger on the trigger, his anger rising. Why isn't Cam fighting?! 

"Hank stop!" I find my words and bring myself up, pouncing on Hanks back, making him fall to the ground with a loud thud. Sumo barks at the sudden sound. 

"Why the hell are you protecting him Connor?! He's only out to get you!" 

I get up and glare at him. I'm pissed, so beyond pissed. 

"Don't lay another fucking hand on my brother." 

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