Thirty Nine

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"Jordan has been getting weaker instead of stronger. The bloodwork came back clean, and to be quite honest with you, I think Jordan had stopped eating and drinking fluids about four days ago. To put it quite simply, he is trying to starve himself."

Shelly couldn't believe what she was hearing, she thought he had gotten over the bout of depression he had been suffering from earlier. He never really indicated that he was slipping into that again. She knew he was unhappy about his voice, but she thought he understood that his voice would improve with time and with the therapy.

"What happens now?" Donnie asked Dr. Gaynor.

"We have put a central line into Jordan which we will more or less be force feeding him. We will start him up on several IV's and we will be monitoring his mental status as well as his physical improvements. I will have the psych doctor come in once Jordan is better and start to work with him again. I thought he was keeping up on his prozac."

"He took himself off that several weeks ago, when they gave it to him here, he would spit it out once the nurse left. He said he didn't need it." Michelle told the doctor.

"He really is one that needs to be monitored continuously when it comes to medications. I will make sure that he is watched while he is here." Dr. Gaynor wrote notes down in the chart.

Michelle was starting to feel more like a stool pidgeon instead of a friend. She felt like she had betrayed Jordan in some way.

Jon , as usual, had sensed that Shelly was feeling upset about the whole situation and he put his arm around her to comfort her.

"Shelly , you are doing what's right for him, you know, don't you?" Donnie spoke softly.

"I guess so, I just feel so awful. This isn't fair, why can't he just let himself get better, he keeps doing things that are creating more harm than good and it just keeps working against him. He's been lucky up to this point, what if one of these times he were successful? I couldn't think of life without Jordan ." Shelly sobbed.

Jon took Michelle 's chin in his hand. "Shelly , it's not gonna happen. We are all going to make sure of that." He wiped the tears from her cheeks.

They all followed Jordan 's bed as they moved him into the intensive care unit. Jordan never opened his eyes during the whole trip. Once they had everything in place around Jordan in his new room, Shelly moved up to the side of the bed and looked down at Jordan sleeping. He was laying on his side almost curled up into a ball. It almost looked as if he were in a fetal position. Shelly smoothed his hair back.

"Jordan , I don't understand why you're doing this to yourself, there are so many people that love you. We don't care if you're a singer or a truck driver, we want you here with us. Please, you have to fight to survive. I love you and I want you to come back to me, please." Shelly softly pleaded with Jordan hoping that he would hear her.

"That's right, buddy. We all love you. You should know that, you do know that. You have to fight this, you are making a lot of people upset when you do this kind of stuff. How am I going to explain this to your fans?" Jon was choking on the words, he was almost too upset to speak. He knew how bad suicide was, and he felt so sorry that he couldn't help his friend.

"Jordan , you have to pull through this. I am getting tired of coming to this god forsaken place as much as you are getting tired of being here. You have a lot of people that love and need you. Don't be checking out on us yet, you have a lot more to accomplish in this lifetime." Donnie was trying to reason with Jordan and was hoping that he could hear him.

Reluctantly, the three of them left the room without ever having Jordan aknowledging that they were ever there.

The crowd was roaring so loudly, that Michelle 's ears popped. She instinctively put her hands to her ears to try and protect her hearing. She couldn't believe the volume that was coming all the way to the back stage.

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