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Donnie and Jon looked at each other. Jon took the girl's napkin and pen and signed his name quickly. Donnie did the same after Jon . As the girl was leaving, they saw a few more kids heading over to the table. "Man, this could go on all through dinner, Kev. Ya know we shouldn't of signed her stuff." Jon sighed.

Just as the girls were getting closer to their table, they were cut off by the manager of the restaurant. They could hear him tell the girls that they needed to sit down and leave us alone. The girls turned away and went back to their seats.

"Sorry about that," the manager came over to their table and apologized for the intrusion.

"Thanks." Donnie and Jon said together.

Their waitress came and took their orders. Jon told her that it was to be on one check and that Donnie was getting it. Donnie smiled at Jon with a look that said "I'll get even with you later." They spent the time waiting talking like Australians making jokes in an accent. Michelle forgot about how junior high school acting these guys can get to be.

"Eh, look over there, that lady, the one with the blue hair, it's me mum." Jon said in an Aussie accent.

Michelle rolled her eyes while she laughed at Jon . "You guys are too retarded."

"Why thank ye mate." Jon replied. When they got served their food and was part way into the meal, a man appeared and took several quick photos of the group.

"Hey, we're eating, do you mind?" Donnie was visibly angry.

The photographer left the area quickly when the manager escorted him to the door.

"I hate when that happens, I know that we are going to be photographed, but not while we're eating, for crying out loud." Donnie was still peeved about the paparazzi.

When the meal was finished and they were leaving the restaurant, there was a group of photographers across the parking lot. Cameras simultaneously flashed. Donnie , Jon and Shelly focused on getting to the car and getting out of there.

Shelly , Donnie and Jon were relieved when they made it to the hospital elevator. The crowd had grown and there was a lot of screaming when they ran to the hospital doors. As long as Shelly was with them when they got to Jordan 's room, they wouldn't have to stop by the security guard for entry.

When they got off on the fourth floor, they saw that there were five girls standing with the security guard trying to get into Jordan 's room. The girls stared in disbelief as they watched Jon and Donnie walk past them with Michelle . Shelly pointed to her badge around her neck in a discreet manner to clue the guard in on her privileges without having to stop.

They found Jordan sleeping once inside the room. Jon and Donnie quietly found a chair and sat down on one side of the bed so that Shelly could be with Jordan on the other side.

Jordan had the television on so at least they had something to do besides stare at Jordan while he was sleeping. The station was on MTV and by coincidence, they were showing a New Kids video. Shelly watched Jordan on the TV dancing to their new song, Games , which had been released recently. She wondered how long it would be before Jordan was able to perform again, or if he would be able to perform again.

"That was a lot of fun with the fans in the background." Donnie said softly. "Jordan y was so shy around them, I think he was kinda afraid that he would get sucked into the crowd even in a controlled environment where we were filming. Some bad memories take a long time to go away."

Donnie was talking about the time they were on tour in Orlando. Some fans got over excited and Jordan bent over on stage to take some stuff the girls had held up for him. When he reached out, someone grabbed his arm and pulled him into the audience. It didn't take much time for the security to respond and grab Jordan and pull him to safety and back onto the stage. Except for getting a good bruise on his butt, Jordan was okay and a little shaken.

Jordan moaned softly. He opened his eyes and looked at Jon and Donnie sitting beside him. He smiled.

"Hey Jordan , how you feeling?" Donnie asked.

"Sore." was all that Jordan managed to say.

Michelle leaned over and gave Jordan a kiss on the cheek. His skin felt hot. Shelly looked at him closer and noticed his face was flushed.

"Are you warm, Jordan ?" Shelly asked.

"No, cold." Jordan whispered.

Michelle pulled the covers up to get him warmer. This was the answer she was hoping Jordan would have told her, he was shivering and she knew that he was chilled.

"I think I'm gonna call your nurse to come in and take a look at you, I think you may be running a temp." Michelle prayed that her assumptions were wrong.

Shelly pressed the call button and the nurse entered the room almost instantly. She was holding a syringe which meant that she was planning on coming in before Shelly had hit the call button.

"ESP." Jon commented.

"I was coming in to give Jordan his IV meds, the doctor ordered a change in the steroids we were giving him." the nurse stated as she was pushing the medication into the IV line. Was there something Jordan needs?" she looked up at Jordan briefly.

"I thought Jordan looked a little flushed and he feels hot to me. Jordan says he's cold and he was shivering too. Am I being over-concerned or what?" Shelly ran the words together because she was so nervous.

"Okay, when I'm done with his IV I'll come back and check his temperature." the nurse said as she was still pushing the IV. "Jordan are you comfortable as far as pain?" she asked.

Jordan made an attempt to shrug his shoulders. He didn't know if he was comfortable or not, his chest hurt and his stomach. Nothing really changed as far as pain since he had been awake from his coma.

"Would you like something for the pain?" the nurse asked.

Jordan nodded. He didn't like getting pain medication because it made him so sleepy, but everything they had given him so far made him tired anyway.

The nurse left and was back with a thermometer and a syringe for pain medication. She took the thermometer and inserted it into Jordan 's left ear. A beep went off almost instantly. She looked at the reading and reset it and tried it again. The beep went off quickly again.

"What it is?" Shelly wondered.

"It's one hundred four point two." she replied.

Michelle could tell that she was concerned. Jordan was burning up, the fever was much too high which could mean that he was fighting an infection of some type.

She gave Jordan his pain medication through the IV line. No one talked in the room while she was working. When she finished, she left the room.

Jordan stared at the television sleepily. The medication was starting to slowly work. Pretty soon he would be asleep again. He was trying to fight that part of the medicine but was losing the battle. His eyelids were getting heavy.

"That's okay buddy," Jon talked to Jordan . "Go ahead and rest, you need it."

Jordan accepted Jon 's suggestion without question. As he drifted off to sleep he was startled awake by a stabbing pain in his arm. He opened his eyes to find a lab technician beside him drawing more blood.

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