Twenty Eight

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Jordan Knight of the New Kids on the Block is still in Massachusetts General Hospital recovering after an alledged sucide attempt on Wednesday. He has remained hospitalized since a car accident in Florida on June 20th.

"I am so glad that they share everything with everybody. Poor Jordan , now he has this thing hanging over his head." Jon thought outloud.

Shelly came out into the living room and sat on the couch as she towel dried her hair. The music video that was starting was the newest Backstreet Boys. Shelly watched Jordan intently through the video.

"Jon , I hope this nightmare ends soon and things get back to normal." Shelly sighed.

"Me too, Shelly , me too." Jon agreed.

Jon and Shelly separated in the parking lot. She told Jon her plan was to approach the crowd and tell her she was a reporter and wanted to interview some of Jordan Knight 's fans and what they are feeling at the moment. Jon thought that would be a great idea and while she was gathering fans, he would wait in the lounge on the sixth floor. Shelly could bring them there before she took them in Jordan 's room.

Shelly walked up to the front of the crowd. She cleared her throat hoping that she had the voice to be able to be heard when she talked above the music and the talking.

"Excuse me." Shelly paused for effect to see if she got their attention. "Excuse me, but I am a reporter and I would like to interview about ten or twelve fans of Jordan Knight 's. Would anyone be interested in coming with me for about an hour or so?"

Shelly looked into the crowd. Quite a few girls ranging in age from twelve to eighteen came forward.

"I can only take twelve of you at the most. I guess I'll have to pick you guys out." Shelly touched certian ones on the should and told them to stand aside. Once she got her group, she asked them to follow her to the hospital.

"I have the equipment set up inside a room." She lied to the girls.

They followed her to the elevator. None of them seemed to act like obsessed fans, which Shelly was hoping that would carry through when they realized where they were heading.

Before they got to the sixth floor, Shelly decided to mention what they were going to do.

"I think it would be a good idea for you to know that I have one of the Backstreet Boys that will be joining us in the interview." Michelle 's eyes scanned the elevator for the reaction from the girls.

"Who is it?" A few voices piped up.

"I could only get Jon ." Shelly responded and tried to sound appologetic.

"Oh, god, is he really here?" One of the girls from the back asked. "I'll die if he is."

"Please, you guys have to promise to be quiet, remember, we are on a hospital floor and they will kick us out and end this interview in a hurry." Shelly asked the group.

They remained quiet when they got off the elevator. Shelly walked down the hallway to the lounge where Jon would be waiting. He was feeling as nervous as Michelle was about this. As they entered the room, the girls spotted Jon sitting in the corner wearing a Kentucky Wildcats baseball cap. As he stood up to greet the group, the girls rushed him and knocked him over.

"Ladies, please, what did I say about control?" Shelly pleaded with the girls. "If you don't control yourselves, we will have to go back out. Jon is doing us a favor and he doesn't need you people to mob him."

Shelly looked at Jon while the girls backed off. She pulled him off to the side. "I'm starting to wonder if this would be a good idea after all."

"Let's see, we'll gradually tell them about seeing Jordan and see how they are." Jon whispered back to Shelly .

"Okay ladies, just take a seat and we'll get started." Shelly directed the group. Jon sat back down in the corner where he was.

After Shelly asked them about how they feel about Jordan and being hurt, the girls had calmed down. Taking a deep breath, she decided to let them in on why they were on the sixth floor.

"As you probably know from standing outside, Jordan is on this floor." Shelly scanned the group for reactions. A couple of the girls put their hands to their mouths. Jon wasn't helping in the corner, he put his hand to his mouth mocking the girls. Shelly shot a dirty look back at Jon which made the whole group turn and look at him.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Jordan is on this floor. You have probably heard that he is feeling down right now. He is recovering, but it isn't as fast as he would want it."

"Poor Jordan , we love him so much we hate to see him hurting. We heard about what he tried to do to himself, that is so sad. We love him no matter what he can do." One of the girls in the group took it upon herself to be a spokesperson.

"Exactly. I was wondering how you guys would be if you were able to go into Jordan 's room to cheer him up?" Shelly asked.

The girls started getting excited again, bouncing in their seats.

"I could see if we can do that, but you would have to promise to be calm and act like adults, could you do that?" Shelly asked the group.

"Oh yeah, we would behave." The girls responded in unison.

"Jon , could you go and see if Jordan would be up to some visitors?" Shelly asked.

Jon nodded and got up and walked out of the room. The girls watched him walk away, their mouths were dropped open in shock. They couldn't believe that they were so close to Jon .

Jon walked into Jordan 's room and found him in bed watching tv and playing with his gameboy.

"Hey buddy, how ya doing?" Jon asked.

"Fine." Jordan replied and didn't take his eyes off the game he was playing.

"Do you feel up to company?" Jon asked.

"Huh?" Jordan replied still not looking up from his game.

"Shelly is out in the lobby and----"

"She's here, oh I want to see her and tell her I am so sorry." Jordan finally looked up at Jon .

"Well, she's not alone right now, so you would have to wait a bit to talk directly to her." Jon continued.

"Waddya mean?" Jordan was suspicious.

"Well, we took it upon ourselves to gather a small group of your devoted fans and we thought it would be a good idea for them to come in and see you. Jordan , I think it would be good for you to see some of them. I never talked to your doctor about this, I'm going out on a limb here, pal. Please say yes." Jon looked pleadingly at his friend.

"I hate the thought of anyone coming in to see me like this." Jordan said quietly.

Always There(Completed ✅)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora