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The next thing she saw them do made her start to cry. They pulled Jordan 's head back and inserted a breathing tube into his throat.

"Oh, please not this again, she thought. He's supposed to be getting better, not worse."

Once the device was in place and the machine started pumping oxygen into Jordan 's lungs, the color returned to his face and mouth. Most of the medical personnel remained in the room checking the apparatus and Jordan . His nurse came over the Shelly to talk with her.

"Honey, he's stable now," the nurse said as she put her arm around Michelle .

"What's happening to him?" Shelly was shocked.

"We had to put another tube down into his throat to help him breathe. Jordan has developed pneumonia and was unable to breathe and that's what caused his attack. We needed to get oxygen to him quickly and tubing him was the only way to go other than going cutting his throat and putting a tube in there," the nurse knew how important it was to avoid the throat and said something to the medical personnel when they were working on Jordan .

"How long will this have to stay in?" Shelly knew that Jordan would freak when he awoke to find tubes in his mouth.

"Hopefully not too long, they will wait to see how Jordan does when he wakes up and check his lungs. We are going to put a stronger antibiotic in his IV to try to push the pneumonia out. I'll be back in a few minutes." Jordan 's nurse excused herself as she walked out the door.

Michelle walked over to the bed and stroked Jordan 's hair away from his forehead. She hated the hissing sound of the respirator. It almost was as if Jordan was back to where he started and wouldn't get better.

It had been several hours since Jordan had been asleep. Michelle heard Jordan moving in the bed and looked over to see him grab at his mouth at the tubes. His eyes were open and looked wild with fear. He looked at Michelle wanting to talk to her.

"I know, they had to do this because you were suffocating. Now that you're awake, maybe they can take it out for you. Don't try to fight the machine, let it work for you." Michelle said as she hit the nurse call light.

Jordan pJoe ordan ed when he woke up with the tubes in his throat. It was a terrible feeling not to be able to talk, swallow or breathe on your own. He was scared and wondered what was happening to him.

As the nurse entered the room, Michelle did not waste a second informing her that Jordan was awake. The nurse did an about-face and left the room. She was back in a minute with a resident physician and they grabbed gloves and walked on either side of Jordan 's bed. The nurse assisted the physician and told Jordan to relax so they could take the tubes out. She put her hand on his forehead and moved it back so that his chin pointed upwards. The resident wasted no time in taking the tubing and gently pulling it out of Jordan 's mouth.

Michelle watched Jordan 's face as the tubes came out of his throat. Once the tubes were out, the nurse put the green oxygen tube back into Jordan 's nose and then watched to see what the oxygen saturation levels peaked to. If they didn't stay where they should be, they would have to put an oxygen tent around Jordan .

His levels stayed at 94 percent, they weren't the greatest, but they would do for now. The nurse was glad they wouldn't have to do anything more to Jordan at this point.

"Is there anything you need, honey?" the nurse asked Jordan as she was preparing to leave the room.

Jordan opened his mouth to speak, his throat felt weird after having the tubes in his throat. He tried to clear his throat, but was having difficulty in doing so. The nurse walked over to the sink and drew a glass of water for Jordan and came back and had him take a sip.

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