Chapter 16 Dreams

Start from the beginning

"Anthony? What's wrong?" Stephen asked.

"I'm not alone...I don't have to do everything on my own." I said and I felt the two back off as Stephen's hold tightened.

" don't...You have us." Stephen said.

Stephen's Pov:

"What did you do too, Anthony?" T'Challa asked as we walked into the lab.

"You called him Anthony again," Sam said grinning and I also grinned...I feel like Anthony means a lot more than Tony.

"Shut it." T'Challa said as Sam's grin grew.

"Nothing," Shuri said and then I noticed Tony's armor...

"Shuri...What are you doing to Anthony's armor?" I asked.

"Well...He saved Sam...and if his armor had been stronger he wouldn't have gotten as hurt...So...I may be making some vibranium modifications." Shuri said and T'Challa grinned.

" this?" Sam asked holding a metal wing.

"I'm also making you better wings," Shuri said. "I have to protect my boys," Shuri said.

"What about Stephen?" Sam asked.

"He can control time if that doesn't save him I'm sure vibranium won't help," Shuri said and I laughed, then she looked around. "Where is Tony?" Shuri asked.

"He fell asleep," Sam said.

"We got him to bed and his cat is with him," T'Challa said.

"By the way...Why did he name it Yinsen?" Sam asked and I smiled sadly.

"That's the man that changed his whole life," I said and they looked at me.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"He was the man locked away with Stark," Shuri said and I looked at her surprised. "What? I may have looked up a lot about Stark." Shuri said.

"What all did you find?" T'Challa asked and Shuri frowned.

"Well...I feel bad for him now and know why his wings look like that." Shuri said. "He did drugs while he was a teen...That's not pretty and the worst part is what he said to a reporter who asked him why he was doing it...He said he wanted to hurry up and die." Shuri added.

"Fuck," Sam said.

"He seems to be doing better," Okoye said startling me...She's fucking quiet.

"He is," I said.

"Good...Just a warning boys." Okoye said. "If you hurt him." She said then slammed a knife into the table making it go straight through. "I will not hesitate to castrate you." She said and I swallowed.

"On that note let's go check on Anthony," Sam said and Shuri laughed.

"You called him Anthony," T'Challa commented.

"I'm not the one trying to avoid calling him that," Sam said and I laughed as we left the lab.

"You think he's still asleep?" I asked.

"I don't know," T'Challa said.

"Your the one that knows how he sleeps," Sam said.

"Yeah, I know he doesn't," I said and they both frowned.

Tony's Pov:

I shout up now wide awake...I was dreaming about the Universe Jay came from...Fuck! Steve had been a bad guy there as well...Are we following the same path? Yinsen meowed and looked up at me...His yellow and blue eyes looking at me. I groaned and flopped back onto the bed...Wonder where the others went...A small voice whispered they left me because they were tired of me but I just kind of ignored it. I stretched my wings expanding fully and...and not hurting...and...What? The black's looking a bit blueish...Might just be my eyes fucking with me. I hope Peter is ok...

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