Twenty Six

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Jon knew all of Jordan 's moods, but this was a new one to him. Jordan was rarely a yeller and treated people with respect, he had never seen his brother act so mean and irrational.

"You got a lot of thinking to do, boy, you just ruined something good." Jon said as he turned and left. As he was walking out the door Jordan started yelling.

"I don't need anything from anyone. I will be fine, do you hear me?"

Jon found Michelle sitting on the floor against the wall outside of the room. She was crying so hard her body was shaking.

"What is happening to him, to us?" Shelly looked up at Jon .

Jon sat down on the floor beside her. "I don't know what to say Shelly . I think he realized what he had done and failed and was now embarrassed to think that he couldn't even do that right. I think he knows he hurt people, but he is afraid to reach out. We will have to pray for him to get the strength and grace from God that he needs."

As they sat in the hallway, a nurse walked past them and into Jordan 's room. They were both wondering how Jordan would treat her. When the nurse walked out of the room after a few minutes they stopped her and asked her.

"I'm sorry, I don't discuss patients with people other than family," the nurse replied as she walked away.

"She must of thought we were fans or something." Jon stated. "I'm suprized she don't call security to have us removed.

"Don't look now then." Shelly told Jon as she saw a tall man in a police uniform approach them.

"You are going to have to move." the officer said to Jon and Shelly .

"It's okay, we can be here." Shelly told the man.

"How do you figure that?" The officer questioned.

"We're on the list to enter his room." Jon stated.

"Well then, you are either going to have to enter the room or go to the lobby, let me see your identification." The officer demanded.

Shelly was going to show the officer the green badge around her neck but as she was reaching for it remembered that she threw it at Jordan . She also did not have her driver's license on her as it was in her purse which was still in Jordan 's room.

"Um, I'm on the list, but my ID is in Jordan 's room in my purse." Shelly said to the officer.

"Yeah, sure." The officer didn't believe her.

Jon gave the officer his driver's license. The man looked over his identification and then checked the list.

"Is this true what this girl is saying?" The officer asked Jon as he handed the license back to him.

Jon had a mischevious smile play across his face.

"Jon , tell him." Shelly pleaded, she knew what he was thinking.

"Yes she is cleared to be in there." Jon replied.

"Okay, but you either need to go back into the room or go to the lobby, we can't have people sitting in the hall." The officer turned away.

"Jon , do you think it would be okay for you to go and get my purse out of the room?" Shelly asked.

"Are you scared of Jordan ? I don't think he can hurt you." Jon asked.

"Physically, no, but mentally yes. I don't want to get him riled up again." Shelly said.

"Oh, just go back in and get your purse, you don't need to say anything to him, I'm sure he's sleeping again anyway." Jon replied.

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