Twenty Nine

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"That's the beauty of it Jordan . They don't care how you look, they just care." Jon replied.

"Hospital gown and all?" Jordan looked at his chest.

"Did you want to put on the clothes you wore in the interview on MTV?" Jon offered.

"No, it would take too long to do that. This will be fine, I am sick afterall. Go ahead and bring them in, I guess." Jordan sighed and turned off the gameboy and laid it on his bedstand.

Jon went back into the lobby area where the twelve girls were standing with Shelly .

"Is everything ok with Jordan ?" Shelly asked Jon .

The girls could hardly contain themselves when Shelly said Jordan 's name.

"Now, girls," Jon said to the crowd, "If you can't control yourselves, we'll call this whole thing off. Jordan agreed to have you guys come in, but when I say we leave, we leave. Don't rush up to his bed or do anything that could hurt him. Are there any questions?"

"He's, like, not still in a coma or something is he?" A girl from the back of the room asked timidly.

Jon and Shelly exchanged glances. Shelly rolled her eyes.

"No, he's awake." Jon looked puzzled as he answered the stupid question. "Anyway, follow me quietly." Jon turned and gestured with his hand for the group to come along. They got to Jordan 's door and Jon softly knocked on it.

"It's open." Jordan said from the other side.

The girls gasped when they heard Jordan 's voice. A couple of girls kept whispering oh my god over and over.

Shelly was at the back of the crowd. Jordan saw the girls enter the room and he tried his best to smile. He felt silly laying in bed greeting a bunch of girls. Jordan looked past the group of girls when he saw Shelly come into the room. His heart skipped a beat. He wanted desperately to talk to her, to tell her how sorry he was for what he had said to her. If he could only take that day back.

Shelly looked at Jordan . He was starting to look much better, stronger. The black circles under his eyes were almost faded and the color of his face looked healthy again. She smiled at Jordan and winked to let him know that everything was okay.

When Jordan saw Michelle smile and wink at him, he knew they would talk after this was done. He turned his attention to the group that had surrounded his bed.

The girls stayed for twenty minutes asking Jordan questions and wanted pictures or autographs. One of the girls did happen to have a camera with her and asked Jordan if she could take a picture of him. Jordan didn't look too thrilled about the prospect of a picture.

Shelly thought Jordan looked really sweet, his hair was messy and he just had a boyish quality to him at that moment. "Go ahead, Jon will take the picture for you."

Jon took the camera and the girl stood next to Jordan 's bed to pose. Jordan decided it would be okay for her to sit on the bed and lean back so that they would be closer together for the picture.

"Comeon, it's okay, jump up here and sit back." Jordan coaxed her.

Jon snapped two pictures for the girl. When she got off the bed, Jon told them it was time for them to leave. All of the girls gave a sigh saying they wanted to stay longer.

"Jordan needs to rest, this has been the most excitement he's had lately and I'm sure it killed him, eh buddy?" Jon winked at Jordan .

Jordan gave Jon a weak smile which meant that he was embarrassed and would get back at him later.

"OKAY. Well, follow me ladies." Jon opened the door and gestured for the girls to go out.

"Jon , I'll take them back out, you can stay here with Jordan , okay? I'll come back in a few minutes." Michelle said to Jon .

"Thanks." Jon held the door for the girls and watched them leave. Most of the girls said thank you to Jon as they walked by him.

Michelle couldn't get them back out to the front lawn quick enough. She wanted to hurry and go back and talk to Jordan . She happened to meet Dr. Gaynor on her way back to the sixth floor.

"Hi Michelle , how are you today?" The Doctor smiled.

"Fine, and you?" Shelly asked.

"Good. Have you been in to see Jordan yet?" Dr. Gaynor questioned.

"Yup, just took twelve girls to his room. Jon and I thought it would boost Jordan 's morale to have some fans come in and see him. I'm sure he's getting tired of being cooped up." Shelly replied.

"That was a good idea. I was thinking about letting Jordan go out for awhile, not be discharged, but be allowed to go out for a ride, go to a park, something along that way. I think it would be an excellent idea for him to get some Florida sun." Dr. Gaynor was getting ready to get off on the fourth floor and held the door as he was talking to Michelle .

"Oh, that would be wonderful. Are you coming up to see him soon?" Shelly asked.

"I'll be there in awhile." 

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